4 ECTS credits
100 h study time

Offer 1 with catalog number 4020703FNR for all students in the 2nd semester at a (F) Master - specialised level.

2nd semester
Enrollment based on exam contract
Grading method
Grading (scale from 0 to 20)
Can retake in second session
Taught in
Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy
Department and involved faculties/organizations
Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences
Clinical sciences
Educational team
Guy Nagels (course titular)
Peter Van Schuerbeek
Dimitri De Bundel
Helio Eduardo Fernandez Tellez
Activities and contact hours
28 contact hours Lecture
12 contact hours Seminar, Exercises or Practicals
Course Content

Electroencephalography: 3 hours of theory, 3 hours of practicals

  • Clinical applications
  • Rest EEG
  • Healthy controls, ageing controls, pathology
  • Task EEG
  • Sensory evoked potentials
  • Endogenous evoked potentials
  • Clinical and research applications
  • Current software packages for EEG and MEG analysis
  • Pipeline components for Rest EEG
  • Pipeline components for Task EEG
  • Exercises:
  • Complete processing of Rest EEG (raw data => conclusion)
  • Complete processing of Task EEG
  • Possibly a lab visit, depending on group size. During this lab visit, students can measure EEG on their peers and, under supervision, learn about recognising artefacts.

Measuring EEG in special circumstances: 3 hours of theory

  • Which artefacts occur during combined EEG/MRI measurement ?
  • Which artefacts occur in EEG measurement during movement / motor behavior studies?
  • How can we improve the signal/noise ratio in these circumstances ?

Magnetoencephalography: 3 hours of theory, 3 hours of practicals

  • Difference between EEG and MEG from biomedical perspective
  • Difference between EEG and MEG from technical-analysis perspective
  • Dimensionality of the data
  • Referenceless measurements
  • Artefact sources
  • Dimensionality of the analysis: evoked fields, time-amplitude, time-frequency
  • Sensor space vs source space
  • Clinical applications of MEG
  • Pipeline components for Rest MEG
  • Pipeline components for Task MEG
  • Exercises:
  • Single-subject analysis of resting-state MEG in OSL or SPM (sensor space and source space; time-amplitude and time-frequency)
  • Single-subject analysis of task MEG in OSL or SPM (sensor space and source space; time-amplitude and time-frequency)
  • Group level analysis of task-related MEG, explore results in FSL
  • Possibility of lab visit, depending of group size and experimental schedule.

Functionele neuroimaging techniques in animal experimentation: 3 hours of theory (Dimitri)

  •  Which physiological differences have to be taken into account when imaging rodents ?
  •  Which, potentially more invasive, imaging techniques offer additional value in animak experimentation ?      

Functional magnetic resonance, 6 hours of theory, 3 hours of practicals

The basis of MRI is explained in another course by the same lecturer. For this reason only a brief explanation about the basis of fMRI is provided here.

  • HRF physiology
  • BOLD, EPI sequence
  • Setting up your study: tasks, groupanalyses, using statistical tests, power.
  • Processing models: GLM, resting state functionan connectivity, seed based connectivity, ICA, DCA
  •  Interpretigng fMRI results, false positive and false negative results.
  • Using DTI to contrast fMRI with structural connectivity. Fibertracking.
  •  Practical:
  • Set up your own fMRI task in a computer room
  • Analyse previously recorded fMRI data in a computer room.

Network Analysis: 6 hours of theory, 3 hours of practicals

  • Understanding the concept of networks, distinction between different definitions used in biomedical literature
  • Parcellation methods, atlas-based vs data-driven
  • Edge detection: correlation, phase lag index …
  • Description of the calculated networks
  • Graphs : binary vs weighted, situating graph theory within a mathematical, social and biomedical context
  • Extraction of topological parameters, correlation with biomedical markers such as IQ
  • Use of network simulations in research on neurophysiology based graphs
  • Exercises:
  • Perform a network analysis on available data
  • Program simulations, e.g. to investigate the ‘rich-clubness’ of analysed signals

Integration of topics discussed during the course: 4 hours

  • Discuss some concrete biomedical questions
  • Discuss the translation of biomedical questions to “engineering problems”
  • Discuss the choice of imaging technique and the choice of data analysis for specific problems
  • Discuss the translation of results to an answer to the biomedical question
  • In the second part of the lecture, PhD students will present their research and students can ask critical questions under supervision of the teacher.
Additional info


Learning Outcomes

Final Competences

Students can explain strong and weak point of several functional neuroimaging techniques.

Students can apply their knowledge of functional neuroimaging techniques to example problems from the biomedical field, in a simulated interdisciplinary (engineers and biomedical scientists) experiment.

Students can discuss a research paper dealing with functional neuroimaging techniques, list strong and weak points of the paper, and suggest alternative approaches.


The final grade is composed based on the following categories:
Other Exam determines 100% of the final mark.

Within the Other Exam category, the following assignments need to be completed:

  • Or. exam & part. class. sessio with a relative weight of 1 which comprises 100% of the final mark.

    Note: See 'Additional information on evaluation'

Additional info regarding evaluation

Oral examination in which the student discusses a research paper dealing with functional neuroimaging techniques, followed by Q&A (75%).

Participation in the interactive classical session in which topics discussed during the course are integrated (25%) 

Allowed unsatisfactory mark
The supplementary Teaching and Examination Regulations of your faculty stipulate whether an allowed unsatisfactory mark for this programme unit is permitted.

Academic context

This offer is part of the following study plans:
Master of Biomedical Engineering: Standaard traject (only offered in Dutch)
Master of Biomedical Engineering: Startplan
Master of Biomedical Engineering: Profile Radiation Physics
Master of Biomedical Engineering: Profile Biomechanics and Biomaterials
Master of Biomedical Engineering: Profile Sensors and Medical Devices
Master of Biomedical Engineering: Profile Neuro-Engineering
Master of Biomedical Engineering: Standaard traject (NIEUW)