6 ECTS credits
180 h study time
Offer 2 with catalog number 1006155ANR for all students in the 1st semester at a (A) Bachelor - preliminary level.
HOC: In this course component, developments in psychological processes throughout the lifespan from conception to adulthood are studied. First, developmental psychology is situated in a historical framework. In all these themes, the interactive role of heredity and environmental influences is always discussed. The empirical nature of current scientific developmental psychology is emphasized by discussing empirical findings on the topics. When dealing with these empirical results, regular attention is paid to the research methodology used; this with the aim of developing a critical view of scientific findings.
WPO: In the practical workshops, students learn how to map out (certain phases of) child development using a selection of (diagnostic) instruments. Then, students are expected to independently administer, process, and interpret a number of diagnostic instruments in the field, and write a report on their findings. In addition, emphasis is also placed on reflection. Through reflection sessions in small groups (WPO reflection and portfolio -RP), students systematically analyze their competency-based skills, learning growth, and experiences with professional practice. They succeed in integrating offered frameworks into their own reflection. The sessions are structured according to the GROWS framework.
HOC: no mandatory presence, WPO: mandatory presence
- The student can explain the different developmental stages.
- The student can explain the developmental psychological theories provided (e.g., Piaget, Erikson, Marcia, etc.).
- The student can recognize the different developmental stages in examples.
- The student can relate development in various life areas (social, physical, cognitive, emotional) to each other.
- The student can independently recognize behavior patterns in children based on cognitive development theory (Piaget) in video clips.
- The student can, in collaboration with other students and with prior instruction, conduct an adequate developmental history interview in a realistic setting.
- The student can, in collaboration with other students and with prior instruction, correctly and concisely (in writing) report on a developmental history interview.
- The student can, in collaboration with other students and with prior instruction, establish professional contact with parents and their children in a realistic setting.
- The student can reflect on their own functioning in interaction with parents and children, together with other students.
The final grade is composed based on the following categories:
Written Exam determines 80% of the final mark.
Practical Exam determines 20% of the final mark.
Within the Written Exam category, the following assignments need to be completed:
Within the Practical Exam category, the following assignments need to be completed:
The exam consists of a theoretical part and a practical part, with mandatory participation in all components to receive a final grade. If the student fails to meet the deadlines for submitting assignments, this will result in an "absent" grade for the practical part as well as an "absent" final grade. If the student does not participate in the exam, this will result in an "absent" grade for the theoretical part as well as an "absent" final grade.
If the student fails one or both components, the lowest partial grade (always rounded down) will be assigned as the final grade. Partial grades can be carried over to the second exam session. Only the partial grade for the WPO can be carried over to the next academic year.
The multiple-choice exam will be graded using positive scoring with a higher passing threshold. Points will not be deducted for incorrect answers. However, any points gained by guessing will be adjusted by raising the passing threshold (i.e., the cut-off score). The exact threshold for passing and the conversion table will be communicated in advance on Canvas and in the exam instructions. The exam strategy under this method is straightforward: do your best on the entire exam, guess to the best of your ability on questions you don't fully know, without worrying about point deductions.
This offer is part of the following study plans:
Bachelor of Psychology: Profile Profile Work and Organisational Psychology (only offered in Dutch)
Bachelor of Psychology: Initial track (only offered in Dutch)
Bachelor of Psychology: Profile Profile Clinical psychology (only offered in Dutch)
Bachelor of Psychology: Profile Profile Clinical Psychology (only offered in Dutch)
Bachelor of Adult Education: Profile Social Studies (only offered in Dutch)
Bachelor of Adult Education: Profile Cultural Studies (only offered in Dutch)
Bachelor of Adult Education: Initial track (only offered in Dutch)
Bachelor of Political Science and Sociology: - afstudeerrichting sociologie, minor onderwijs (only offered in Dutch)
Bachelor of Artificial Intelligence: Default track (only offered in Dutch)
Master of Teaching in Behavioural Sciences: agogische wetenschappen (120 ECTS, Etterbeek) (only offered in Dutch)
Master of Teaching in Social Sciences: communicatiewetenschappen (90 ECTS, Etterbeek) (only offered in Dutch)
Master of Teaching in Social Sciences: politieke wetenschappen en sociologie (90 ECTS, Etterbeek) (only offered in Dutch)
Master of Teaching in Social Sciences: criminologische wetenschappen (90 ECTS, Etterbeek) (only offered in Dutch)
Bridging Programme Master of Science in Psychology: Profile Profile Clinical Psychology (only offered in Dutch)
Bridging Programme Master of Teaching in Behavioural Sciences: Psychology (only offered in Dutch)
Schakelprogramma Master of Science in het basisonderwijs: Standaard traject (only offered in Dutch)
Preparatory Programme Master of Science in Educational Sciences: Standaard traject (only offered in Dutch)
Preparatory Programme Master of Science in Psychology: Profile Profile Clinical Psychology (only offered in Dutch)