5 ECTS credits
145 h study time
Offer 1 with catalog number 1008048ANR for all students in the 1st semester at a (A) Bachelor - preliminary level.
Part: Wiskundige technieken (Mathematical Techniques) (A. Debrouwere)
Logic and methods of proof; vector calculus in two and three dimensions ; the dot product and orthogonality ; the cross product, area and volume. Complex numbers. Functions of several variables, vector valued functions and vector fields, and their geometric meaning. Computing partial derivatives ; differential operators (gradient, divergence and curl). Integration of elementary differential equations : separable equations of first order, and equations of second order with constant coefficients.
Part: Meten en experimenteren (Measuring and Experimenting) (H. Ottevaere)
The lectures address error analysis and metrology. Both topics are treated at an introductory level. Emphasis is placed on practical applications in the different disciplines of engineering.
The first topic deals with the analysis of experimental data, regardless the methods or instruments by which they were obtained. Included are : (1) estimation of the accuracy of both direct and indirect measurements, (2) a statistical treatment of random errors in direct and indirect measurements, and (3) curve fitting. Examples from various disciplines are presented.
The second topic, metrology, covers a brief introduction to physical quantities, dimensional analysis, units and orders of magnitudes. General measurement methods, basic instruments, and a variety of sensors will be discussed.
Practical experience is gained during a hands-on laboratory course.
At the start of the practical work also an introductory lession is given on electricity-related risks when working in a lab (AREI requirement).
Part: Communiceren, rapporteren, presenteren (Communication, written report, oral presentation) (T. Hauffman)
The course consists of 4h lecturing, where the basics of written and oral communication techniques are explained: (1) written: structure and content of a report, (2) oral: structure and content of a presentation, slides, basic presentation techniques. In 12h WPO, the students are instructed to perform independently a reading exercise of scientific-technical papers, followed by a presentation. Writing reports is trained in the part “Meten en experimenteren”.
An unauthorized absence during 25 % or more of the training sessions for each WPO part will result in an exam score 0/20 for that part.
Part: Wiskundige technieken (Mathematical Techniques) (A. Debrouwere)
S. Caenepeel, Ingenieursvaardigheden: Wiskundige Technieken, VUB-Uitgaven 130.
Part: Meten en experimenteren (Measuring and Experimenting) (H. Ottevaere)
H. Ottevaere, Meten en experimenteren, VUB-Uitgaven 741.
The PowerPoint presentations supporting the HOC as well as the notes for the laboratories.
Part: Communiceren, rapporteren, presenteren (Communication, written report, oral presentation) (T. Hauffman)
The PowerPoint presentations supporting the HOC.
Part: Wiskundige technieken (Mathematical Techniques) (A. Debrouwere)
A first contact with some Mathematical notions that are not covered by the Secondary School programs, but that are frequently used in other first year courses, like Physics and Mechanics. Some elementary computational tools are discussed; a more profound treatment will be given in the courses "Algebra" and "Analysis".
Part: Meten en experimenteren (Measuring and experimenting) (H. Ottevaere)
This course helps engineering students to build up experimental research skills. This includes judiciously planning and performing an experiment, correctly analyzing the data, drawing and reporting the conclusions in a proper scientific way. Hands-on experience with basic instruments will be gained in the accompanying laboratory course. During these lab modules students will be able to apply the theory on 8 different modules, each representing a different training track in the faculty of Engineering Sciences. A study guide, which covers both the lectures and the laboratory work, will help the student to achieve these objectives. The study guide also fulfills the need for self-training and self-evaluation.
Part: Communiceren, rapporteren, presenteren (Communication, written report, oral presentation) (T. Hauffman)
The purpose of this part of the course is to impart the students the skills of written and oral communication. It serves as a guide for future reports and presentations.
These competences of this introductory course therefore agree with the Dublin descriptors of a bachelor education, namely the acquisition of knowledge and understanding building upon and superseding general secondary education, ability to apply this knowledge and understanding, development of the ability to gather and interpret relevant data, to communicate scientific information, and the development of learning skill, on basic level.
This course contributes to the following programme outcomes of the Bachelor in Engineering Sciences:
The Bachelor in Engineering Sciences has a broad fundamental knowledge and understanding of
1. scientific principles and methodology of exact sciences with the specificity of their application to engineering;
2. engineering principles and the ability to apply them to analyse key engineering processes and to investigate new and emerging technologies;
The Bachelor in Engineering Sciences can
6. monitor, interpret and apply the results of analysis and modelling in order to bring about continuous improvement;
11. present and defend results in a scientifically sound way, using contemporary communication tools;
12. reason in a logical, abstract and critical way;
14. work in team, shows creativity and entrepreneurship, and has intellectual mobility.
The Bachelor in Engineering Sciences has
17. a critical attitude towards one’s own results and those of others;
The final grade is composed based on the following categories:
Written Exam determines 17% of the final mark.
Other Exam determines 66% of the final mark.
PRAC Presentation determines 17% of the final mark.
Within the Written Exam category, the following assignments need to be completed:
Within the Other Exam category, the following assignments need to be completed:
Within the PRAC Presentation category, the following assignments need to be completed:
Part: Wiskundige technieken (Mathematical Techniques) (A. Debrouwere)
The students should master the computational tools that were introduced.
7th week: Quiz.
2nd session : written exam
Part: Meten en experimenteren (Measuring and Experimenting) (H. Ottevaere)
1st session :
- written exam error analysis and metrology (closed book) : 50 %
- evaluation laboratory work : 50 %
2nd session :
- written exam error analysis and metrology (closed book) : 50 %
- evaluation laboratory work : 50 % is taken from first session
Part: Communiceren, rapporteren, presenteren (Communication, written report, oral presentation) (T. Hauffman)
Assessment is based on the presentation (100%) of the scientific-technical topic during the evaluation session in week 7.
2nd session: idem
In order to pass the CRP part, all students must pass a compulsory language test during the WPOs for this subject. Participation in the WPO is also mandatory. Students receiving <60% should contact ACTO and follow the suggested remediation process.
The final score for Ingenieursvaardigheden is calculated as follows :
Deel : Wiskundige technieken (A. Debrouwere) : 1/6
Deel: Meten en experimenteren (H. Ottevaere) : 4/6
Deel: Communiceren, rapporteren, presenteren (T. Hauffman) : 1/6
An unauthorized absence during 25 % or more of the training sessions for each WPO part will result in an exam score 0/20 for that part. Prior to the start of the practical work of Measuring and Experimenting, each student needs to have followed the special session on electricity-related risks and needs to have passed for this session.
Achieving a final score for the course means that one participates in all the three sub-parts. Not participating in one of the sub-parts means that one is absent for the entire exam. A student can only pass for Engineering Skills in case he/she has achieved at least 8/20 on each of the 2 partial tests of Measuring and Experimenting (theory and labs). If this is not met, then the maximum final mark that can be obtained for Engineering Skills is 8/20.
This course offer isn't part of a fixed set of graduation requirements. Hence, it is a free elective.