4 ECTS credits
120 u studietijd

Aanbieding 1 met studiegidsnummer 1015663BNR voor alle studenten in het 2e semester met een verdiepend bachelor niveau.

2e semester
Inschrijving onder examencontract
Niet mogelijk
Beoordeling (0 tot 20)
2e zittijd mogelijk
Students must have followed ‘Immunology’, before they can enroll for ‘Medical Biotechnology and Parasitology’.
Faculteit Wetenschappen en Bio-ingenieurswetensch.
Verantwoordelijke vakgroep
Stefan Magez
Geert Raes (titularis)
Carl De Trez
Onderdelen en contacturen
26 contacturen Hoorcollege
26 contacturen Werkcolleges, practica en oefeningen

This course has two sections:

(i) Medical biotechnology applications of humoral (antibodies) and cellular immunity, illustrated in the context of cancer

(ii) Description of parasitic infectious diseases, illustrating the complexity of appropriate diagnosis and therapy

The section on medical biotechnology (Prof. Raes) will focus on the following aspects:

- Molecular and cellular aspects of cancer

- Immune surveillance and immunoediting of cancer

- Immunological identification of cancer antigens

- Medical applications, genetical engineering and tailoring of anti-cancer antibodies

The section on parasitology (Prof. De Trez) will focus on the following aspects:

- Description of the life cycles of parasites that cause serious health problems and their interaction with the immune system

- The actual diagnosis and treatment of parasitic infections including their shorthcomings

- The future biotechnological approaches in the detection and therapy of parasitic infections.

Digitaal cursusmateriaal (Vereist) : Powerpoint presentations, Canvas
Digitaal cursusmateriaal (Aanbevolen) : During the course, supplementary information such as appropriate review articles, will be indicated to the students
Bijkomende info

Participation to the practicals is compulsory.

Participation to the exam will be refused in case of unjustified absence at the practicals.

In case of absence at some of the practical sessions, an alternative task may be provided by the lecturers if this is possible.


Algemene competenties

  • You acquire an in-depth knowledge and understanding of theory, techniques, methods and applications in the field of medical biotechnology, with a focus on cancer immunology and parasitology.
  • You acquire skills in communicating in writing and orally on information, ideas, problems and results in the field of medical biotechnology and parasitology.
  • You acquire skills in formulating problems and in analyzing, processing, interpreting and critically reflecting on results and data.
  • You are trained in laboratory skills in medical biotechnology and parasitology.
  • You are trained in working towards a result, taking responsibility and working in a team.


De beoordeling bestaat uit volgende opdrachtcategorieën:
Examen Mondeling bepaalt 100% van het eindcijfer

Binnen de categorie Examen Mondeling dient men volgende opdrachten af te werken:

  • oral exam met een wegingsfactor 1 en aldus 100% van het totale eindcijfer.

    Toelichting: For the section on parasitology, the students choose one research article (recently published in a high impact journal) connected to subjects discussed in the course. They have to present the essentials of the article and be able to critically discuss the main message of the article. Furthermore their general knowledge acquired during the course and related to the chosen topic will be assessed during the examination. For the section on medical biotechnology, the student’s acquired knowledge of the contents of the course will be assessed via a main question, for which the students can make a written preparation of the answer, followed by a further oral discussion.

Aanvullende info mbt evaluatie

For the practicals, there is a formative evaluation in the form of a written report and an oral presentation with feedback.

The final mark for the exam is in principle the average of the marks of both partims, but in case of an insufficient mark for either of the partims, the final mark will be the mark of the partim with the lowest mark. The student is exempt from repeating the exam for any partim for which he/she has obtained a sufficient mark.

For the partim on parasitology, the students choose one research article (recently published in a high impact journal) connected to subjects discussed in the course. They have to present the essentials of the article and be able to critically discuss the main message of the article. Furthermore their knowledge and understanding acquired during the course will be assessed during the examination based on an additional question they will receive prior to the oral exam to allow a written preparation.

For the partim on medical biotechnology, the student’s acquired knowledge and understanding of the contents of the course will be assessed via a set of questions, for which the students can make a written preparation of the answer, followed by a further oral discussion.

Toegestane onvoldoende
Kijk in het aanvullend OER van je faculteit na of een toegestane onvoldoende mogelijk is voor dit opleidingsonderdeel.

Academische context

Deze aanbieding maakt deel uit van de volgende studieplannen:
Bachelor in de bio-ingenieurswetenschappen: Standaard traject