3 ECTS credits
90 h study time
Offer 2 with catalog number 1006910BER for all students in the 1st semester at a (B) Bachelor - advanced level.
First, the historical and contemporary developments of the welfare state are addressed (cf. the context in which welfare interventions take shape).
Next, pivotal policy developments and options are discussed and the 'social map' of welfare work is explained.
Moreover, several contemporary issues are discussed that are relevant from the welfare-criminology nexus, such as poverty, globalization, diversity and discrimination (themes vary annually, depending on current events).
Finally, the course addresses knowledge construction and communication in the context of welfare work. For example, this includes the expected professionalism (e.g., professional secrecy) and some important skills regarding person-centered interventions (e.g., active listening, reporting).
Some lectures proceed in an interactive fashion (case discussions, discussions, read-in assignments, film, etc.).
For working students, the recordings of the lectures will be available digitally and several online contact moments will be organized in the evening.
Further details will be published on the course page on Canvas.
For additional information, contact the professor via olga.petintseva@vub.be.
Knowledge and insight
The final grade is composed based on the following categories:
Written Exam determines 100% of the final mark.
Within the Written Exam category, the following assignments need to be completed:
Open book exam, for which students may use slides and their notes.
This offer is part of the following study plans:
Bachelor of Psychology: Profile Profile Work and Organisational Psychology (only offered in Dutch)
Bachelor of Psychology: Profile Profile Clinical psychology (only offered in Dutch)
Bachelor of Criminology: Standaard traject (only offered in Dutch)
Bachelor of Criminology: Verkort traject (only offered in Dutch)
Master of Adult Education: Profile Cultural Studies (only offered in Dutch)
Master of Adult Education: Profile Social Studies (only offered in Dutch)
Master of Teaching in Behavioural Sciences: agogische wetenschappen (120 ECTS, Etterbeek) (only offered in Dutch)
Bridging Programme Master of Arts in Gender and Diversity: Standaard traject (only offered in Dutch)