12 ECTS credits
360 h study time
Offer 1 with catalog number 1024305ANR for all students in the 1st and 2nd semester at a (A) Bachelor - preliminary level.
By means of practical exercises and group assignments, the student acquires knowledge, insight and skills that are required in scientific research.
Both in the field of art sciences and the field of archaeology, the student is made familiar with heuristics, context analysis, problem definitions and methodologies, literature study including historical criticism, synthesis and reporting (oral and written).
The final assignments of this course include the oral and written reporting of the literature synthesis and a of new research proposal.
Within this course the student also carries out assignments from the learning module Academisch Nederlands.
The students receive practical coaching from the assistants, Eva Janssens and Melissa Samaes.
Since in this course practical skills are exercised, attending the contact moments is required.
All information is available via the learning platform Canvas or is distributed during the contact moments.
The student has practiced heuristic, diagnostic, argumentative and reporting skills as required in art-historical and archeological research.
The student is able to write independently a critical essay about an art-historical and an archaeological subject.
The student is able to present interim research results in the form of a poster presentation and an oral presentation.
This course contributes to the following objectives of the bachelor programme Art Studies and Archaeology:
3. A Bachelor of Art Studies and Archaeology combines this knowledge with a knowledge of the broad cultural and social context and understands how artistic production and material culture act as drivers for changing cultural, social, economic and ideological values.
4. A Bachelor of Art Studies and Archaeology has a general knowledge and understanding of the historical and current relationships between heritage, institutions and society.
5. A Bachelor of Art Studies and Archaeology has an understanding of the essential heuristic and analytical research techniques, including methods in the field, scientific techniques and discourse analysis.
7. A Bachelor of Art Studies and Archaeology can, with expert guidance, formulate a problem and the corresponding research questions within the fields of the history of art, archaeology or critical heritage studies.
8. A Bachelor of Art Studies and Archaeology examines primary sources, under expert guidance, and produce a critical, international literature study on a specific problem.
9. A Bachelor of Art Studies and Archaeology selects and uses, under expert guidance, adequate qualitative and/or quantitative research methods and thereby provides a response to specific research questions.
10. A Bachelor of Art Studies and Archaeology reports orally and in writing on the research process and findings to various target groups.
13. A Bachelor of Art Studies and Archaeology has a critical, investigative and ethical attitude reflecting intellectual curiosity and honesty and a positive attitude towards life-long learning.
14. A Bachelor of Art Studies and Archaeology is inventive, creative and has learnt to find his own path, with an open mind and free of prejudice.
15. A Bachelor of Art Studies and Archaeology is prepared to apply humanist values to promote the sustainable development of social well-being. He/she is a citizen of the world, who can take on the current and future challenges of a globalising society.
The final grade is composed based on the following categories:
SELF Paper determines 100% of the final mark.
Within the SELF Paper category, the following assignments need to be completed:
The evaluation is based on two components: part A (intermediate tasks) and part B (two syntheses and presentations of research proposals).
In part A active participation in the contact moments is part of the permanent evaluation.
In part B all assignments must be completed in order to pass this part. These assignments comprise two syntheses (art history and archaeology) and two presentations of research proposals based on those syntheses. The student must obtain a sufficient grade on the synthesis in order to participate in the presentations.
For the written assignments, the limited use of generative AI in a supporting role is allowed, on the condition that these AI-tools are used in a responsible and honest manner. Every use of generative AI must be referenced in a suitable way (see guidelines on Canvas).
Second examination period:
Students who do not pass during the first examination period can request a personal assignment dossier by e-mail to the educational team before the date announced on Canvas. This dossier determines which of the assignments for which the student did not pass must be redone or reworked. The completed assignment dossier must be submitted via Canvas by the announced date.
This offer is part of the following study plans:
Bachelor of Art Studies and Archaeology: Initial track (only offered in Dutch)
Bachelor of Art Studies and Archaeology: Profile Profile Art Studies and Archaeology (only offered in Dutch)
Bachelor of Art Studies and Archaeology: Profile Profile Archaeological Science (only offered in Dutch)