5 ECTS credits
140 h study time
Offer 1 with catalog number 4023339FNR for all students in the 2nd semester at a (F) Master - specialised level.
Biomedical devices, wearable technologies, implantable technologies and associated electronic components, embedded electronics, telemetry, IoT healthcare, microfabrication technologies, cleanroom, system integration.
Position of the Course:
The aim of the course is to give an in-depth overview of the micro-and nanotechnologies for biomedical devices and system design as well as an introduction to the micro-and nanofabrication techniques of biomedical devices and systems. It covers the embedded system design aspects, the biocompatibility and biostability aspects, as well as the system integration aspects. In the course several case studies of wearable and implantable medical devices at the level of embedded system design as well as fabrication technologies will be discussed
1. Introduction
• Content • Description of the course • Evaluation
2. Functional blocks & Requirements
• Sensors/actuators – interfacing – computational – memory - power - telemetry
• Biocompatibility and biostability of materials/devices (interaction body-foreign material, definition biocomp. & biostability, testing methods, MRI compatibility
3. Introduction to embedded systems
• Description • Architectures 1. Buses, protocols and interfaces 2. Memories 3. Computational technologies • Analog, Digital and mixed-signal processing • Features and limitations
4. Embedded Systems for medical applications
o Specifications, categories o Smart devices o Off-the-shelf solutions
5. Communication and powering
5.1 Wearable devices
o Low-power wireless technologies o IoT Healthcare o Edge/Fog/ Cloud Computing strategies o Privacy and Security
5.2 Implantable devices
o Categories and Specifications
o Communication o Powering strategies
6. Case studies of embedded systems aspects
o Wearables: ECG, PPG o Implantables: Pacemaker, Insulin Pump
7. Fabrication technologies for electronic microsystems - Fabrication of chips, extrapolation to MEMS - chip packaging, system integration
a. Si substrates i. Si wafer fabrication ii. Si conductivity adjustment by doping and oxidation b. Deposition of materials i. PVD, CVD, ALD c. Patterning of materials i. lithography ii. wet etch, dry etch d. Micro-fabrication of metal patterns i. planarization ii. metal plating e. Transfer from Si wafer to device i. chip packaging ii. system integration
8. Cleanrooms, contamination control
9. Architecture and fabrication of wearable/implantable microdevices
• Specific fabrication technologies
• Flexible and stretchable system integration
• Miniaturization of devices
• Sterilization, sterile packaging
• Regulatory aspects and risk analysis
10. Case studies of fabrication aspects - neural probe for intra-fascicular implantation - smart contact lens
- microfluidic system
Initial competences:
• General knowledge of biomaterials • Principles of physiological systems
• Principles of electromagnetism • Principles of electronic circuits and devices
Conditions for credit contract: Access to this course unit via a credit contract is determined after successful competences assessment
Conditions for exam contract This course unit cannot be taken via an exam contract
Teaching methods Guided self-study, demonstration, lecture, online discussion group, project, self-reliant study activities, lecture: plenary exercises, online demonstration, online group work, online lecture, online lecture: plenary exercises, online project.
It will be possible to follow all theoretical parts online. Depending on the covid-19 measures it is possible that other didactid methods would be applied for practical and theoretical sessions.
Combined syllabus - powerpoint will be available in electronic format and can be printed by the students
References Scientific literature. Implantable Medical Electronics, Vinod Kumar Khanna
• Understanding of the micro-and nanofabrication technologies for wearable and implantable biomedical devices and systems • Skills to decide on the powering and the telemetry aspects of biomedical devices and systems • Understanding of the contamination control in cleanroom environments • Understanding the design constraints of the electronic and peripheral components of implantable devices • System integration, sterilization and packaging aspects of biomedical devices and systems • Design skills of the embedded system aspects.
Knowledge of the basic principles regarding regulatory aspects in order to introduce a new medical device on the market, including basic principles of required testing and related ethical aspects
The final grade is composed based on the following categories:
Other Exam determines 100% of the final mark.
Within the Other Exam category, the following assignments need to be completed:
Evaluation methods :End-of-term evaluation and continuous assessment
Examination methods in case of periodic evaluation during the first examination period Oral examination comprising two parts
Fabrication aspects: Open book without preparation
All other topics: Closed book with written preparation
Examination methods in case of periodic evaluation during the second examination period Oral examination comprising two parts
Fabrication aspects: Open book without preparation
All other topics: Closed book with written preparation
Examination methods in case of permanent evaluation Report
Possibilities of retake in case of permanent evaluation The permanent evaluation parts cannot be repeated during the second examination period
Extra information on the examination methods
During semester:
- Project 1: Reporting on regulatory aspects of medical systems (5%)
- Project 2: reporting on virtual visit to a cleanroom (5%) -
- Project 3: Reporting on self-study on embedded biomedical system (5%)
Calculation of the examination mark During examination period / Throughout semester = 85% / 15%
This offer is part of the following study plans:
Master of Biomedical Engineering: Standaard traject (only offered in Dutch)
Master of Biomedical Engineering: Startplan
Master of Biomedical Engineering: Profile Radiation Physics
Master of Biomedical Engineering: Profile Biomechanics and Biomaterials
Master of Biomedical Engineering: Profile Sensors and Medical Devices
Master of Biomedical Engineering: Profile Neuro-Engineering
Master of Biomedical Engineering: Standaard traject (NIEUW)