3 ECTS credits
78 h study time

Offer 1 with catalog number 4021484ENR for all students in the 1st semester at a (E) Master - advanced level.

1st semester
Enrollment based on exam contract
Grading method
Grading (scale from 0 to 20)
Can retake in second session
Taught in
Partnership Agreement
Under interuniversity agreement for degree program
Faculty of Sciences and Bioengineering Sciences
Bio-Engineering Sciences
Educational team
Daria Ezerina (course titular)
Activities and contact hours
26 contact hours Lecture
Course Content

This course comprises the following chapters:

  1. Chemical mediators and their receptors : definitions
  2. Classification of receptors (on basis of structure/function)

These first two chapters deal with signaling molecules, basic approaches to study drug-receptor interactions and the structure and function of receptors. In the first chapter of this part signaling molecules (denoted as ‘chemical mediators’) are divided according to their mode of transmission (hormones, neurotransmitters) and according to their hydrophobicity (hydrophobic hormones which pass the cell membrane/ hydrophilic/large signaling molecules whose receptors are at the outside of the plasma membrane). The receptors for chemical mediators are divided in the ways they trigger the cell response (activation of G proteins, endogenous phosphorylation, opening of ion channels).

  1. Ligand-gated ion channels

This chapter deals with ligand mediated ion channels. With two typical examples the action mechanism of these receptors is explained. It concerns nicotinic acetylcholine receptor that operate the opening of sodium channels involved in the contraction of skeletal muscles and the glutamate and GABA mediated ion channels that are involved in rapid signal transduction in neurons.

  1. G-protein coupled receptors

This chapter deals with G-protein coupled receptors. They represent a very large family of plasma membrane receptors that are involved in a very broad range of (patho)-physiological processes. It might therefore not surprise that about half of all the known commercial medicines exert their effects via these receptors. This chapter will explain the general mechanism of signal transduction of these receptors as well as their classification on basis of their structure/amino acid sequence. It also deals with widely used technical approaches to investigate the interaction between signaling molecules (and their synthetic analogues: agonists and antagonists) and their receptors.

  1. Growth factor receptors

The next category of receptors are the growth factor or tyrosin kinase receptors. The binding of their ligands i.e. growth factors activates their intrinsic property of endogenous phosphorylation. As their name indicates, the binding of these ligands are involved in the regulation of cell growth and division.

  1. Steroïd receptors

The last category of receptors are located intracellularly. They mainly recognize steroid hormones, which are apolar mediators that are able to cross the plasma membrane barrier.

  1. Methodology : Radioligand receptor binding
  2. Methodology : Functional experiments

These two chapters of the course deal with a more in-depth insight in the quantitative and molecular aspects of the ligand interaction with (mainly) G-protein coupled receptors. The following parts will be discussed:

Quantitative aspects and complexity of (radio) ligand binding. Herein we will discuss the interpretation of ‘heterogeneity’, meaning the existence of different receptor subtypes in the binding assay, ‘cooperativity’, receptor-G-protein coupling.

Subsequently typical functional experiments for GPCR and the corresponding quantitative aspects will be discussed (agonist concentration-effect curves …). Attention will also be paid to concepts such as partial and inverse agonists, intrinsic activity, amplification, spare receptors … This chapter will pay attention to the complex relation between ligand-receptor binding and the measured response such as the activation of G-proteins, formation of ‘second messengers’ and tissue effects (for instance contraction of a muscle). It will deal with the major models/theories that describe and/or explain this relation. They include (i) the linear model, (ii) the ‘non-linear model’ or ‘transducer’ model, (iii) the ‘one site two-state model’, (iv) the allosteric ternary complex model’.

  1. Receptor desensitization and inactivation and antagonism

This chapter describes by which mechanism synthetic antagonists can modulate and/or inhibit ligand mediated effects. It will deal with classical competitive antagonists, competitive ‘insurmountable’ antagonists, ‘allosteric modulators’, ‘allosteric antagonists’, ‘inverse agonists’ and functional antagonists. Subsequently the molecular mechanisms will be dealt that disrupt the agonist response. It concerns mechanisms of receptor phosphorylation, desensitization and internalization.

  1. Biased ligands

Originally it was thought that natural and synthetic agonists of a particular receptors induced the same cellular and biochemical responses. However, relatively recently it emerged that different ligand for one receptors can display selectivity to induce particular signal transduction pathways. In this chapter will be explained how this functional selectivity can be analyzed and whether certain ligand can be described as ‘biased ligands’.

  1. Receptor oligomerization

 In recent investigations it appeared that G-protein coupled receptor can occur as di- or oligomers. In this chapter will be discussed how this phenomenon can be demonstrated by recent molecular and biophysical techniques. It will also deal with the possible important consequences this can have for current molecular pharmacology.

Additional info

All the slides, notes and supplementary material of the course will be available on the learning platform.

Learning Outcomes

General competences

The general aim of the course is to provide the student insight in the domain of Molecular Pharmacology. The acquired knowledge during this course is useful in a research-oriented career. It provides the bio-engineers and biologists the basic knowledge to perform pre-clinical research and to function within multi-disciplinary teams in the pharmaceutical industry.

Specific competences

Understand the meaning and content of pharmacological concepts.

Capable of handling in an independent and critical way of pharmacological knowledge.

Use the acquired knowledge in the course to understand and critically read scientific publications in the domain of molecular pharmacology.

During the lectures an active attitude is encouraged by which the theoretical knowledge can be applied in concrete examples.

To be able to present orally in a short time period the essentials (aims, methods, results, discussion) of a scientific publication.

To have an opinion with relation to the discussion, interpretation and conclusions in a scientific publication.


The final grade is composed based on the following categories:
Oral Exam determines 90% of the final mark.
LEC Presentation determines 10% of the final mark.

Within the Oral Exam category, the following assignments need to be completed:

  • Oral exam with a relative weight of 10 which comprises 90% of the final mark.

    Note: See additional info regarding evaluation

Within the LEC Presentation category, the following assignments need to be completed:

  • In class presentation with a relative weight of 1 which comprises 10% of the final mark.

    Note: See additional info regarding evaluation

Additional info regarding evaluation

In-class presentation (10% of final grade)

Making use of the "flipped classroom" principle, the students will be asked to prepare a 15 min presentation explaining a specific topic to their peers. The list of topics will be provided to the students during the first lecture and they will be free to select the topic they want to present themselves. These would include specific types of receptors, as well as case study examples of important papers in the field. Depending of the number of students enrolled in the class, students can present as a group. 

Oral exam (90% of final grade)

The oral exam of Molecular Pharmacology will be comprised of two categories of questions:

Question type 1: The understanding of theoretical concepts taught in class will be assessed (50% of final mark). 

Question type 2: The student will be asked to present an experimental plan using methods taught in class or others to address a specific question related to the field. The student will be expected to motivate and defend their choice of methods (50% of final mark)

The questions will be provided to the students on the day of the exam and a preparation time of at least 45 minutes will be foreseen. 

Attention: a positive grade (> 50%) for both question types is required to pass the exam!


Allowed unsatisfactory mark
The supplementary Teaching and Examination Regulations of your faculty stipulate whether an allowed unsatisfactory mark for this programme unit is permitted.

Academic context

This offer is part of the following study plans:
Master of Molecular Biology: Standaard traject
Master of Biology: Molecular and Cellular Life sciences