6 ECTS credits
150 h study time

Offer 1 with catalog number 1023777CNR for all students in the 1st semester at a (C) Bachelor - specialised level.

1st semester
Enrollment based on exam contract
Grading method
Grading (scale from 0 to 20)
Can retake in second session
Enrollment Requirements
For this course you have to meet certain enrolment requirements. For an overview of the enrolment requirements check https://www.vub.be/en/studying-vub/practical-info-for-students/study-guidance/study-path/individual-study-path#paragraph--id--71647  Deze regel geldt niet voor studenten die ingeschreven zijn in het voorbereidingsprogramma in de Revalidatiewetenschappen en Kinesitherapie.
Taught in
Faculty of Physical Education and Physiotherapy
Kinesitherapie, Menselijke Fysiologie en Anatomie
Educational team
Filip Van Ginderdeuren (course titular)
Eef Vanderhelst
Bruno Tassignon
Activities and contact hours
42 contact hours Lecture
9 contact hours Seminar, Exercises or Practicals
4 contact hours Independent or External Form of Study
Course Content

Part 1 Pulmonology


A) Pulmonology: Prof. E. Vanderhelst: Semiology of the respiratory tract: symptoms and physical examination; Respiratory pathology: Obstructive pulmonary disease (asthma and COPD), Restrictive pulmonary disease (interstitial lung pathology, pleura pathology and neuromuscular disease) and infections (bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchiectasis and Cystic Fibrosis); Lung function tests: indication and interpretation; Inhalation therapy : indication, medication and use.

B) Respiratory physiotherapy and rehabilitation: prof. F. Van Ginderdeuren: Respiratory pathophysiology; Breathing mechanics; Lung function as a part of respiratory physiotherapy; Patient history, inspection and clinical examination; Secretions evacuating and volume recruiting techniques to enhance mucus transport in cooperative and non-cooperative patients; Functional breathing exercises and thoracic mobilization exercises; Upper airway clearance; Inhalation therapy: correct use of inhalers, optimal deposition of inhaled particles; non-invasive ventilation; respiratory rehabilitation and reconditioning in patients with respiratory disease; to formulate treatment goals and set up based upon the acquired treatment techniques.


Part 2 Fysiopathology and internal medicine ( Prof. B. Tassignon )


Int his part of the course, we aim to give the students a broad overview of the following systems in pathology and internal medicine:  Stomach and intestinal tract, pancreas and peritoneum; Liver and gallbladder; Kidneys and urniary tract; Endocrine organs; Blood and bone marrow and lymphoid organs. To do so, we will discuss fysiopathology and the resulting diseases per system, in order to allow for students to link cellular processes to clinical presentations. The course will be summarized by three "application" lectures where clinical cases will be dicussed.

Course material
Digital course material (Required) : Overzichtslides, Canvas
Digital course material (Required) : Cursus pneumologie, Canvas
Additional info

No additional information.

Learning Outcomes

General competencies



a.     The student has the basic knowledge of respiratory tract semiology

b.     The student has the basic knowledge of respiratory pathophysiology and breathing mechanics

c.     The student has the basic knowledge of the most common respiratory diseases in pediatric and adult patients

d.     The student gains insight in the interpretation of lung function testing and the implementation of the results in a physiotherapy treatment plan

e.     The student is capable of performing a clinical examination in patients with respiratory disease, and formulate specific treatment goals and set up a treatment plan

f.      The student develops the skills needed to carry out different airway clearance and volume recruiting techniques, in ambulatory and hospitalized patients with acute or chronic respiratory disease.

g.     The student develops the skills of carrying out functional breathing exercises and thoracic mobilization exercises.

h.     The student develops the skills of carrying out upper airway clearance in patients with respiratory disease.

i.      The student has the basic knowledge of the indications to start inhalation therapy and develops the skills to instruct a patient in the correct use of inhalers.

j.      The student has the basic knowledge of non-invasive ventilation.

k.     The student has the basic knowledge of the principles of rehabilitation and reconditioning patients with respiratory disease.

To gain insight in the pathology of organ systems. Courses will cover the etiology, pathology and pathogenesis, clinical presentation, therapy and possible role of the physical therapist in these pathologies.


The final grade is composed based on the following categories:
Written Exam determines 66% of the final mark.
Practical Exam determines 34% of the final mark.

Within the Written Exam category, the following assignments need to be completed:

  • Pathofysiol inwendige aandoen with a relative weight of 33 which comprises 33% of the final mark. This is a mid-term test.
  • Pneumologie with a relative weight of 33 which comprises 33% of the final mark. This is a mid-term test.

Within the Practical Exam category, the following assignments need to be completed:

  • Resp. kiné en revalidatie with a relative weight of 34 which comprises 34% of the final mark. This is a mid-term test.

Additional info regarding evaluation

Attendance is mandatory at all WPOs. If the student has been absent, the student may not participate in the exam in the first session and the student will receive a result code of 0/20 in the first session. In case of absence due to overlap with other lessons, groups can be changed for that specific WPO if the student sends an e-mail to the lecturer ( Filip.Van.Ginderdeuren@vub.be) at least 1 week before the start of the WPO. The lecturer gives permission for this. If the student is ill on the day of the WPO, the student must submit a certificate within 5 working days. Otherwise, the student is considered absent for the WPO.

The student must achieve a partial result of 10/20 or more for all components. If not, the weighted average will be deviated from and the lowest partial result will be taken as the exam result. A partial result, with a score of at least 10/20, is automatically transferred to the second examination period.


written examination Prof. Pattyn (internal pathology)

written examination part prof. E. Vanderhelst (Pulmonology)

practical exam prof. F. Van Ginderdeuren( Respiratory physiotherapy and rehabilitation)

Part 1 ( Pulmonology) and part 2 (Respiratory physiotherapy and rehabilitation ) are respectively marked on 33% and 34% of the total mark Part 3 ( Internal pathology ) is marked on 33% of the total mark.. In case of a mark equal to or less than 7/20 for one part, that mark will be the total score. There is transfer of marks to the second examination period if at least 10/20 has been obtained.

Allowed unsatisfactory mark
The supplementary Teaching and Examination Regulations of your faculty stipulate whether an allowed unsatisfactory mark for this programme unit is permitted.

Academic context

This offer is part of the following study plans:
Bachelor of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy: default (only offered in Dutch)
Bachelor of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy: Verkort traject na vooropleiding Bachelor Lichamelijke Opvoeding (& Bewegingswetenschappen) (only offered in Dutch)
Bachelor of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy: Verkort traject na vooropleiding Bachelor Geneeskunde (only offered in Dutch)
Bridging Programme for Master of Science in Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy: Default track (only offered in Dutch)
Preparatory Programme Master of Science in Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy: Default track (only offered in Dutch)