3 ECTS credits
84 h study time
Offer 1 with catalog number 4018228ENR for all students in the 1st semester at a (E) Master - advanced level.
This course applies a range of business concepts to a high-technology industry; that of software and information technology. The impact of the industry on conducting business has increased significantly over the years, but the industry became more complex and interconnected.
The course is situated at the nexus of business and technology. From the business side, concepts include those inherent to entrepreneurial and innovative organizations (e.g. innovation typologies, entrepreneurial strategy, standards...). From the technology side, students will be introduced to technologies inherent to the software and IT industry (e.g. cloud computing, 5G, digital platforms...). Particular attention will be given to recent digital technologies, such as quantum computing, artificial intelligence, and the internet of things, and to their business impact.
Taken together, the course prepares students to understand and cope with the business impact of the next industrial revolution, which will be cyber-physical. In this context, software and IT play a key enabling role.
Recommended prior knowledge
From the start, the course will focus on the application of business concepts. The course spends little time on defining or explaining in depth the business concepts. Therefore, we recommend that the student (1) holds a certain degree of prior business knowledge (e.g. through prior entrepreneurship- or business-related courses) or (2) is prepared to process additional information related to the business concepts to fully grasp the content of the course. In the second case, the lecturer will provide additional information through the Canvas environment.
The course is taught in English.
Teaching methods
HOCs: 26 hours
The instructor and students interact in collective contact-dependent moments and (actively) engage with the learning materials. For some topics, the course uses a case-study approach. Here, the student is expected to read and prepare business cases. The course occasionally (typically for two or three HOCs, depending on availability and relevance) invites guest lecturers from the software and IT industry. Presence to these guest lectures is mandatory.
ZELF (self): 58 hours
This description of the teaching methods is indicative, in order to assess the expected study load.
Taking the software industry as a context, the student can:
The final grade is composed based on the following categories:
Oral Exam determines 100% of the final mark.
Within the Oral Exam category, the following assignments need to be completed:
Presence to guest lectures is mandatory.
This offer is part of the following study plans:
Bachelor of Computer Science: Default track (only offered in Dutch)
Master of Business Engineering: Standaard traject (only offered in Dutch)
Master of Photonics Engineering: Standaard traject (only offered in Dutch)
Master of Applied Sciences and Engineering: Applied Computer Science: Standaard traject (only offered in Dutch)
Master in Applied Sciences and Engineering: Applied Computer Science: Standaard traject
Master of Linguistics and Literary Studies: Profile Profile Literary Studies
Master of Business Engineering: Business and Technology: Standaard traject
Master of Physics and Astronomy: Minor Economy and Business
Master of Movement and Sports Sciences: Sports Policy and Sports Management Profile Profile Sports Policy and Sports Management (only offered in Dutch)