3 ECTS credits
90 h study time
Offer 2 with catalog number 1001012BER for all students in the 1st semester
a (B) Bachelor - advanced level.
- Semester
- 1st semester
- Enrollment based on exam contract
- Possible
- Grading method
- Grading (scale from 0 to 20)
- Can retake in second session
- Yes
- Taught in
- Dutch
- Faculty
- Faculty of Law and Criminology
- Department
- Criminology
- Educational team
- Pieter Leloup
(course titular)
- Activities and contact hours
- 26 contact hours Lecture
60 contact hours Independent or External Form of Study
- Course Content
Theory lessons :
- The history of private security, investigating and justice in Belgium.
- Private military security.
- Security management.
- Legal framework.
- Employee crime and private-public partnerships.
- Course material
- Handbook (Required) : Thema wetboek Private veiligheid, Burgelman - Cools - Lemaître, 8de, Larcier, 2022
Handbook (Recommended) : Nieuwe Sporen, COOLS, M., HAELTERMAN, H., Kluwer Editorial, Diegem, 1998
Handbook (Recommended) : De andere rechtsorde. Demonopolisering van fraude-onderzoek., COOLS, M., PONSAERS, P, VERHAGE, A., HOOGENBOOM, B., Politeia, Brussel, 2004
Handbook (Recommended) : Politie en privébewaking. Samen sterk., Faire face ensemble: la collaboration entre police et gardiennage privé, COOLS, M., VERBEIREN, K., Politeia, Brussel, 2004
Course text (Recommended) : Gustave de Molinari: à la recherche des fondements de la sécurité privée., Les Cahiers de la Sécurité 21 (p. 128-134), COOLS, M., 2012
Course text (Recommended) : Facts and Figures, CoESS, 2013
Course text (Recommended) : Actuele ontwikkelingen inzake EU-justitiebeleid, cannabisbeleid, misdaad en straf, jongeren en jeugdzorg, internationale vrede, veiligheid en gerechtigheid, gewelddadig extremisme & private veiligheid en zelfregulering, Update in de criminologie 7, COOLS, M.; Private veiligheid in België, een parlementair en regeringsinitiatief ter voorbereiding van een nieuw wettelijk kader; p.394-415, PAUWELS, L. & VERMEULEN, G., Maklu, Antwerpen, 2014
Handbook (Recommended) : Larcier themawetboeken: private veiligheid, BURGELMAN, L., COOLS, M., LEMAÎTRE, A., Larcier, Brussel, 2015
Course text (Recommended) : Cahiers politiestudies 36, Het outsourcen van politietaken naar de private veiligheid in een stroomversnelling? (p. 33-46), COOLS, M., DE RAEDT, E., Maklu, Antwerpen, 2015
Course text (Recommended) : Les Cahiers de la Sécurité 34, Les services de sécurité privée en Europe: faits et chiffres (p.104-116), COOLS, M., OLSCHOK, H., PASHLEY, V., VAN DORMAEL, D., 2016
Course text (Recommended) : Cahiers politiestudies 41, Slachtofferschap van ondernemingen: wat leren de cijfers? (p. 169-177), COOLS, M., Maklu, Antwerpen
Handbook (Recommended) : Werknemerscriminaliteit, COOLS, M., VUBPRESS, Brussel, 1994
Course text (Recommended) : White Papers, CoESS
Handbook (Recommended) : Security Consultancy, COOLS, M., HAELTERMAN, H., Kluwer Editorial, Diegem, 1999
- Additional info
Digital lectures will be available for working students. More information will be communicated via the course unit platform in Canvas.
- Learning Outcomes
General competencies
- To enable students to acquire a due insight into the criminological 'setting' of private security, investigation and justice.
- To teach students the principles of security management.
- Grading
The final grade is composed based on the following categories:
Oral Exam determines 100% of the final mark.
Within the Oral Exam category, the following assignments need to be completed:
- Examen Mondeling
with a relative weight of 100
which comprises 100% of the final mark.
- Additional info regarding evaluation
- Theory: assessing students' acquired insight and understanding.
- Practical: critical discussion concerning a subject of the course.
- Allowed unsatisfactory mark
- The supplementary Teaching and Examination Regulations of your faculty stipulate whether an allowed unsatisfactory mark for this programme unit is permitted.
Academic context
This offer is part of the following study plans:
Bachelor of Criminology: Standaard traject (only offered in Dutch)
Bachelor of Criminology: Verkort traject (only offered in Dutch)