4 ECTS credits
120 h study time
Offer 1 with catalog number 4016491ENR for all students in the 1st semester at a (E) Master - advanced level.
• Partim ‘Chromatographic analysis’
CH1: Introduction to the theory of band broadening and separation resolution
CH2: Overview of the most important chromatographic separation modes and column types
CH3: Instrumentation • Partim ‘Molecular structure determination
Basic concepts on the molecular orbital theory, delocalisation and conjugation, for UV spectroscopy applications.
Introduction to general principles of spectroscopy. Ultraviolet spectroscopy, infrared spectroscopy, mass spectrometry: basic principles, instrumentation, practical aspects for spectrum interpretation and structure determination. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance among which, the basics, Fourier Transform NMR (FT-NMR), selected experimental aspects of FT-NMR, practical aspects of hydrogen-1 (proton) and carbon-13 NMR spectroscopy, and several topics in NMR for specific needs of spectrum interpretation.
In this way, the students are specifically trained in practical solving chemical structure issues by spectroscopic techniques.
• Partim ‘Chromatographic analysis’
- Being able of deducting basic chromatographic principles and basic equations (resolution, plate height, retention factor, selectivity) and indicate the dependency of the system parameters and discuss them.
- Solve simple problems concerning column length, particle size, analysis time.
- Being able to differentiate the different liquid chromatographic phases (normal phase, reversed phase, HILIC, SEC, GAC, ion chromatography, affinity chromatography) and indicate the correct application field.
- Being able to make well founded choice for optimal peripheral devices (injector, detector, pump).
- Being able to autonomously solve simple separation problems.
• Partim ‘Molecular structure determination’
The main objective of this course is to provide basic insight into the main spectroscopic techniques, Ultraviolet (UV) and Infrared (IR) spectroscopy, Mass Spectrometry (MS), more particularly focusing onto Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy (NMR) which are utilized in modern chemistry, in particular organic chemistry, to unravel molecular structures of compounds. The final goal is that the student can determine molecular structures on the basis of experimental UV, IR, MS and NMR spectra of the substance.
The didactic strategy used privileges "skills" above "pure knowledge". The pure theoretical knowledge of spectroscopic techniques is strictly limited to the minimum needed for all facets of spectra obtained from these techniques to be sufficiently understood and correctly interpreted. From the integrated and interactive interpretation of all spectral data, the student is trained for solving purely practically chemical structures.
In this way, the following objectives of the Bachelor degree in Chemistry are fulfilled:
- from knowledge and skills acquired in the basic courses chemistry in the previous bachelor years, the students are trained to function on a level with which they can get insight into and master recent developments of chemistry, with the help of the handbook coupled to the course;
- the students are trained to apply their insight and knowledge in setting up and deepening out chemical reasoning leading to unravelling of structures from spectral data; the structure proposals are always assessed against all available data until the end structure appears to match all of them;
- for problem solving the students learn to find the correct balance between team work and individual autonomous work, focusing upon application mindedness and problem solving;
- the students acquire in structural chemistry the learning skills needed to start and complete successfully, with broad intellectual autonomy, all further advanced studies, at Master level, of more complex chemical structure issues.
The final grade is composed based on the following categories:
Oral Exam determines 33% of the final mark.
Written Exam determines 67% of the final mark.
Within the Oral Exam category, the following assignments need to be completed:
Within the Written Exam category, the following assignments need to be completed:
[½ partim ‘Chromatographic analysis’, ½ ‘partim Molecular structure determination’]
• Partim ‘Chromatographic analysis’
1/3 theory, 1/3 exercises, 1/3 lab work. For the theoretical part emphasis is on the ability to deduce formulas, and to solve simple reasoning exercises.
• Partim ‘Molecular structure determination’
By focusing during the examination onto the practical part of the course (see hereunder, 2/3), in conformity with the objectives of both the Bachelor degrees and the defined end competences for this course, it is aimed at assessing mainly the students upon their capacity to correctly unravel structures. The basic idea is that theoretical basic concepts can be sought for in handbooks, and that the students need to acquire efficiency in searching therein the data needed in order to solve the structural issue. In this way the examination privileges assessing acquired skills rather than pure knowledge.
THEORY: oral exam with 2 questions – closed book.
Score weight: 1/3 of the total final score of “Molecular Structure Determinations” in the 1st examination session.
PROBLEM SOLVING: written exam with 2 questions on structure determinations – restricted open book.
Score weight: 2/3 of the total final score of “Molecular Structure Determinations” in the 1st examination session.
The same as in 1st examination session.
No unofficial partial score transfers are granted from the 1st to the 2nd examination session.
Additional information after appointement with the lecturer:
Prof. Dr. Rudolph WILLEM
Office 8G512
email: rwillem@vub.ac.be
telephone: ++322/629.32.82
This offer is part of the following study plans:
Master of Chemical and Materials Engineering: Profile Process Technology (only offered in Dutch)
Master of Chemical and Materials Engineering: PR Profile Materials (only offered in Dutch)
Master of Teaching in Science and Technology: ingenieurswetenschappen (120 ECTS, Etterbeek) (only offered in Dutch)