4 ECTS credits
110 u studietijd

Aanbieding 1 met studiegidsnummer 4020792ENR voor alle studenten in het 1e semester met een verdiepend master niveau.

1e semester
Inschrijving onder examencontract
Niet mogelijk
Beoordeling (0 tot 20)
2e zittijd mogelijk
Onder samenwerkingsakkoord
Onder interuniversitair akkoord mbt. opleiding
Faculteit Ingenieurswetenschappen
Verantwoordelijke vakgroep
Toegepaste Natuurkunde en Fotonica
Externe partnerinstelling(en)
Universiteit Gent
Wendy Meulebroeck (titularis)
Onderdelen en contacturen
24 contacturen Hoorcollege
24 contacturen Werkvormen en Praktische Oef.

Vertaling in het Nederlands in aanmaak.

The focus of this course is on the practical design of optical systems through hands-on exercises at the computer. Practical examples of illumination systems, concentrators, optical filters and coherent light propagation will be tackled in commercial ray-tracing software.

In this course we (1) introduce ray-trace simulation software (Principles of ray-tracing, sequential/non-sequential ray-tracing, Implementation of optical systems in ray-tracing software, Implementation of light sources in ray-tracing software, Evaluation of ray-trace results (spot diagrams...)), (2) gain insight in optimization an optical system (Variables and free-form surfaces,  Merit functions and parameter sweeps, Optimization methodologies), (3) obtain an understanding in ‘homogenization and concentration’ of light (Basic concepts of radiometry, Analysing energy distributions, Optical components to realize uniform light distributions, Light concentration: fundamental limits),  (4) analyse scattering and stray-light (Ray-multiplication, Modelling scattering, Scatter analysis methods, exercises in commercial ray-tracing software of stray-light analysis and illumination systems using scattering), (5) introduce wave optics (Limitations of standard ray-tracing, Modelling interference and diffraction by using the Gaussian beam superposition method, Design of optical systems in commercial ray-tracing software with important interference/diffraction properties (e.g. fibre coupler, interferometer, laser beam shaping));(6) investigate multilayers and colour (Principles of thin-film interference filters, The quarter-wave coating as starting design for different optical filters, Photometry and colour, Design of multilayer coatings with Essential Macleod and analysing the system performance in commercial ray-tracing software); (7) introduce free-form optics.

Digitaal cursusmateriaal (Aanbevolen) : All course material, Canvas
Bijkomende info

Vertaling in het Nederlands in aanmaak.

All course material will be made available electronically at the Canvas platform.

This course module gives to the student the needed basic knowledge to design, evaluate and optimize non-imaging systems. Imaging systems are subject of the course ‘Design of Refractive and Diffractive Optical Imaging Systems’. Because of this complementarity it is advised to the student to follow both courses in order to have a total overview of all types of systems.


Cognitieve competenties

Vertaling in het Nederlands in aanmaak.

To understand / remember the difference between a non-imaging and an imaging system.

To understand / remember the concept of optical ray tracing .

To understand / remember the difference between sequential and non- sequential ray-tracing .

To understand / remember the benefits and limitations associated with optical ray tracing .

To understand / remember the various steps associated with the simulation of an optical system with ray tracing (definition geometry, modeling light sources , analysis).

To understand / remember the difference between surfaces with a spherical , an aspherical and a free-form structure and the associated degrees of freedom during their design.

To understand / remember how these surfaces are defined ( eg understanding NURBS curve) .

To understand / remember the concepts 'merit function' and 'parameter sweeps’ to optimize a system.

To understand / remember the algorithms that are used to optimize a system.

To understand / remember why defining ‘ constraints’ is important for the optimization process.

To understand / remember the basic concepts of radiometry.

To understand / remember how to analyze light distributions.

To understand / remember how uniform  light distributions can be obtained by using  a light integrator.

To understand / remember the concept of ‘Etendue’.

To understand / remember how to concentrate light with an elliptical reflector , a parabolic reflector or with a CPC device.

To understand / remember the 'Edge Ray Principle'

To understand / remember the difference between specular and diffuse reflection and how they are modeled using ray-tracing tools .

To understand / remember the concept of ‘ray multiplication’.

To understand / remember how scattering (e.g. obtained via experimental means) is modelled (scatter models ) and analyzed .

To understand / remember the concepts ‘TIS’ and ‘BSDF’.

To understand / remember the difference between the standard applied ‘splitting’ method and a Monte Carlo technique .

To understand / remember what 'wave optic ' is.

To understand / remember how and why we want to model wave optics using rays.

To understand / remember what the limits are of wave optics.

To understand / remember the basic concepts of photometry.

To understand / remember how thin film optical filters are defined.

To understand / remember how multi -layer coatings are designed and analyzed.

To understand / remember how to analyze color.

Cognitieve competenties

Vertaling in het Nederlands in aanmaak.

To understand / remember the difference between a non-imaging and an imaging system.

To understand / remember the concept of optical ray tracing .

To understand / remember the difference between sequential and non- sequential ray-tracing .

To understand / remember the benefits and limitations associated with optical ray tracing .

To understand / remember the various steps associated with the simulation of an optical system with ray tracing (definition geometry, modeling light sources , analysis).

To understand / remember the difference between surfaces with a spherical , an aspherical and a free-form structure and the associated degrees of freedom during their design.

To understand / remember how these surfaces are defined ( eg understanding NURBS curve) .

To understand / remember the concepts 'merit function' and 'parameter sweeps’ to optimize a system.

To understand / remember the algorithms that are used to optimize a system.

To understand / remember why defining ‘ constraints’ is important for the optimization process.

To understand / remember the basic concepts of radiometry.

To understand / remember how to analyze light distributions.

To understand / remember how uniform  light distributions can be obtained by using  a light integrator.

To understand / remember the concept of ‘Etendue’.

To understand / remember how to concentrate light with an elliptical reflector , a parabolic reflector or with a CPC device.

To understand / remember the 'Edge Ray Principle'

To understand / remember the difference between specular and diffuse reflection and how they are modeled using ray-tracing tools .

To understand / remember the concept of ‘ray multiplication’.

To understand / remember how scattering (e.g. obtained via experimental means) is modelled (scatter models ) and analyzed .

To understand / remember the concepts ‘TIS’ and ‘BSDF’.

To understand / remember the difference between the standard applied ‘splitting’ method and a Monte Carlo technique .

To understand / remember what 'wave optic ' is.

To understand / remember how and why we want to model wave optics using rays.

To understand / remember what the limits are of wave optics.

To understand / remember the basic concepts of photometry.

To understand / remember how thin film optical filters are defined.

To understand / remember how multi -layer coatings are designed and analyzed.

To understand / remember how to analyze color.

Cognitieve + communicatie

Vertaling in het Nederlands in aanmaak.

The student must be able to design an optical system (lighting systems, concentrators, optical filters, coherent systems).

The student must be able to simulate an optical system using the available software tools.

The student must be able to analyse the simulation results.

The student must be able to define meaningful specifications, system limitations and relevant physical limits.

The student must be able to collaborate with other students while solving an optical design problem.

Cognitieve + communicatie

The student must be able to design an optical system (lighting systems, concentrators, optical filters, coherent systems).

The student must be able to simulate an optical system using the available software tools.

Vertaling in het Nederlands in aanmaak.

The student must be able to analyse the simulation results.

The student must be able to define meaningful specifications, system limitations and relevant physical limits.

Vertaling in het Nederlands in aanmaak.

The student must be able to collaborate with other students while solving an optical design problem.

Cognitieve + communicatie

Vertaling in het Nederlands in aanmaak.

The student must be able to design an optical system (lighting systems, concentrators, optical filters, coherent systems).

The student must be able to simulate an optical system using the available software tools.

The student must be able to analyse the simulation results.

The student must be able to define meaningful specifications, system limitations and relevant physical limits.

Vertaling in het Nederlands in aanmaak.

The student must be able to collaborate with other students while solving an optical design problem.


De beoordeling bestaat uit volgende opdrachtcategorieën:
Examen Praktijk bepaalt 60% van het eindcijfer

ZELF Praktijkopdracht bepaalt 40% van het eindcijfer

Binnen de categorie Examen Praktijk dient men volgende opdrachten af te werken:

  • examen met een wegingsfactor 12 en aldus 60% van het totale eindcijfer.

    Toelichting: Examen project oefening (individueel) (60%).

Binnen de categorie ZELF Praktijkopdracht dient men volgende opdrachten af te werken:

  • studenten oef. (4 in totaal) met een wegingsfactor 8 en aldus 40% van het totale eindcijfer.

    Toelichting: 4 in te dienen opdrachten (studenten oefeningen) die ofwel in groep (maximum 2 studenten) ofwel individueel moeten worden opgelost (40%).

Aanvullende info mbt evaluatie

Vertaling in het Nederlands in aanmaak.

The students’ presence to each session is compulsory. In case of absence the student must (1) inform his/her absence to the course responsible (via e-mail to: wmeulebr@vub.ac.be) and (2) contact immediately the course responsible in order to make the practical arrangements to catch up the missed session in case of legal absence. An unauthorized absence leads to a score of 0/20 in the exam assessment of the session. In case of a legal absence (e.g. illness, bereavement, etc.) the student will also provide a proof (e.g. sick note, etc.) during the next session following the period of absence.

At the end of each lecture a project exercise is given to the students. This exercise must be handed in to the primary instructor before the beginning of the next lecture. A total of 6 project exercises need to be made. 

At the end of the lecture series the students select an optical system which must be analyzed on an individual basis using the tools learned during the course.

Toegestane onvoldoende
Kijk in het aanvullend OER van je faculteit na of een toegestane onvoldoende mogelijk is voor dit opleidingsonderdeel.

Academische context

Deze aanbieding maakt deel uit van de volgende studieplannen:
Master in de ingenieurswetenschappen: fotonica: Standaard traject
Master of Photonics Engineering: On campus traject (enkel aangeboden in het Engels)