3 ECTS credits
90 h study time
Offer 2 with catalog number 4022777DNW for working students in the 1st semester at a (D) Master - preliminary level.
Learning Pathway Professional Practice
The internship consists of participatory observation and a minilesson
In the participatory observation, students observe classroom practice of subject X by a mentor. As much as possible, students actively participate in these lessons (by prior agreement with the mentor). The aim of the participatory observation is to form a broad and nuanced picture of the learning environment. While observing, students therefore thoroughly map different dimensions of the learning environment (initial situation, lesson structure, teaching methods, interaction, etc.). This part of the internship consists of four hours of participatory observation and a final interview with the mentor.
The students perform a minilesson within the domain of this course. Active participation in the minilesson is mandatory to start the internships in Teaching Methodology 2.
For students with LIO status: In-service internship of 28 hours. If the assignment volume is between 200 and 499 teaching hours or if the LIO student's assignment does not or does not sufficiently align with the domain of this course, an additional assignment from the regular track will be given.
Learning Pathway Pedagogical Content Knowledge
Within this course unit, in addition to situating economics in current Flemish education, specific attention is paid to translating subject-specific concepts and frames of reference for creating an optimal powerful learning environment within (business) economics. In doing so, students learn to take into account the sustainability aspects of (business) economics in a globalising world. For business economics, students work in teacher design teams. This means that they (re)design curriculum materials in the field of economics. Students learn how to translate attainment targets, curriculum files and curricula into practice, but also, for instance, how social and political discussions and new scientific insights (can) have an impact on their classroom practice.
The common thread throughout this course unit is the step-by-step subject-specific support in designing a powerful learning environment so that these can be tested at the end of this course unit. Students teach an individual mini-lesson within the economics domain.
For students of campuses Anderlecht, Diest and Leuven 9 contact hours will be organised. 81h are completed as self-study (including internship).
Students are expected to attend all classes within this course unit in order to prepare as much as possible for the internship (professional attitude).
Additional information on the course unit internship: the participatory observation will take place during the internship period scheduled for this purpose (6 November 2023 to 1 December 2023). Students are expected to spread the duration of their internship (see internship guidelines).
During this course unit an integrated skill set of competences, needed for the design of a powerful learning environment is developed. During the internship the aim is to integrate the learning outcomes of the other course units and the course unit Powerful Learning Environments.
Programme specific learning outcomes
1, 2, 3, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 20
Learning Pathway Professional Practice
The student shows an open, inquisitive and professional attitude (including planning/preparation of and communication about the internship and minilesson).
The student handles information about the pupil/ student/ teachers/ school/ supervisors in a respectful and discrete manner.
The student can look back critically at the given minilesson and participatory observation internship, reflect on it and, if necessary, formulate alternatives.
The student deals constructively with feedback on the preparation and implementation of the minilesson and can give substantiated feedback to peers on their minilessons.
The student can incorporate the pedagogical reference frameworks and subject-specific insights necessary for designing a powerful learning environment in the preparation of a minilesson (including formulating appropriate learning objectives and designing teaching materials and learning and assessment activities in line with the initial situation of a learning group).
The student can prepare lessons for a teaching group, in which the starting situation, learning objectives and learning and evaluation activities are explicit and attuned to each other.
The student is able to analyse the observed teaching practice on the basis of pedagogical reference frameworks and subject-specific insights.
The student can formulate substantiated proposals to constructively use the diversity in a learning group in teaching practice.
The student can identify and map the different characteristics of the initial situation of a learning group using a broad observation toolkit.
Learning Pathway Pedagogical Content Knowledge
The student demonstrates an open and inquisitive attitude and a professional attitude.
The student assesses the construction of the subject-specific curriculum in the context of the essence and unique social relevance of the subject area.
The student can design a powerful, problem-solving learning environment with accompanying thoroughly elaborated lesson preparation form by using a thinking diagram on lesson structure and some subject-specific didactic principles.
In a teacher design team, the student designs quality teaching materials integrating the key competences and the specific minimum objectives for economics.
The student integrates sustainability into economics teaching, using a transformative approach.
The final grade is composed based on the following categories:
Written Exam determines 60% of the final mark.
Practical Exam determines 20% of the final mark.
Other Exam determines 20% of the final mark.
Within the Written Exam category, the following assignments need to be completed:
Within the Practical Exam category, the following assignments need to be completed:
Within the Other Exam category, the following assignments need to be completed:
A student can only pass the course if
He has participated in all parts of the evaluation: the assignment, the participatory observation and the minilesson. A final grade can only be calculated if a score was obtained for all these components. Not participating in one or more components results in the mark 'absent' (afw).
He obtained at least 7/20 for each part of the evaluation (assignment, participatory observation and minilesson). If a score lower than 7/20 was obtained for at least one of the components, the final score awarded will be equal to the mark awarded for the lowest scored category.
Non-participation in or not passing the minilesson or participatory observation results in a remedial course for Teaching Methodology 2 (binding condition for continuing the internship in the programme).
Not passing the participatory observation can only be made up in a subsequent useful session time. In the event of referral to the next useful session, the titular can allow the transfer of the grades of the successfully completed sections.
The use of generative AI is only permitted as support for the assignment on the condition that these tools are used resposibly and with integrity. Any use of generative AI must be indicated appropriately (see guidelines on Canvas).
This offer is part of the following study plans:
Master of Business Engineering: Standaard traject (only offered in Dutch)
Master of Business Economics: Standaard traject (only offered in Dutch)
Master of Teaching in Social Sciences: communicatiewetenschappen (90 ECTS, Etterbeek) (only offered in Dutch)
Master of Teaching in Social Sciences: standaard traject (60 ECTS, Etterbeek) (only offered in Dutch)
Master of Teaching in Social Sciences: standaard traject (60 ECTS, Anderlecht) (only offered in Dutch)
Master of Teaching in Economics: standaard traject (90 ECTS, Etterbeek) (only offered in Dutch)
Master of Teaching in Economics: standaard traject (60 ECTS, Etterbeek) (only offered in Dutch)
Master of Teaching in Economics: standaard traject (60 ECTS, Anderlecht) (only offered in Dutch)