6 ECTS credits
150 h study time
Offer 1 with catalog number 1021439CER for all students in the 1st semester at a (C) Bachelor - specialised level.
This course focuses on the study of media content and media texts. It starts from the argument that, without disregarding the value of production and audience studies, media content and texts cannot be dismissed in the study of media and communication. Hence, the aim of this course is to provide an overview of the diverse research methods that deal with media content and media texts.
The course starts with a conceptual discussion to elucidate similarities and differences between media content and media texts. Second, the course offers an overview of different approaches and debates regarding the study of diverse media content and texts (e.g., news media, film, television,…). For the greater part, this course elaborates and illustrates contemporary quantitative and qualitative approaches. Particularly, students are instructed on how to conduct specific quantitative and qualitative analyses of media content and media texts. Last, students within this course are expected to complete an individual and group assignment based on one method (either content analysis or textual analysis).
This course combines various teaching methods:
Lecture: The lectures introduce students to key methods, method-related theories and concepts, and contemporary debates in media content and media text research.
Independent work: Students must complete an individual assignment (i.e. writing and defending a problem statement) as part of the group work. For this part of the assignment, the use of AI is permitted, but only to support the development of one's own original ideas. Any use of AI must be properly stated.
In addition, students will individually and independently process and review additional scholarly literature related to course content in preparation for the lectures.
Group work and seminar: Students work in groups on one major assignment (either an assignment requiring the use of content analysis or an assignment requiring the use of textual analysis). The use of AI is only allowed for the literature review and only to support the development of your own original ideas. Any use of AI must be properly stated. It is not permitted to use AI to generate output related to the research design and the analysis. Teachers and assistants provide students with feedback throughout the process.
Because of group size and guidance, one half of the students will complete an assignment that uses textual analysis. The other half will complete an assignment that uses content analysis.
Final competences
The final grade is composed based on the following categories:
Other Exam determines 100% of the final mark.
Within the Other Exam category, the following assignments need to be completed:
This course uses permanent evaluation: The final result is based on the evaluation of the group work paper (75%) and individual work (25%)
If students fail the permanent evaluation (score lower than 10/20), they will be able to do an alternative written assignment in the second term.
This offer is part of the following study plans:
Bachelor of Social Sciences: Communication Studies
Bachelor of Social Sciences: Political Sciences
Bachelor of Social Sciences: Sociology