9 ECTS credits
225 h study time
Offer 2 with catalog number 1020873BNR for all students in the 1st and 2nd semester at a (B) Bachelor - advanced level.
This training programme is conceived as preparation to writing a comprehensive scientific monograph. During the very first weeks of the academic year, all students, duly coached by a supervisor, are to establish the topic of their thesis.
This thesis may be chosen in consideration and in preparation of the Master thesis to be submitted at the end of the Master of History programme. During the course of the third Bachelor year, students are expected to make their next steps as part of their research study, at all times in close and regular consultation with their supervisor: accurate demarcation of the topic, compiling a bibliography, subjecting sources to a preliminary screening. These activities are to result in the writing of a paper, the volume of which amounts to about 15,000 words, annexes excluded. This paper is to contain the following: 1) the issue which the research study sets out from; the thematic, chronological and geographical demarcation of the topic; a number of exact research queries 2) A critical status question of the scientific literature that has been selected (both with regard to approach/methodology/theory and the topic. 3) A duly critical overview of the sources to be used as part of the study. 4) An overview of the methodology that is to be used. 5) A comprehensive listing of the sources and publications used.
Further information can be found in the brochure 'Bachelorpaper History’ on the faculty’s website. This bachelor's brochure is considered as an integral part of this courses sheet.
1) The formulation of a problem; 2) Application of heuristic skills; 3) The development of argumentation on the basis of a coherent and thoroughly elaborated line of reasoning; 4) Attesting to oral and written skills. All of the above learning objects are to culminate in the writing and oral presentation of a scientific paper.
The final grade is composed based on the following categories:
Other Exam determines 100% of the final mark.
Within the Other Exam category, the following assignments need to be completed:
Students are to advise the Department’s secretariat of the subject and the name of their supervisor. Students submit two copies of their thesis to the secretariat of the Dean’s Office within the time span determined by the Faculty. The thesis supervisor and the reader will grade the thesis and present their grades to the chairman of the department, who will record the average of the grades awarded before filing the grade sheet to the Dean’s Office. Students failing to hand in the form (duly signed by the thesis supervisor) indicating the subject of their paper with the Department’s secretariat on the scheduled date, are to be recorded as "Absent" on the final grade sheet. This also applies to students failing to hand in their paper by the date as set. During the second semester (late March), a session will be held at which all students will present a brief oral exposition on the status of their research efforts (max. ten minutes) for the benefit of their fellow students and the members of the academic staff (ZAP, AAP, BAP). This is part of Historisch atelier ("History Workshop"), where this is graded for 25 % of the end mark of this course. Following the presentation, the audience may ask questions or make critical observations. Students may benefit by taking due consideration of these in the final version of their thesis. Anyone failing to attend without valid reason will be recorded as "Absent" on the official grade sheet of Historish atelier. The final marking of the paper is the result of the assessment of the paper by the jury members. No further oral or written examination is scheduled.
This offer is part of the following study plans:
Bachelor of History: Minor Minor Human Sciences (only offered in Dutch)
Bachelor of History: minor Social Sciences (only offered in Dutch)
Bridging Programme Master of Arts in History: Standaard traject (84 ECTS) (only offered in Dutch)
Preparatory Programme Master of Arts in History: Standaard traject (84 ECTS) (only offered in Dutch)