6 ECTS credits
152 h study time
Offer 2 with catalog number 1018232BEW for working students in the 2nd semester at a (B) Bachelor - advanced level.
This course offers a broad introduction to the study of labour from a sociological perspective. We describe the labour system based on three arenas: the organisation of work, the labour market and industrial relations.
Themes covered are the following:
Syllabus (available at the beginning of the semester) is mandatory and contains all learning content.
Slides with the main information from the handbook and relevant additional information for each class are available on Canvas.
A reader with relevant chapters and articles will be made available in pdf on Canvas.
The slides and notes can be amended with background information from the reader.
The course consists of a series of lectures, possibly supplemented by guest lectures on a current theme in the field of work and employment. Both evening and daytime students are expected to master the same course content.
The general objective of this course is that students gain a broad introductory overview of basic concepts, the different sub-domains and historical and contemporary discussions in the fields of sociology of work and industrial relations.
This is translated into the following learning goals.
The final grade is composed based on the following categories:
Written Exam determines 100% of the final mark.
Within the Written Exam category, the following assignments need to be completed:
Further details on the evaluation procedure will be explained in the course outline. This course outline is posted on the learning platform, Canvas.
This offer is part of the following study plans:
Bachelor of Philosophy and Moral Sciences: default (only offered in Dutch)
Bachelor of Business Economics: Minor Sociology (only offered in Dutch)
Bachelor of Political Science and Sociology: - afstudeerrichting sociologie, minor politieke wetenschappen (only offered in Dutch)
Bachelor of Political Science and Sociology: - afstudeerrichting sociologie, minor communicatiewetenschappen (only offered in Dutch)
Bachelor of Political Science and Sociology: - afstudeerrichting sociologie, minor criminologische wetenschappen (only offered in Dutch)
Bachelor of Political Science and Sociology: - afstudeerrichting sociologie, minor geschiedenis (only offered in Dutch)
Bachelor of Political Science and Sociology: - afstudeerrichting sociologie, minor sociale geografie (only offered in Dutch)
Bachelor of Political Science and Sociology: - afstudeerrichting sociologie, minor organisatie en beleid (only offered in Dutch)
Bachelor of Political Science and Sociology: - afstudeerrichting sociologie, minor antropologie (only offered in Dutch)
Bachelor of Political Science and Sociology: - afstudeerrichting sociologie, minor samenleving en cultuur (only offered in Dutch)
Bachelor of Political Science and Sociology: - afstudeerrichting sociologie, minor management en beleid van de gezondheidszorg (only offered in Dutch)
Bachelor of Political Science and Sociology: - afstudeerrichting sociologie, minor management, zorg en beleid in de gerontologie (only offered in Dutch)
Bachelor of Political Science and Sociology: - afstudeerrichting sociologie, minor onderwijs (only offered in Dutch)
Bachelor of Political Science and Sociology: Political Science Minor Minor Sociology (only offered in Dutch)
Master of Psychology: Afstudeerrichting arbeids- en organisatiepsychologie (only offered in Dutch)
Master of Adult Education: Profile Social Studies (only offered in Dutch)
Master of Teaching in Behavioural Sciences: psychologie (120 ECTS, Etterbeek) (only offered in Dutch)
Master of Social Law: Standaard traject (only offered in Dutch)
Bridging Programme Master of Science in Sociology: Default track (only offered in Dutch)
Bridging Programme Master of Teaching in Economics: Standaard traject (only offered in Dutch)
Preparatory Programme Master of Science in Sociology: Ad hoc traject (only offered in Dutch)