5 ECTS credits
130 h study time
Offer 1 with catalog number 4016320ENR for all students in the 2nd semester at a (E) Master - advanced level.
The valid course sheet can be found at the following link: ELEC - H406. Change the language to English in the dropdown menu on top of the page..
The theory is organized in the following 4 parts.
1. DC motor drives
1.1. Independent-excitation machines: reminder of fundamental aspects and equations (constitution, back-emf and torque, equivalent circuit, torque-speed curves, …)
1.2. Power electronic supply (static torque-speed capability, thyristor-bridge supply, chopper supply, …)
1.3. Closed-loop control (torque control, speed control, …)
2. Induction-motor drives
2.1. Three-phase squirrel-cage machines: reminder of fundamental aspects and equations (constitution, equivalent circuit, constant-supply-frequency characteristics and speed variation, …)
2.2. V/f speed control (voltage boost and flux weakening, power-electronic supply, speed control, …)
2.3. Flux-oriented and direct-torque control (reference frame theory, Park transformation and equations, control principles and implementation, …)
3. Synchronous machines (constant-speed generator operation)
3.1. Generalities (constitution and classification, working principle, noload operation and curve, …)
3.2. Smooth-rotor alternators (constitution, synchronous reactance and impedance, linearized model, synchronization, V-curves, nonlinear model, short-circuit and zero-power-factor tests and curves, …)
3.3. Salient-pole alternators (constitution, d and q-axis reactances, slip test, …)
3.4. Synchronous motors
3.5. Excitation systems
4. Synchronous-motor drives
4.1. Wound-rotor machines (voltage boost and flux weakening, power-electronic supply, …)
4.2. Permanent-magnet machines (constitution, vector control, power-electronic supply, …)
4.3. Reluctance machines (constitution, working principle, …)
4.4. Switched reluctance machines and stepper motors (constitution, working principle, …)
The practical work comprises the following subjects:
• DC-motor drives: simulation of torque and speed control
• DC-motor drives: practical utilization of a commercial drive
• Synchronous machines: classical tests and identification
• Synchronous machines in the power grid: transfer of active and reactive power
• Induction-motor drives: practical utilization of a commercial drive
• Permanent-magnet synchronous machines: simulation of vector control
Complementary study material:
• P.C. Sen, Principles of electric machines and power electronics, John Wiley & Sons, 2nd edition, 1997, 610
• Boldea, S.A. Nasar, Electric drives, CRC Press, 1rst edition, 1999, 411 p.
• N. Mohan, T. Undeland, W. Robbins, Power electronics -converters, applications and design, John Wiley &
Sons, 3rd edition, 2004, 802 p.
• B. Bose, Power electronics and motor drives -advances and trends, Elsevier, 1rst edition, 2006, 917 p.
• T. Wildi, G. Sybille, Electrotechnique (in French), DeBoeck Unversité, 4ième édition, 2005, 1215 p.
Having in-depth knowledge and understanding of exact sciences with the specificity of their application to engineering.
Can collaborate in a (multidisciplinary) team.
Having in-depth knowledge and understanding of the advanced methods and theories to schematize and model complex problems or processes.
Having a broad scientific knowledge, understanding and skills to be able to design, produce and maintain complex mechanical, electrical and/or energy systems with a focus on products, systems and services. E.g. codepo project, courses around renewable, sustainable mobility, ...
Having an in-depth scientific knowledge, understanding and skills in at least one of the subfields needed to design, produce, apply and maintain complex mechanical, electrical and/or energy systems.
Can reformulate complex engineering problems in order to solve them (simplifying assumptions, reducing complexity).
The different electrical machine and electrical drive types are treated in agreement with their practical importance in the various application domains, focusing on the construction of these machines and the application-dependant requirements. The different equations and equivalent circuits are derived in a rigorous way, paying attention to the underlying hypotheses and simplifications. The classical identification tests are well covered in the theory lectures, the simulation sessions and the laboratory exercises.
Can conceive, plan and execute a research project, based on an analysis of its objectives, existing knowledge and the relevant literature, with attention to innovation and valorization in industry and society.
Having an in-depth understanding of safety standards and rules with respect to mechanical, electrical and energy systems.
Can correctly report on research or design results in the form of a technical report or in the form of a scientific paper.
Can present and defend results in a scientifically sound way, using contemporary communication tools, for a national as well as for an international professional or lay audience.
The final grade is composed based on the following categories:
Written Exam determines 80% of the final mark.
PRAC Lab Work determines 20% of the final mark.
Within the Written Exam category, the following assignments need to be completed:
Within the PRAC Lab Work category, the following assignments need to be completed:
Evaluation based on the lab reports and written exam.
All Practical Work sessions are done in groups, i.e. groups of 2 for the simulation sessions, and groups up to 6 for the lab sessions. In the latter sessions due attention is paid to safety issues.
In the double session on synchronous machines (2 times 4h), team work competences are particularly focused, with 5 teams working at the same time, each having its team leader.
This offer is part of the following study plans:
Master of Electromechanical Engineering: Aeronautics
Master of Electromechanical Engineering: Robotics and Mechanical Construction
Master of Electromechanical Engineering: Energy
Master of Electromechanical Engineering: Sustainable Transport and Automotive Engineering
Master of Teaching in Science and Technology: ingenieurswetenschappen (120 ECTS, Etterbeek) (only offered in Dutch)