4 ECTS credits
110 u studietijd

Aanbieding 1 met studiegidsnummer 1016861BNR voor alle studenten in het 2e semester met een verdiepend bachelor niveau.

2e semester
Inschrijving onder examencontract
Niet mogelijk
Beoordeling (0 tot 20)
2e zittijd mogelijk
Om te kunnen inschrijven voor Nanochemistry and Technology moet men ingeschreven of geslaagd zijn voor Thermodynamica, Warmte- en stromingsleer: basisbegrippen, Materiaalkunde, het technologieproject Leefmilieutechnologie en duurzame materialen en 1 van de 3 overige technologieprojecten OF ingeschreven zijn in de MA ingenieurswetenschappen: chemie en materialen of in de MA in Chemical and Materials Engineering en NIET ingeschreven in Bachor in de ingenieurswetenschappen.
Onder samenwerkingsakkoord
Onder interuniversitair akkoord mbt. opleiding
Faculteit Ingenieurswetenschappen
Verantwoordelijke vakgroep en betrokken faculteiten/vakgroepen
Chem Ingenieurstechnieken & Industriele Scheikunde
Materialen & chemie
Guy Van Assche
Wim De Malsche (titularis)
Onderdelen en contacturen
0 contacturen Exam
24 contacturen Lecture
24 contacturen Practical exercises

Nanochemistry and -technology: Capita selecta’ aims at providing knowledge and understanding on the history, development and applications of nanochemistry and nanotechnology. This goal is accomplished by means of the study of (i) general developments on an international level, and (ii) specific activities on nanotechnology in the research groups of the department of chemistry and materials.
The course series of introductory lectures on the background and diverse disciplines of nanotechnology, in combination with a lectures by speakers from industry and colleagues of the department on their specific research in nanotechnology and a nanotechnology related project.

- History of nanochemistry and -technology and most important milestones
- Bottom-up approach (‘real’ nanotechnology)
- Top-down approach (microtechnology and lab-on-a-chip)
- Nanostructured materials and polymer nanocomposites
- Physical methods for studying nanostructured materials
- Commercial applications of nanotechnology
- Topics from the research groups of the department of chemistry and materials

- Practical sessions (organisation depending on number of students): under guidance, the students develop a research plan and have the opportunity to design and perform experiments using the research infrastructure of the different research groups of the department of chemistry and materials.

Digitaal cursusmateriaal (Vereist) : Handouts of powerpoint presentations
Praktisch cursusmateriaal (Aanbevolen) : Open literature
Bijkomende info

Handouts of powerpoint presentations are available on Canvas.
Open literature: to get you started a few introductionary papers will be handed-out per topic


Algemene competenties

The students should be able to:
- gain insight in the speed of new developments in nanoscience and –technology and the importance to closely follow up these trends
- critically evaluate the prospects and threats of nanotechnology
- evaluate the valorization potential of the actual research in  nanotechnology
- do a literature search on any kind of nanotechnological topic
- develop a research strategy for a subject of choice in nanotechnology and a feasible path for its elaboration.

By means of its intrinsic ‘nanometer-scale approach’, this course contributes to the integrated philosophy of chemical technology and material science of the Master program. Moreover, this course is the technological link to the optional package  ‘Entrepreneurship’, elaborated together with the Faculty ES.

This course contributes to reaching the following learning objectives.

The Master of Sciences in Chemical and Materials Engineering has in-depth knowledge and understanding of

MA_1   exact sciences with the specificity of their application to engineering

MA_17 an integrated insight in chemical process and materials' technology

MA_18 insight in chemistry as a link between process and materials technology

The Master of Sciences in Chemical and Materials Engineering can

MA_6   correctly report on research or design results in the form of a technical report or in the form of a scientific paper

MA_7   present and defend results in a scientifically sound way, using contemporary communication tools, for a national as well as for an international professional or lay audience

MA_8   collaborate in a (multidisciplinary) team

MA_11 think critically about and evaluate projects, systems and processes, particularly when based on incomplete, contradictory and/or redundant information

The Master of Sciences in Chemical and Materials Engineering has

MA_12 a creative, problem-solving, result-driven and evidence-based attitude, aiming at innovation and applicability in industry and society

MA_13 a critical attitude towards one’s own results and those of others

MA_14 consciousness of the ethical, social, environmental and economic context of his/her work and strives for sustainable solutions to engineering problems including safety and quality assurance aspects

MA_15 the flexibility and adaptability to work in an international and/or intercultural context

MA_16 an attitude of life-long learning as needed for the future development of his/her career 



De beoordeling bestaat uit volgende opdrachtcategorieën:
Examen Mondeling bepaalt 40% van het eindcijfer

WPO Groepswerk bepaalt 30% van het eindcijfer

WPO Presentatie bepaalt 30% van het eindcijfer

Binnen de categorie Examen Mondeling dient men volgende opdrachten af te werken:

  • Exam Oral met een wegingsfactor 1 en aldus 40% van het totale eindcijfer.

    Toelichting: Oral exam: questions from each part of the course (both lecturers)

Binnen de categorie WPO Groepswerk dient men volgende opdrachten af te werken:

  • own research plan/result met een wegingsfactor 1 en aldus 30% van het totale eindcijfer.

    Toelichting: Oral presentations in group on own research plan or own research results

Binnen de categorie WPO Presentatie dient men volgende opdrachten af te werken:

  • prescribed topic/peer-to-peer met een wegingsfactor 1 en aldus 30% van het totale eindcijfer.

    Toelichting: Oral presentations in group on prescribed topic (peer-to-peer teaching)

Aanvullende info mbt evaluatie

- Oral presentations on a topic selected from a list (peer-to-peer teaching)
- Oral exam: at the same time for both instructors

Toegestane onvoldoende
Kijk in het aanvullend OER van je faculteit na of een toegestane onvoldoende mogelijk is voor dit opleidingsonderdeel.

Academische context

Deze aanbieding maakt deel uit van de volgende studieplannen:
Master in de ingenieurswetenschappen: chemie en materialen: profiel procestechnologie
Master in de ingenieurswetenschappen: chemie en materialen: profiel materialen
Master of Chemical and Materials Engineering: Profile Materials (enkel aangeboden in het Engels)
Master of Chemical and Materials Engineering: Profile Process Technology (enkel aangeboden in het Engels)