6 ECTS credits
171 h study time
Offer 1 with catalog number 4016225FNR for all students in the 2nd semester at a (F) Master - specialised level.
This course aims to introduce and discuss in-depth the wide variety of approaches within the field of Media, Culture and Globalisation Theories.
It sets out from a critical discussion on Globalization, via questions such as how has the concept and field of globalization developed historically?; Is globalization new?; What have been turning points in globalization’s development and in the globalization of media and culture; Are these developments positive / negative and for whom?
In each of the following classes key authors and seminal theoretical texts in the field of media, culture and globalization are explained, discussed and evaluated. In addition, the theoretical content is applied or illustrated via concrete cases. This general approach is supported by the following points of attention in presenting media, culture and globalization theories:
Examples of concepts & authors this course deals with are: Globalization; Cultural imperialism / Schiller; Flows / Nordenstreng; McDonaldization / Ritzer; Contraflows / Ang; Cultural globalization & Scapes / Appadurai; Orientalism / Said; Cosmopolitanism / Postcolonialism / Shome & Hegde; Diaspora / Budarick; Power Geometry of Space and Place / Massey; The Global City / Sassen; etc.
Practically, the course will consist of traditional classes and a few guest lectures, albeit that interactivity and discussion will be encouraged during these classes.
In addition, texts on media, culture and globalisation will be provided on the VUB learning platform.
Students will be required to read the supporting texts before each class in order to grasp the contents of the classes more swiftly and to make debate easier and fruitful.
Finally, students have to prepare an essay on a topic of choice related to the field of media, culture and globalization
Teaching Methods
- Lecture: collective contact-dependent moments during which the lecturer engages with learning materials
- Seminar, Exercises or Practicals (Practical): collective or individual contact-dependent moments during which the students are guided to actively engage with learning materials
- Independent or External Form of Study (Self): independent study
This description of the teaching methods is indicative, in order to assess the expected study load.
Lecture: 26 hours (13 x 2 hours, including guest lectures)
Extra seminars or practicals: 6 hours (e.g., preparation and feedback on essays; excursion)
Self: 139 hours
The specific aims of this course are:
The final grade is composed based on the following categories:
Oral Exam determines 60% of the final mark.
Practical Exam determines 40% of the final mark.
Within the Oral Exam category, the following assignments need to be completed:
Within the Practical Exam category, the following assignments need to be completed:
The evaluation procedure in the first and second session is the same.
This offer is part of the following study plans:
Master of Communication Studies: Media and Culture (only offered in Dutch)
Master of Communication Studies: New Media and Society in Europe
Master of Communication Studies: Journalism and Media in Europe
Master of Educational Sciences: Standaard traject
Master of Teaching in Social Sciences: communicatiewetenschappen (90 ECTS, Etterbeek) (only offered in Dutch)