6 ECTS credits
160 u studietijd
Aanbieding 1 met studiegidsnummer 4009572ENR voor alle studenten in het 2e semester van een even academiejaar (bvb. 2012-2013) met een verdiepend master niveau.
Regenerative medicine is based on classical developmental and stem cell biology. Although much of modern applied stem cell research like phenotypic plasticity still is a matter of intense debate, its potential clinical usefulness is out of question. However, the tremendous speed at which this practice evolves requires serious caution. An anti-climax as was experienced past decade following the hype of gene therapy should be avoided. Therefore none of the preparative phases can be omitted and scrupulous knowledge of the basic principles behind cell differentiation and tissue regeneration is key before one can even start thinking about entering the clinic.
The class "Adult Stem Cells" is taught in English.
Presence during the course is obliged.
The class is problem-oriented with an emphasis on recent research from the teacher's own laboratories. Therefore, the topics discussed in this course reflect the current research interests from the different teachers:
Harry Heimberg (20H)
1) An introduction on adult stem cells.
Do adult stem cells exist? If so, why study them? And how to track adult stem cells? How to isolate and study them? Definition and models.
Some obvious and some less obvious examples.
2) Adult stem cells in bone marrow, brain, muscle, intestine and skin.
Up-to-date data on adult stem cells in different tisseus and organs.
3) Adult stem cells and pancreas.
Do pancreatic duct- or/and acinar cells have progenitor capacity?
Do resident stem/progenitor cells exist in adult pancreas?
Do bone marrow-derived cells contribute to endocrine regeneration in adult pancreas?
Seminal papers are presentated by the students followed by discussion.
Luc Bouwens (10H):
Models and mechanisms of tissue regeneration
Recognizing tissue stem cells
Transdifferentiation in pancreatic tissue
Not applicable
- Students should become familiar with the "adult stem cell" concept and learn how to approach the adult stem cell using rigid definitions.
- Students should be able to critically evaluate and interpret research design and -results (scientific papers) on the existence and (possible) functions of adult stem cells under healthy and pathological conditions, by examining the research problem, rationale, methodology, results and interpretation.
- Students will be stimulated to participate in scientific discussions on the above mentioned scientific issues.
- Students need to be able to present seminal research papers followed by scientific discussion.
De beoordeling bestaat uit volgende opdrachtcategorieën:
Examen Schriftelijk bepaalt 100% van het eindcijfer
Binnen de categorie Examen Schriftelijk dient men volgende opdrachten af te werken:
Written exam (open questions). Presentation and discussion of scientific papers.
Final score = 75% HOC + 25% paper presentation and discussion
Deze aanbieding maakt deel uit van de volgende studieplannen:
Master in de biomedische wetenschappen: biomedisch onderzoek
Master in de biomedische wetenschappen: management en bedrijfsleven
Master in de biomedische wetenschappen: klinische biomedische wetenschappen
Master in de biologie: moleculaire en cellulaire biowetenschappen
Master in de biologie: onderwijs
Master of Biology: Molecular and Cellular Life sciences (enkel aangeboden in het Engels)
Master of Biomedical Research: Standaard traject (enkel aangeboden in het Engels)
Educatieve master in de wetenschappen en technologie: biologie (120 ECTS, Etterbeek)
Educatieve master in de gezondheidswetenschappen: standaard traject (120 ECTS, Etterbeek)