Faculty of Sciences and Bioengineering Sciences

Admission Requirements

Enrolling for this study plan is possible after having obtained one of the following degrees:

Academic Bachelor's programme bio-ingenieurswetenschappen
Academic Bachelor's programme biochemie en de biotechnologie
Academic Bachelor's programme biologie
Academic Bachelor's programme chemie
Academic Bachelor's programme geografie
Academic Bachelor's programme geografie en de geomatica
Academic Bachelor's programme geologie

You may also be asked to provide additional documents so we may evaluate your application.

Aanbevelingsbrief 1 / Letter of recommendation 1
Aanbevelingsbrief 2 / Letter of recommendation 2
Motivatiebrief / Letter of motivation
Puntenlijst / Transcript of records

Enrolling for this plan is also possible having completed the Preparatory Programme Master of Science in Marine and Lacustrine Science and Management.

Overview of the study plan

The programme puts strong emphasis on acquiring skills, both in marine and lacustrine research and management. It requires full-time attendance and active participation in lectures and practical exercises, visits to marine research centers, field trips and excursions.

The course programme consists of 6 parts:
1. Foundation courses (27 ECTS-credits)
2. Toolbox professional skills (23 ECTS-credits)
3. Toolbox supporting skills (6 ECTS-credits)
4. Toolbox research skills (10 ECTS-credits)
5. One major (24 ECTS-credits) to choose out of 4 specialisations:
Major 1: Global Change Impacts on Ecology and Biodiversity
Major 2: Conservation Biology and Ecosystem Management
Major 3: Environmental Impact and Remediation
Major 4: Marine and Lacustrine Geosciences
6. The master thesis (30 ECTS-credits)

For more information: http://www.oceansandlakes.be/.

Foundation courses - year 1

All courses are compulsory.

From the courses listed below, students must obtain 27 ECTS credits.

3ECTS credits - Fundamental Oceans and Lakes Biology
4ECTS credits - Oceanography
4ECTS credits - Limnology
4ECTS credits - Estuarine and Coastal Systems
3ECTS credits - Law and Ethics on Conservation of Aquatic Systems
3ECTS credits - Environmental Modelling
6ECTS credits - Analysis of Biological Data

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Toolbox professional skills - year 1

In this module the student needs to finish all the compulsory courses (9 ECTS-credits) and choose one course (3 ECTS-course).

Toolbox professional skills - compulsory

All courses are compulsory.

From the courses listed below, students must obtain 9 ECTS credits.

3ECTS credits - Governance and Policy in Development and Cooperation - Part I
3ECTS credits - Governance and Policy in Development and Cooperation - Part II
3ECTS credits - Seminars: Case Studies on Biodiversity Management

Toolbox professional skills - choice

Choose 3 ECTS credits.

From the courses listed below, students must obtain 3 ECTS credits.

3ECTS credits - Environmental Impact Assessment
3ECTS credits - Science Communication

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Toolbox supporting skills - year 1

From the courses listed below students must choose 6 ECTS-credits or they can choose free elective courses (2x3 ECTS or 1x6 ECTS) - choice must be approved by head of exam commission. When approved, fill out this form: https://form.jotform.com/222663056398362
and attach the approval email to the form (deadline 15 October).

From the courses listed below, students must obtain 6 ECTS credits.

3ECTS credits - Introduction to GIS
3ECTS credits - Methods of Scientific Diving
6ECTS credits - Tracer Isotope Biogeochemistry
6ECTS credits - Applied Geomorphology
3ECTS credits - Natural Risk Management
3ECTS credits - Scientific Presentation Skills and Career Planning

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Toolbox research skills - year 1

In this module the student needs to finish all the compulsory courses (7 ECTS-credits) and choose one of the field courses (3 ECTS-credits).

Toolbox research skills - compulsory

All courses are compulsory.

From the courses listed below, students must obtain 7 ECTS credits.

3ECTS credits - Integrated Marine Coastal Ecology Field Course
4ECTS credits - In-situ and Remote Sensing Tools in Aquatic Sciences

Toolbox research skills - field course

Choose 3 ECTS credits.

From the courses listed below, students must obtain 3 ECTS credits.

3ECTS credits - Integrated Field Course at Sea
3ECTS credits - Integrated Limnological Field Course
3ECTS credits - Integrated Estuarine field Course

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Literature Review - year 1

Literature Review (3 ECTS) is compulsory and part of the Master Thesis.

From the courses listed below, students must obtain 3 ECTS credits.

3ECTS credits - Literature Review

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Toolbox professional skills - year 2

In this module the student needs to follow 11 ECTS-credits.

The Internship of 11 ECTS is only possible if a student does not take up Monsoon School or Summer School.
Monsoon School is mandatory for VLIR-UOS scholars.

To complete this module, students must obtain 11 ECTS credits.

Toolbox professional skills - Monsoon School + Internship (5 ECTS)

Option 1

From the courses listed below, students must obtain 11 ECTS credits.

6ECTS credits - Monsoon School
5ECTS credits - Internship

Toolbox professional skills - Summer School + Internship (5 ECTS)

Option 2

From the courses listed below, students must obtain 11 ECTS credits.

6ECTS credits - Summer School
5ECTS credits - Internship

Toolbox professional skills - Internship (11 ECTS)

Option 3

From the courses listed below, students must obtain 11 ECTS credits.

11ECTS credits - Internship

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Specialisation: Major - year 2

One major to choose out of 4 specialisations, consisting of 24 ECTS-credits compulsory courses.

Major 1 Global Change Impacts on Ecology and Biodiversity

Major 1

From the courses listed below, students must obtain 24 ECTS credits.

4ECTS credits - Aquatic Food Web Ecology
4ECTS credits - Marine Extreme Systems
4ECTS credits - Lacustrine Systems
6ECTS credits - Aquatic Microbial Ecology
6ECTS credits - Aquatic Genomics

Major 2 Conservation Biology and Ecosystem Management

Major 2

From the courses listed below, students must obtain 24 ECTS credits.

6ECTS credits - Marine Fisheries Ecology and Management
6ECTS credits - Integrated Coastal Zone Management
3ECTS credits - Law of the Sea and Protection of Oceans
3ECTS credits - Conservation Genetics
6ECTS credits - Freshwater Ecology and Management

Major 3 Environmental Impact and Remediation

Major 3

From the courses listed below, students must obtain 24 ECTS credits.

6ECTS credits - Aquatic Ecotoxicology and Environmental Monitoring
6ECTS credits - Ecosystem Based Adaptation to Global Change
6ECTS credits - Global Change Physiology
3ECTS credits - Integrated Practicals
3ECTS credits - Freshwater Ecosystem Functioning

Major 4 Marine and Lacustrine Geosciences

Major 4

From the courses listed below, students must obtain 24 ECTS credits.

6ECTS credits - Advanced Sedimentology
6ECTS credits - Micropaleontology and Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction
6ECTS credits - Integrated Offshore Exploration
6ECTS credits - Paleoclimatology and Climate Change

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Master Thesis - year 2

The master thesis stands for 30 ECTS and consists of a literature review (3 ECTS, first year of the master), and of an individual research project (27 ECTS) related to ongoing research in one of the associated research groups.

From the courses listed below, students must obtain 27 ECTS credits.

27ECTS credits - Master Thesis: Marine and Lacustrine Science and Management

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