15 ECTS credits
410 h study time
Offer 1 with catalog number 6014468FNR for all students in the 1st and 2nd semester at a (F) Master - specialised level.
The ASO completes the ABC questionnaire after each internship period.
Problem solving ability
Content OLA “Case Discussion”:
During these sessions, the practical cases are presented and discussed in a team, possibly interdisciplinary. Attention will be paid to cardiological urges, to diagnostic problems, to risk stratification, to cost-benefit analysis. The topics that will be discussed are those from the internships and relate to the attainment targets as defined under "medicus" level 3. The ASO must also function with increasing independence and complexity based on a scientific basis.
2. Content OLA “Patient care and medical-technical skills”:
ASO is given the opportunity to practice a wide range of fields within the specialism during its training. During these internships, ASO acquires specific knowledge and skills with increasing complexity and applies them in practice with increasing independence.
The following internships are preferably completed:
- cardiology clinic
- cardiological outpatient clinic
cardiac monitoring, cardiac emergencies and resuscitation
non-invasive imaging (echocardiography, cardiac CT)
-stress testing (firstly ergometry)
cardiac catheterization
arrhythmias and pacemaker clinic
Optional internships during the higher cardiology course
-cardiac rehabilitation & cardiovascular prevention
heart failure clinic
-clinical electrophysiology
-nuclear cardiology (isotopes, PET)
-MRI of the heart
-congenital disorders in adults (GUCH)
-vascular medicine
Overview of knowledge, skills and attitudes
The three levels of functioning (skills)
1. Clinical skills. Level C.
a. Taking a systematic history in a cardiovascular patient
b. Conducting a full clinical trial on a cardiovascular patient. This includes accurate reporting of cardiac aus culture.
c. Mapping of non-cardiovascular pathology with emphasis on diabetes, renal failure and thyroid disease
d. To gauge the psycho-social context of the cardiovascular patient
2. Electrocardiography. Level C.
a. Knowledge of the principles of electrocardiography
b. Thorough knowledge and interpretation of the normal and abnormal electrocardiogram.
c. Knowledge of Holter & telemetry
d. Thorough knowledge of exercise electrocardiography.
3. Non-invasive imaging
-Interpretation of images and protocols
-Accurate knowledge of the exposure to ionizing rays and the radiation dose
-Choice of the most adapted imaging in the individual patient
a. Echocardiography (transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiography): level C
b. Stress echocardiography: level A
c. Nuclear techniques: level A
d. Cardiac CT: Level A.
e. Cardiac MRI: Level A
4. Cardiac catheterization
a. Knowledge of the side effects of the contrast substances and their prevention
b. Arterial puncture: level C.
c. Care of an arterial catheter, care and monitoring of the puncture site after the procedure
d. Right heart catheterization: level C.
e. Left heart catheterization and coronarography: level B.
Skills: interpretation of pressure curves, flow measurements, resistance measurements and coronary angiograms
f. Percutaneous therapeutic interventions on the coronaries, heart valves and vessels, implantation of intracardiac devices (occluder devices, heart valves ...): level A
5. Cardiovascular genetics
a. Knowledge and insight into the most common genetically transmitted cardiovascular diseases
b. Knowledge about genetic and molecular aspects of atherosclerosis, heart failure and arrhythmias in the perspective of individualized therapy
6. Clinical Pharmacology
a. Knowledge and policy skills in administering cardiovascular drugs in accordance with applicable guidelines
b. Thorough knowledge of the pharmacology of and antiaggregants and anticoagulants, thrombolytics, ACE-I, ARBs, aldosterone antagonists, beta AR antagonists, calcium antagonists, antiarrhythmics, sinus node inhibitors, diuretics, lipid-lowering medications, nitrates, vasodilotators, digitalis, cardiotoxins newer
cardiovascular medications
c. Knowledge about the interaction of cardiovascular medications
Scientific literature
a. Knowledge, understanding and interpretation of clinical cardiovascular studies, including biostatistical aspects
b. Knowledge of the applicable guidelines and of “Evidence Based Medicine”
8. Cardiovascular prevention and risk stratification
a. Thorough knowledge and policy skills in primary and secondary cardiovascular prevention
b. Actively contributing to global initiatives to reduce cardiovascular disease
VLIR - Major Subject Cardiology - May 2008
c. Raise awareness among patients and the public about the importance of cardiovascular prevention
d. Emphasize lifestyle improvement for the prevention of atherosclerosis
9. Arterial hypertension
a. Knowledge about the pathogenesis of primary and secondary hypertension
b. Diagnosis and treatment of the arterial hypertension spectrum in accordance with applicable guidelines
c. Detection and treatment of organ damage by arterial hypertension
10. Diabetes and the heart
a. Prevention of diabetes mellitus and of increased insulin resistance (metabolic syndrome)
b. Diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular complications of diabetes mellitus
c. Experience with a multidisciplinary approach to diabetes patients
11. Acute coronary syndromes
a. Knowledge of the pathogenesis of the ACS.
b. Thorough knowledge and policy skills of the diagnosis and treatment of the ACS in accordance with applicable guidelines. This concerns the STEMI, the NSTEMI and the unstable angor pectoris
c. The following policy skills are assumed:
-prehospital approach to a patient with acute thoracic pain,
-diagnosis, and early pharmacotherapy of the ACS
-reperfusion strategy: administration of fibrinolysis, referral for primary PTCA
-diagnosis and care of the cardiovascular complications of the ACS and of the reperfusion treatments
-finding and treating heart failure and residual coronary ischaemia.
risk stratification, follow-up and treatment of patients after ACS
12. Chronic ischemic heart disease
a. Knowledge of the pathogenesis of chronic ischemic heart disease
b. Evaluation, guidance and treatment of coronary patients in accordance with applicable guidelines
13. Primary cardiomyopathies
a. Knowledge of the pathogenesis of primary cardiomyopathies
b. Diagnosis, risk stratification and treatment of restrictive, hypertrophic and dilated cardiomyopathies
c. Knowledge of the genetic determination of certain cardiomyopathies, in storage diseases, in toxic cardiac
d. Collaboration with genetically trained colleagues for guidance and advice to patients and their families
14. Pericardial disorders
a. Diagnosis, evaluation and treatment of fibrinous, exudative and constrictive pericarditis.
b. Performing a diagnostic and evacuating pericardial puncture. Level B
15. Cardiac tumors
a. Diagnosis and evaluation of primary and secondary tumors of the heart
16. Congenital heart disease in children and adults
a. Recognize simple, complex and postoperative congenital heart disease in prospect of referral to a reference center
b. Monitoring simple congenital heart disease (ASD, VSD, aortic valve disease, pulmonary valve) in collaboration with a reference center
17. Pregnancy and heart disease
a. Knowledge of the hemodynamic changes and of the echocardiographic findings in pregnant women
b. Knowledge of the use of cardiovascular medication in pregnant women
c. Counseling and counseling of women with heart disease related to pregnancy
d. Pregnancy support for a woman with heart disease in collaboration with a reference center
18. Disorders of the heart valves
a. Knowledge of the pathogenesis of valve disorders
b. Clinical and echocardiographic description of heart valve disorders, their hemodynamic impact and their complications
c. Thorough knowledge of the operative indications in accordance with the applicable guidelines
d. Clinical and echocardiographic assessment of surgically corrected heart valves, bioprostheses, homologues and artificial valves
e. Guidance and treatment of patients with disorders of native valves, modified valves, bioprostheses, gay and artificial valves
19. Infectious endocarditis
a. Thorough knowledge of endocarditis prevention in accordance with applicable guidelines
b. Providing advice to patients and other healthcare providers regarding with the prevention of endocarditis
c. Diagnosis, risk stratification and treatment of an endocarditis in close collaboration with a cardiac surgery center
20. Heart failure
a. Thorough knowledge of the pathogenesis of heart failure
b. Prevention of heart failure in patients with impaired cardiac function
c. Diagnosis and differential diagnosis of heart failure symptoms
d. Focusing of heart failure with imaging, exercise tests, detection of arrhythmias and other complications
e. Treatment of heart failure in accordance with applicable guidelines. This treatment includes:
-adjustment of diet & lifestyle
- tracing indications for device treatment (CRT, ICD) and cardiac surgery corrections
-reference to reference centers of potential heart transplant candidates
f. Knowledge of the multidisciplinary approach to patients with heart failure
21. Pulmonary hypertension
a. Knowledge of causes and pathogenesis of pulmonary hypertension
b. Recognizing and documenting pulmonary hypertension
c. Treatment and follow-up of patients with severe pulmonary hypertension in collaboration with a reference center
22. Cardiac rehabilitation
a. Knowledge of the principles of cardiac rehabilitation
b. Knowledge of the operation of a multidisciplinary cardiac rehabilitation program
c. Indication for multidisciplinary cardiac rehabilitation in the field of coronary disease, heart failure,
peripheral arterial suffering
23. Exercise physiology
a. Conducting and interpreting exercise tests in a Bayesian logic. Level C
b. Integration of imaging with exercise trials. See also (1)
c. Evaluation of the exercise tolerance, performing and interpreting the analysis of respiratory gases during exercise. Level B.
24. Arrhythmias
a. Thorough knowledge of the pathogenesis, clinical appearance and electrocardiographic diagnosis of the various rhythm and conduction disorders.
b. Evaluation of a patient with palpitations
c. Treatment of a patient with rhythm and conduction disturbances according to the applicable guidelines
-electric and pharmacological conversion. Level C.
-indication for pacemaker implantation, ICD implantation
indication for ablation therapy
implantation of a provisional pacemaker. Level C.
-implanting a definitive pacemaker. Level B.
-monitoring patients with a pacemaker. Level C.
-monitoring a patient with an internal cardiac defibrillator in conjunction with a reference center.
25. Atrial Fibrillation
a. Knowledge of the pathogenesis of the different forms of atrial fibrillation
b. Cardiological evaluation of a patient with a VKF
c. Treatment of a patient with VKF
• Prevention of thromboembolic complications
• restoration of sinus rhythm
• control of the ventricular response
-Interpretation of images and protocols
-Accurate knowledge of the exposure to ionizing rays and the radiation dose
-Choice of the most adapted imaging in the individual patient
a. Echocardiography (transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiography): level C
b. Stress echocardiography: level A
c. Nuclear techniques: level A
d. Cardiac CT: Level A.
e. Cardiac MRI: Level A
4. Cardiac catheterization
a. Knowledge of the side effects of the contrast substances and their prevention
b. Arterial puncture: level C.
c. Care of an arterial catheter, care and monitoring of the puncture site after the procedure
d. Right heart catheterization: level C.
e. Left heart catheterization and coronarography: level B.
Skills: interpretation of pressure curves, flow measurements, resistance measurements and coronary angiograms
f. Percutaneous therapeutic interventions on the coronaries, heart valves and vessels, implantation of intracardiac devices (occluder devices, heart valves ...): level A
5. Cardiovascular genetics
a. Knowledge and insight into the most common genetically transmitted cardiovascular diseases
b. Knowledge about genetic and molecular aspects of atherosclerosis, heart failure and arrhythmias in the perspective of individualized therapy
6. Clinical Pharmacology
a. Knowledge and policy skills in administering cardiovascular drugs in accordance with applicable guidelines
b. Thorough knowledge of the pharmacology of and antiaggregants and anticoagulants, thrombolytics, ACE-I, ARBs, aldosterone antagonists, beta AR antagonists, calcium antagonists, antiarrhythmics, sinus node inhibitors, diuretics, lipid-lowering medications, nitrates, vasodilotators, digitalis, cardiotoxins newer
cardiovascular medications
c. Knowledge about the interaction of cardiovascular medications
Scientific literature
a. Knowledge, understanding and interpretation of clinical cardiovascular studies, including biostatistical aspects
b. Knowledge of the applicable guidelines and of “Evidence Based Medicine”
8. Cardiovascular prevention and risk stratification
a. Thorough knowledge and policy skills in primary and secondary cardiovascular prevention
b. Actively contributing to global initiatives to reduce cardiovascular disease
VLIR - Major Subject Cardiology - May 2008
c. Raise awareness among patients and the public about the importance of cardiovascular prevention
d. Emphasize lifestyle improvement for the prevention of atherosclerosis
9. Arterial hypertension
a. Knowledge about the pathogenesis of primary and secondary hypertension
b. Diagnosis and treatment of the arterial hypertension spectrum in accordance with applicable guidelines
c. Detection and treatment of organ damage by arterial hypertension
10. Diabetes and the heart
a. Prevention of diabetes mellitus and of increased insulin resistance (metabolic syndrome)
b. Diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular complications of diabetes mellitus
c. Experience with a multidisciplinary approach to diabetes patients
11. Acute coronary syndromes
a. Knowledge of the pathogenesis of the ACS.
b. Thorough knowledge and policy skills of the diagnosis and treatment of the ACS in accordance with applicable guidelines. This concerns the STEMI, the NSTEMI and the unstable angor pectoris
c. The following policy skills are assumed:
-prehospital approach to a patient with acute thoracic pain,
-diagnosis, and early pharmacotherapy of the ACS
-reperfusion strategy: administration of fibrinolysis, referral for primary PTCA
-diagnosis and care of the cardiovascular complications of the ACS and of the reperfusion treatments
-finding and treating heart failure and residual coronary ischaemia.
risk stratification, follow-up and treatment of patients after ACS
12. Chronic ischemic heart disease
a. Knowledge of the pathogenesis of chronic ischemic heart disease
b. Evaluation, guidance and treatment of coronary patients in accordance with applicable guidelines
13. Primary cardiomyopathies
a. Knowledge of the pathogenesis of primary cardiomyopathies
b. Diagnosis, risk stratification and treatment of restrictive, hypertrophic and dilated cardiomyopathies
c. Knowledge of the genetic determination of certain cardiomyopathies, in storage diseases, in toxic cardiac
d. Collaboration with genetically trained colleagues for guidance and advice to patients and their families
14. Pericardial disorders
a. Diagnosis, evaluation and treatment of fibrinous, exudative and constrictive pericarditis.
b. Performing a diagnostic and evacuating pericardial puncture. Level B
15. Cardiac tumors
a. Diagnosis and evaluation of primary and secondary tumors of the heart
16. Congenital heart disease in children and adults
a. Recognize simple, complex and postoperative congenital heart disease in prospect of referral to a reference center
b. Monitoring simple congenital heart disease (ASD, VSD, aortic valve disease, pulmonary valve) in collaboration with a reference center
17. Pregnancy and heart disease
a. Knowledge of the hemodynamic changes and of the echocardiographic findings in pregnant women
b. Knowledge of the use of cardiovascular medication in pregnant women
c. Counseling and counseling of women with heart disease related to pregnancy
d. Pregnancy support for a woman with heart disease in collaboration with a reference center
18. Disorders of the heart valves
a. Knowledge of the pathogenesis of valve disorders
b. Clinical and echocardiographic description of heart valve disorders, their hemodynamic impact and their complications
c. Thorough knowledge of the operative indications in accordance with the applicable guidelines
d. Clinical and echocardiographic assessment of surgically corrected heart valves, bioprostheses, homologues and artificial valves
e. Guidance and treatment of patients with disorders of native valves, modified valves, bioprostheses, gay and artificial valves
19. Infectious endocarditis
a. Thorough knowledge of endocarditis prevention in accordance with applicable guidelines
b. Providing advice to patients and other healthcare providers regarding with the prevention of endocarditis
c. Diagnosis, risk stratification and treatment of an endocarditis in close collaboration with a cardiac surgery center
20. Heart failure
a. Thorough knowledge of the pathogenesis of heart failure
b. Prevention of heart failure in patients with impaired cardiac function
c. Diagnosis and differential diagnosis of heart failure symptoms
d. Focusing of heart failure with imaging, exercise tests, detection of arrhythmias and other complications
e. Treatment of heart failure in accordance with applicable guidelines. This treatment includes:
-adjustment of diet & lifestyle
- tracing indications for device treatment (CRT, ICD) and cardiac surgery corrections
-reference to reference centers of potential heart transplant candidates
f. Knowledge of the multidisciplinary approach to patients with heart failure
21. Pulmonary hypertension
a. Knowledge of causes and pathogenesis of pulmonary hypertension
b. Recognizing and documenting pulmonary hypertension
c. Treatment and follow-up of patients with severe pulmonary hypertension in collaboration with a reference center
22. Cardiac rehabilitation
a. Knowledge of the principles of cardiac rehabilitation
b. Knowledge of the operation of a multidisciplinary cardiac rehabilitation program
c. Indication for multidisciplinary cardiac rehabilitation in the field of coronary disease, heart failure,
peripheral arterial suffering
23. Exercise physiology
a. Conducting and interpreting exercise tests in a Bayesian logic. Level C
b. Integration of imaging with exercise trials. See also (1)
c. Evaluation of the exercise tolerance, performing and interpreting the analysis of respiratory gases during exercise. Level B.
24. Arrhythmias
a. Thorough knowledge of the pathogenesis, clinical appearance and electrocardiographic diagnosis of the various rhythm and conduction disorders.
b. Evaluation of a patient with palpitations
c. Treatment of a patient with rhythm and conduction disturbances according to the applicable guidelines
-electric and pharmacological conversion. Level C.
-indication for pacemaker implantation, ICD implantation
indication for ablation therapy
implantation of a provisional pacemaker. Level C.
-implanting a definitive pacemaker. Level B.
-monitoring patients with a pacemaker. Level C.
-monitoring a patient with an internal cardiac defibrillator in conjunction with a reference center.
25. Atrial Fibrillation
a. Knowledge of the pathogenesis of the different forms of atrial fibrillation
b. Cardiological evaluation of a patient with a VKF
c. Treatment of a patient with VKF
• Prevention of thromboembolic complications
• restoration of sinus rhythm
• control of the ventricular response
Echocardiography (transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiography): level C.
Stress echocardiography: level A
Nuclear techniques: level A
Cardiac CT: Level A.
Cardiac MRI: Level A
Cardiac catheterization
a. Knowledge of the side effects of the contrast substances and their prevention
b. Arterial puncture: level C.
c. Care of an arterial catheter, care and monitoring of the puncture site after the procedure
d. Right heart catheterization: level C.
e. Left heart catheterization and coronarography: level B.
Skills: interpretation of pressure curves, flow measurements, resistance measurements and coronary angiograms
f. Percutaneous therapeutic interventions on the coronaries, heart valves and vessels, implantation of intracardiac devices (occluder devices, heart valves ...): level A
Cardiovascular genetics
a. Knowledge and insight into the most common genetically transmitted cardiovascular diseases
b. Knowledge about genetic and molecular aspects of atherosclerosis, heart failure and arrhythmias in the perspective of individualized therapy
Clinical Pharmacology
a. Knowledge and policy skills in administering cardiovascular drugs in accordance with applicable guidelines
b. Thorough knowledge of the pharmacology of and antiaggregants and anticoagulants, thrombolytics, ACE-I, ARBs, aldosterone antagonists, beta AR antagonists, calcium antagonists, antiarrhythmics, sinus node inhibitors, diuretics, lipid-lowering medications, nitrates, vasodilotators, digitalis, cardiotoxins newer cardiovascular medications
c. Knowledge about the interaction of cardiovascular medications
Scientific literature
a. Knowledge, understanding and interpretation of clinical cardiovascular studies, including biostatistical aspects
b. Knowledge of the applicable guidelines and of “Evidence Based Medicine”
Cardiovascular prevention and risk stratification
a. Thorough knowledge and policy skills in primary and secondary cardiovascular prevention
b. Actively contributing to global initiatives to reduce cardiovascular disease
VLIR - Major Subject Cardiology - May 2008
c. Raise awareness among patients and the public about the importance of cardiovascular prevention
d. Emphasize lifestyle improvement for the prevention of atherosclerosis
Arterial hypertension
a. Knowledge about the pathogenesis of primary and secondary hypertension
b. Diagnosis and treatment of the arterial hypertension spectrum in accordance with applicable guidelines
c. Detection and treatment of organ damage by arterial hypertension
Diabetes and the heart
a. Prevention of diabetes mellitus and of increased insulin resistance (metabolic syndrome)
b. Diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular complications of diabetes mellitus
c. Experience with a multidisciplinary approach to diabetes patients
Acute coronary syndromes
a. Knowledge of the pathogenesis of the ACS.
b. Thorough knowledge and policy skills of the diagnosis and treatment of the ACS in accordance with applicable guidelines. This concerns the STEMI, the NSTEMI and the unstable angor pectoris
c. The following policy skills are assumed:
-prehospital approach to a patient with acute thoracic pain,
-diagnosis, and early pharmacotherapy of the ACS
-reperfusion strategy: administration of fibrinolysis, referral for primary PTCA
-diagnosis and care of the cardiovascular complications of the ACS and of the reperfusion treatments
-finding and treating heart failure and residual coronary ischaemia.
risk stratification, follow-up and treatment of patients after ACS
Chronic ischemic heart disease
a. Knowledge of the pathogenesis of chronic ischemic heart disease
b. Evaluation, guidance and treatment of coronary patients in accordance with applicable guidelines
Primary cardiomyopathies
a. Knowledge of the pathogenesis of primary cardiomyopathies
b. Diagnosis, risk stratification and treatment of restrictive, hypertrophic and dilated cardiomyopathies
c. Knowledge of the genetic determination of certain cardiomyopathies, in storage diseases, in toxic cardiac
d. Collaboration with genetically trained colleagues for guidance and advice to patients and their families
Pericardial disorders
a. Diagnosis, evaluation and treatment of fibrinous, exudative and constrictive pericarditis.
b. Performing a diagnostic and evacuating pericardial puncture. Level B
Cardiac tumors
a. Diagnosis and evaluation of primary and secondary tumors of the heart
Congenital heart disease in children and adults
a. Recognize simple, complex and postoperative congenital heart disease in prospect of referral to a reference center
b. Monitoring simple congenital heart disease (ASD, VSD, aortic valve disease, pulmonary valve) in collaboration with a reference center
Pregnancy and heart disease
a. Knowledge of the hemodynamic changes and of the echocardiographic findings in pregnant women
b. Knowledge of the use of cardiovascular medication in pregnant women
c. Counseling and counseling of women with heart disease related to pregnancy
d. Pregnancy support for a woman with heart disease in collaboration with a reference center
Heart valve disorders
a. Knowledge of the pathogenesis of valve disorders
b. Clinical and echocardiographic description of heart valve disorders, their hemodynamic impact and their complications
c. Thorough knowledge of the operative indications in accordance with the applicable guidelines
d. Clinical and echocardiographic assessment of surgically corrected heart valves, bioprostheses, homologues and artificial valves
e. Guidance and treatment of patients with disorders of native valves, modified valves, bioprostheses, gay and artificial valves
Infectious endocarditis
a. Thorough knowledge of endocarditis prevention in accordance with applicable guidelines
b. Providing advice to patients and other healthcare providers regarding with the prevention of endocarditis
c. Diagnosis, risk stratification and treatment of an endocarditis in close collaboration with a cardiac surgery center
20. Heart failure
a. Thorough knowledge of the pathogenesis of heart failure
b. Prevention of heart failure in patients with impaired cardiac function
c. Diagnosis and differential diagnosis of heart failure symptoms
d. Focusing of heart failure with imaging, exercise tests, detection of arrhythmias and other complications
e. Treatment of heart failure in accordance with applicable guidelines. This treatment includes:
-adjustment of diet & lifestyle
- tracing indications for device treatment (CRT, ICD) and cardiac surgery corrections
-reference to reference centers of potential heart transplant candidates
f. Knowledge of the multidisciplinary approach to patients with heart failure
Pulmonary hypertension
a. Knowledge of causes and pathogenesis of pulmonary hypertension
b. Recognizing and documenting pulmonary hypertension
c. Treatment and follow-up of patients with severe pulmonary hypertension in collaboration with a reference center
Cardiac rehabilitation a. Knowledge of the principles of cardiac rehabilitation
b. Knowledge of the operation of a multidisciplinary cardiac rehabilitation program
c. Indication for multidisciplinary cardiac rehabilitation in the field of coronary disease, heart failure,
peripheral arterial suffering
Exercise physiology
a. Conducting and interpreting exercise tests in a Bayesian logic. Level C
b. Integration of imaging with exercise trials. See also (1)
c. Evaluation of the exercise tolerance, performing and interpreting the analysis of respiratory gases during exercise. Level B.
a. Thorough knowledge of the pathogenesis, clinical appearance and electrocardiographic diagnosis of the various rhythm and conduction disorders.
b. Evaluation of a patient with palpitations
c. Treatment of a patient with rhythm and conduction disturbances according to the applicable guidelines
-electric and pharmacological conversion. Level C.
-indication for pacemaker implantation, ICD implantation
indication for ablation therapy
implantation of a provisional pacemaker. Level C.
-implanting a definitive pacemaker. Level B.
-monitoring patients with a pacemaker. Level C.
-monitoring a patient with an internal cardiac defibrillator in conjunction with a reference center.
Atrial Fibrillation
a. Knowledge of the pathogenesis of the different forms of atrial fibrillation
b. Cardiological evaluation of a patient with a VKF
c. Treatment of a patient with VKF
• Prevention of thromboembolic complications
• restoration of sinus rhythm
• control of the ventricular response
d. Referral of patients eligible for ablation of VKF or device implantation
a.Knowledge of the pathogenesis of syncope
b. Diagnosis and differential diagnosis of syncope.
c. Cardiovascular elaboration of the complaint, including the Tilt test. Level B
d. Guidance and treatment of the patient with recurrent syncopes
Sudden cardiac death and CPR
a. Thorough knowledge and skills in basic resuscitation techniques and in advanced resuscitation techniques.
b. Knowledge of the pathogenesis and of the differential diagnosis of sudden cardiac death
c. Risk stratification after resuscitation, refining and indications for defibrillator implantation.
d. Prevention of sudden cardiac death by referring high-risk patients for further defibrillator refinement and implantation
Diseases of the major blood vessels and cardiovascular trauma
a. Knowledge of the aneurysms & dissection of the aorta and of the major vessels
b. Knowledge of genetics and cardiovascular abnormalities in Marfan syndrome and related disorders
c. Knowledge and diagnosis of traumatic diseases of the heart and large blood vessels
d. Collaboration with interventional cardiologists, cardiovascular surgeons and radiologists
Peripheral arterial suffering
a. Knowledge of epidemiology, of the pathogenesis and of the prevention of peripheral arterial disease
b. Clinical evaluation of the patient with peripheral arterial disease
c. Non-invasive alignment by means of duplex ultrasound (level B) and other imaging techniques
d. Collaboration with interventional cardiologists, vascular surgeons, radiologists and endocrinologists
30. Phlebotrombosis and pulmonary embolism
a. Thorough knowledge and skills in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of superficial venous thromboses, deep vein thromboses and pulmonary embolism
b. Knowledge and skill in the indication for fibrinolytic or surgical interventions
c. Knowledge and skill in antithrombotic therapy including fibrinolysis.
After completing the Master after Master course, the cardiologist is expected to possess the following technical skills:
The cardiologist must be able to perform the following activities completely independently:
- medical history and clinical research in patients with heart disease
- decrease and interpretation of the electrocardiogram at rest and during exercise
- recording and interpretation of a transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiography
- recording and interpretation of long-term registration of the heart rhythm (holter monitoring) and blood pressure
- puncture of arteries and deep venous structures
- pleural puncture
- recording and interpretation of the pressures in the heart
- inserting a temporary pacemaker
- external electrical cardioversion and defibrillation of arrhythmias
- resuscitation in the event of sudden death (basic and advanced life support)
- pacemaker inspection
The cardiologist must have practical experience in the following examinations, but not necessarily as an independent operator:
- recording and interpretation of a diagnostic coronarography and ventriculography of the left ventricle
- implantation of a pacemaker
- review of a defibrillator or cardiac resynchronization therapy device
- ergospirometry
- placing and adjusting an intraaortic balloon pump
- pericardial puncture
- chest drainage
- doppler / duplex of the blood vessels
The cardiologist must know the following techniques and be able to explain them in understandable language to his patients. If applicable, he must be able to choose between the different techniques and the results of these techniques
interpret and value in treating his patients:
- stress echocardiography
- studies used in the non-invasive risk stratification of life-threatening arrhythmias that can lead to sudden death, such as heart rhythm variability, late electrocardiography potential, T-wave alternans ...
-electrophysiological examination and ablation of arrhythmias
implantation of a defibrillator
implantation of a device used for cardiac resynchronization therapy
-therapeutic percutaneous coronary interventions
-domyocardial biopsy
-nuclear imaging of the heart: ventriculography, SPECT, PET
cardiac CT scan
-cardiac KST
The cardiologist is expected to maintain his knowledge of and experience with these techniques and to adjust them to the prevailing practical standards and guidelines.
Problem solving ability
The objectives are mainly achieved in practice by:
- multidisciplinary staff meetings (1h / week)
- cardiology staff meetings (1h / week)
- medico-surgical staff meetings (1h / week)
- joint discussion of hospitalized patients (2h / week)
- case discussion
- hall round under supervision
- bedside teaching
- sessions for technical skills (see above)
- consultation cardiology (and hypertension) with supervision
The objectives are mainly achieved in practice by:
- bedside teaching
- sessions for technical skills (see above)
- consultation cardiology (and hypertension) with supervision
The objectives are mainly achieved in practice by:
- bedside teaching
- sessions for technical skills (see above)
- consultation cardiology (and hypertension) with supervision
OLR 1: Has acquired in-depth medical knowledge and insight in the specialism (M, W)
OLR 10: Based on scientific knowledge obtained through clinical scientific research (W)
OLR 11: Is able to critically interpret, analyze and report correctly and clearly (W)
OLR 4: Can communicate correctly and in a humane, empathic manner with the patient and his or her environment, with an eye for ethical, social and multicultural aspects (diversity) and within the relevant legal regulations ©
OLR 19: Meets the general and specific final objectives, specific to the specialism, concerning diagnostics and syndromes / disorders (M, W)
OLR 3: Has further developed the problem-solving capacity and applies it in practice (M, W)
The final grade is composed based on the following categories:
Other Exam determines 100% of the final mark.
Within the Other Exam category, the following assignments need to be completed:
Portfolio with performance appraisal every 3 months (4x per year; 25% per evaluation)
PASS / FAIL evaluation
This offer is part of the following study plans:
Master of Specialist Medicine: Cardiology (only offered in Dutch)