3 ECTS credits
75 u studietijd
Aanbieding 2 met studiegidsnummer 1020924AEW voor werkstudenten in het 2e semester met een inleidend bachelor niveau.
This course aims to on the one hand open the art historic curriculum in the direction of non-Western cultural production regarding contemporary fine art and on the other hand, it strives to be alert for an important shift within the art historian discours towards a more globalized and theoretical approach. The course offers introduction to various periphery areas, geographically seen, but can also tackle the term “periphery” from social or economic perspectives. This is how for example the art history gender studies has been developed from a peripheral point in society.
The course peripheral regions within the recent art periods has been structures since the academic year 2016-17 within the philosophy of pop-up art projects which are pursued by the government and of which the lectures will take place at partner universities which are situated in other parts of the city. From this philosophy, the cours has been organized since 2916-17 in the auditorium of the Brussels Higher Instituut of Architecture (CIVA).
Because the course covers an especially wide scope of possible topoi, it is almost impossible to teach this course as a single professor, therefore many different experts will be selected on the basis of their specific expertise related to the discussed periphery areas. Naturally the list with speakers will be different depending on the academic year just like the locations of the lectures.
This course aims to on the one hand open the art historic curriculum in the direction of non-Western cultural production regarding contemporary fine art and on the other hand, it strives to be alert for an important shift within the art historian discours towards a more globalized and theoretical approach. The course offers introduction to various periphery areas, geographically seen, but can also tackle the term “periphery” from social or economic perspectives. This is how for example the art history gender studies has been developed from a peripheral point in society. Because of the enormous scope of this course, where very divergent artistic areas can be touched upon, the lectures are seen as introductory whereby it is both important that the students gain elementary knowledge of these various identities, and also see the links these peripheral areas have to a globalized art world.
The course will take the form of various topoi, spread over one or two teaching moments offered as lectures. The course is seen as an open and flexible format where the titular presents the introduction of a couple of topoi. Other topoi will be taught by guest speakers, who are selected on the basis of their specific expertise linked to a periphery area or another subject that links to the curriculum. In this way, the course can have annual variations.
1. The students will gain recognition that outside of the Western Canon, there are also other art worlds active
2. The students will gain knowledge through the various guest speakers who will present periphery areas during the lectures, including Q&A afterwards
3. The students will gain thorough knowledge of each one of these periphery areas
4. The students will provide personal contribution by adding a periphery area to the course which will be asked for during the exam
De beoordeling bestaat uit volgende opdrachtcategorieën:
Examen Andere bepaalt 100% van het eindcijfer
Binnen de categorie Examen Andere dient men volgende opdrachten af te werken:
The evaluation consists of the following categories:
The exam is 100% of the final grade
The exam will be conducted as an oral exam. At the start of the exam, the students will get a main question, which relates to a voluminous part of the course, and which can be prepared on paper. This is followed by a series of smaller and detailed questions. In addition, the students present a personal exercise which they prepared.
Part 1: MAIN QUESTION with regard to one of the peripheral areas discussed in the course (50%)
Part 2: SUBQUESTION (25%)
Deze aanbieding maakt deel uit van de volgende studieplannen:
Bachelor in de kunstwetenschappen en de archeologie: Standaard traject
Schakelprogramma Master of Arts in de kunstwetenschappen en de archeologie: Standaard traject
Voorbereidingsprogramma Master of Arts in de kunstwetenschappen en de archeologie: Standaard traject