3 ECTS credits
90 h study time

Offer 1 with catalog number 1008146CNR for all students in the 1st semester at a (C) Bachelor - specialised level.

1st semester
Enrollment based on exam contract
Grading method
Grading (scale from 0 to 20)
Can retake in second session
Enrollment Requirements
For this course you have to meet certain enrolment requirements. For an overview of the enrolment requirements check https://www.vub.be/en/studying-vub/practical-info-for-students/study-guidance/study-path/individual-study-path#paragraph--id--71647 
Taught in
Faculty of Physical Education and Physiotherapy
Kinesitherapie, Menselijke Fysiologie en Anatomie
Educational team
Steven Provyn (course titular)
Jonathan Tresignie
Jona Van Den Broeck
Activities and contact hours
13 contact hours Lecture
26 contact hours Seminar, Exercises or Practicals
Course Content

HOC: The clinical anatomy course teaches a variety of topics, including the circulatory system (heart, blood vessels, lymphatic system), communication (nervous system, endocrine system), respiratory system, digestive system, excretory system. WPO: The structures seen during the HOC are demonstrated on human specimens and/or plastic models. Students are then allowed to study extensively dissected human specimens themselves.


This study section introduces students to aspects of clinical reasoning. The different models of clinical thinking and typical thinking errors in this regard are discussed. Some principles of clinical epidemiology that are useful in interpreting a diagnosis are provided. Students have to apply these techniques and principles on the basis of some cases. Here, the aim is to use and apply knowledge from basic (medical) sciences in an integrative way to explain and understand symptoms.

Course material
Digital course material (Required) : Compendium Klinische Anatomie aangeleverd via CANVAS, Provyn S., Tresignie J., Canvas
Digital course material (Required) : Powerpointpresentaties + Digitaal cursusmateriaal, Provyn S., Tresignie J., Canvas
Practical course material (Required) : Labojas + handschoenen
Additional info



Learning Outcomes

Clinician C1

- The student has gained knowledge and insights concerning clinically oriented anatomy of the various organ systems and neuroanatomy.
- The student is able to add clinical reasoning to functional anatomical reasoning, in preparation to pathology courses and physiotherapy courses.

clinician C1 and scientist

The student is able to find answers to various questions about clinical anatomy with a critical attitude and with correct wording.


The final grade is composed based on the following categories:
Written Exam determines 75% of the final mark.
PRAC Practical Assignment determines 25% of the final mark.

Within the Written Exam category, the following assignments need to be completed:

  • Schriftelijk examen with a relative weight of 75 which comprises 75% of the final mark.

Within the PRAC Practical Assignment category, the following assignments need to be completed:

  • Schriftelijk examen WPO with a relative weight of 25 which comprises 25% of the final mark.

Additional info regarding evaluation

Written examination: the written examination consists of questions relating to the lecture topics. It is a written examination with multiple choice questions, open questions, fill-in-the-blanks and short answer questions. The grades take into account the extent to which the student demonstrates knowledge and insight into the subject matter with a view to practising the profession of physiotherapist.

WPO: This study component is evaluated by means of a written examination (completing anatomical sketches/drawings and an open question)

Calculation of the final evaluation : The written exam and the Case study lead to 1 final grade. To acquire a credit (10/20) for the entire course, we expect a student to achieve at least 10/20 on both parts. If the student achieves less than 10/20 on any part, the weighted average may be waived as the final grade. If a student achieves 8/20 or less on one of the parts, this lowest mark will become the final mark. If a student achieves 10/20 on a component, a transfer of the component grade to the 2nd term of the same academic year is possible.


Allowed unsatisfactory mark
The supplementary Teaching and Examination Regulations of your faculty stipulate whether an allowed unsatisfactory mark for this programme unit is permitted.

Academic context

This offer is part of the following study plans:
Bachelor of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy: default (only offered in Dutch)
Bachelor of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy: Verkort traject na vooropleiding Bachelor Lichamelijke Opvoeding (& Bewegingswetenschappen) (only offered in Dutch)
Bachelor of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy: Verkort traject na vooropleiding Bachelor Geneeskunde (only offered in Dutch)
Bridging Programme for Master of Science in Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy: Default track (only offered in Dutch)
Preparatory Programme Master of Science in Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy: Default track (only offered in Dutch)