9 ECTS credits
234 h study time

Offer 1 with catalog number 4023993FNR for all students in the 1st and 2nd semester at a (F) Master - specialised level.

1st and 2nd semester
Enrollment based on exam contract
Grading method
Grading (scale from 0 to 20)
Can retake in second session
Enrollment Requirements
For this course you have to meet certain enrolment requirements. For an overview of the enrolment requirements check https://www.vub.be/en/studying-vub/practical-info-for-students/study-guidance/study-path/individual-study-path#paragraph--id--71647 
Taught in
Faculty of Physical Education and Physiotherapy
Bewegings- en Sportwetenschappen
Educational team
Marc Theeboom
Evert Zinzen
Dirk Aerenhouts (course titular)
Hebe Schaillée
Daphne Van Dessel
Activities and contact hours
4 contact hours Lecture
230 contact hours Independent or External Form of Study
Course Content
  1. ‘Sport for performance’:This component comprises a minimum of  140u, in which the main goal is performance improvement. This improvement can be situated at the sports technical, tactical, physical, mental level, or a combination of these. It is permitted to do internship at different locations and/or sports disciplines. Before starting, approval should be given by the primary instructor prof. Dirk Aerenhouts, and a contract needs to be signed by 3 parties, i.e., the primary instructor, the student, and the internship responsible. The approval will depend on the content of the tasks to be done, educationbal level of the mentor, vision and mission of the club or federation. We encourage to coach both talented youth as well as elite athletes, and to seek for international experiences. This internship is performed on a regular base (weekly), over a longer period (several months) on a same topic, allowing follow-up and evaluation/reflection of  gained competences. The internship mentor commits himself/herself to give feedback on a regular base (to be agreed on), and to give an evaluation at the end which should be sent by email to dirk.aerenhouts@vub.be. This evaluation should also be added to the internship report.
  2. 'Sport as a Means': This component comprises a minimum of 70 hours (including 5 hours of observation) where the main objective is to gain experience in developing and supervising sports sessions as a means of achieving broader personal and/or societal objectives (such as personal and social development, social inclusion, …). Internship places should be chosen within the domain of 'social-sportive practices' (also referred to as sport-plus practices). These initiatives are not only situated within the sports sector, but can also be found within the broader social sector and are mainly aimed at groups in a socially vulnerable position. It is important that internships are chosen that explicitly focus on these broader objectives. In other words, choosing a 'regular' sports club that also indicates that it realises non-sporting objectives (but mainly organises this in an implicit way), is not an option here. The student can opt for 1 internship or 2 (in the latter case, each time with a minimum of 30 hours of practical internship and 5 hours of observation and is encouraged to work with a different target group each time). Students do not have to limit themselves to a specific sport. Because it is expected that the student can map out a clear evolution among the participants per internship, the internship must always be spread over at least five weeks. International internship experiences are encouraged. Internship position(s) and interpretation by the student must be submitted for approval in advance to the course co-titulars (Marc Theeboom / Hebe Schaillée) and the internship contract must be signed before the start by both the internship mentor, the student, and 1 of the course co-titulars. The approval for an internship depends on the existing operation and objectives of the organisation and the planned implementation by the student. The internship mentor must undertake to provide specific feedback (to be agreed) on a regular basis and to complete an evaluation at the end of the internship and forward it to the co-titulars of the course (marc.theeboom@vub.be / Hebe.Schaillee@vub.be). This evaluation should also be added to the internship report.
  3. refresher course(s): this part comprises a minimum of 5 hours, and can be situated in both the field of sport for performance as well as sport for development. The student looks for a suitable refresher course which suits the own intrests and desired specialisation. Approval should be obtained before participating (sport for performance: dirk.aerenhouts@vub.be; sport for development: marc.theeboom@vub.be and Hebe.Schaillee@vub.be). Afterwards a proof of attendance and a critical reflection should be added to the internship report.
Course material
Course text (Required) : Trainer A cursus binnen de specialisatiesport
Additional info

If it is the student's desire to obtain a VTS degree trainer B or trainer A, the coordination will be done by the VTS liaison, whom should be contacted in time (first 2 weeks of the academic year). The liaison will point out an internal internship mentor and look for an appropriate internship location. The internship report should contain all the relevant information of your work you have performed during your master education. This way you will compose a unique portfolio which can be usefull to apply for a job position after graduating.

International internship is strongly encouraged.

Learning Outcomes

Learning outcomes

Students have knowledge of

- The didactical principles of the specific sport(s) of choice

- The different didactic principles specific to the specific objectives and target group(s)

- The detailed technical (and tactical) aspects of the sport of choice

- The detailed methodic progressions of the technical (and tactical) aspects of the sport of choice

- The content of a sport specific course preparation and long term planning

- The detailed application of scientific results (e.g. from physiology, biomechanics, psychology) in the sport of choice

- In detail the application of the insights with regard to the realization of broader personal and social objectives through sport (based on the 'GWP Sport as a Means' and 'Sport and Development' or other previously acquired similar knowledge)


Students are able to

- Give the lead in didactic settings

- Use the correct didactic techniques on the level of high level athletes

- Participate in club/federation organization concerning long term planning, month planning, and course planning

- Plan, organize and evaluate situations where you have to give the lead (21st century skills)

- Prepare a course plan according the actual rules

-Apply didactic action adapted to the specific objectives and the target group

- Critically evaluate and correct the own courses

- Detect and correct errors on club and (youth) top sport level.


Studentds posses the attitude to

- promote a healthy and sportive lifestyle

- take initiative and responsibility in a class situation (21st century skills)

- practice sports on a regular basis and maintain and improve their own basic condition

- learn with an open mind and eagerness to learn mentality and accept criticism and corrections

- learn from his/her own mistakes, learn to self detect them and specifically work on them.

- help others by making one's own proven specialties available

-communicate in a polite and exemplary way (21st century skills)

- comply with appointments in a punctual way

- use a critical scientific mentality to constantly dare to put question marks to yourself and to the acquired/used technical, tactical, methodic, didactic principles (21st century skills)

- in general: being an example for the students

Additionally you should reach all the competences of the trainer A as described in the generic competence grid of the VTS.


The final grade is composed based on the following categories:
SELF Internship determines 100% of the final mark.

Within the SELF Internship category, the following assignments need to be completed:

  • stage with a relative weight of 1 which comprises 100% of the final mark.

Additional info regarding evaluation

- Evaluation report of the internship mentor(s) : 20 %

- Evaluation report 'sport for performance' : 40%

- Evaluation report 'sport for development' : 20%

- Presentation of the internship experiences and reflection using a powerpoint: 20%

Allowed failing grades

Check the Education and Exams Reglement of the faculty if failing grades are allowed for this course.

Allowed unsatisfactory mark
The supplementary Teaching and Examination Regulations of your faculty stipulate whether an allowed unsatisfactory mark for this programme unit is permitted.

Academic context

This offer is part of the following study plans:
Master of Movement and Sports Sciences: Afstudeerrichting sporttraining en coaching - profiel fysieke activiteit, fitheid en gezondheid (only offered in Dutch)
Master of Movement and Sports Sciences: Afstudeerrichting sporttraining en coaching - profiel sportbeleid en sportmanagement (only offered in Dutch)
Master of Movement and Sports Sciences: Sports Training and Coaching Profile Profile Specialisation Training and Coaching (only offered in Dutch)
Master of Movement and Sports Sciences: Sports Training and Coaching Profile Profile Education (only offered in Dutch)