5 ECTS credits
150 h study time
Offer 1 with catalog number 4022136ENR for all students in the 1st semester at a (E) Master - advanced level.
This course provides an insight into the core concepts of the different topics.
1. Medical ethics
2. Judicial medicine
3. Expertise and insurance medicine:
4. Anatomopathology:
5. Basic principles of cancer
These and other aspects of social topics are further discussed in the Clinical and social topics II and III or integrative lectures sections. These other aspects include youth health care, elderly care and mental health
The course material consists of copies of the used slides and / or course notes, made digitally available to the students. Additional references to study material and digital sources are communicated on Canvas.
The student knows the common concepts related to different domains
The final grade is composed based on the following categories:
Written Exam determines 100% of the final mark.
Within the Written Exam category, the following assignments need to be completed:
The final evaluation is the arithmetic mean of 20 points
Written closed book exam on the lectures at the end of the first semester.
The written exam consists of 5 parts
1. Medical ethics
2. Judicial medicine
3. Expertise and insurance medicine
4. Anatomopathology
5. Basic principles of cancer
Each part is scored /20.
If students fail two or more of the six components, or if they achieve a score lower than 7 for one component despite a possibly sufficient average final grade, then they have not passed the written exam. With a result of at least 10/20, partial results are automatically transferred to the second session. In this case (thus only if the student did not pass the course, the student who nevertheless wishes to retake one or more exam components, can send an e-mail to the lecturer, at the latest before the start of the second session. Once the student has indicated that he wants to abandon his partial result, he will irrevocably lose this partial result. This transfer is only permitted between sessions within the same academic year. Transferring points to a following academic year is not permitted, even though there are legitimate reasons for not participating in a session in the current academic year. If a student does not pass the second examination period according to the above criteria, he must retake all parts of the course unit in the following academic year.
The final evaluation of the acquired competences of the entire Topics trajectory (Clinical and Social Topics I, II and III and Integrative colleges) takes place in an integrated manner during an oral evaluation after completing the course "Integrative Colleges".
This offer is part of the following study plans:
Master of Medicine: Standaard traject ma gk 3 jr (only offered in Dutch)