Faculty of Sciences and Bioengineering Sciences

Admission Requirements

Enrolling for this study plan is possible after having obtained one of the following degrees:

Academic Bachelor's programme biologie

You may also be asked to provide additional documents so we may evaluate your application.

Aanbevelingsbrief 1 / Letter of recommendation 1
Aanbevelingsbrief 2 / Letter of recommendation 2
Motivatiebrief / Letter of motivation
Puntenlijst / Transcript of records

Enrolling for this plan is also possible having completed the Preparatory Programme Master of Science in Biology.

Overview of the study plan

Compulsory: 45 ECTS-credits.
Electives: 75 ECTS-credits to choose from the three tracks and/of from the list of general electives.


Compulsory: 45 ECTS-credits.

Compulsory First Year

All courses are compulsory.

From the courses listed below, students must obtain 9 ECTS credits.

6ECTS credits - Analysis of Biological Data
3ECTS credits - Introduction to GIS

Compulsory Second Year

Compulsory Second Year

From the courses listed below, students must obtain 36 ECTS credits.

3ECTS credits - Bioethics
3ECTS credits - Scientific Presentation Skills and Career Planning
30ECTS credits - Master Thesis Biology

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Electives: 75 ECTS-credits to choose from the three tracks and/or the lists of general electives.

To complete this module, students must obtain 75 ECTS credits.

Track Ecology & Evolution

Track Ecology & Evolution

6ECTS credits - Social-Ecological Systems
3ECTS credits - Origin of Life and Paleontological Evolution
6ECTS credits - Terrestrial ecology
3ECTS credits - Evolutionary Genetics and Genomics of Sex
5ECTS credits - Marine Ecology
5ECTS credits - Freshwater Ecology
6ECTS credits - Experimental Plant Ecology
5ECTS credits - Biology of Animal Societies
3ECTS credits - Evolutionary Ecology
3ECTS credits - Biogeography
6ECTS credits - Fieldtrip Ecology
6ECTS credits - Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution

Track Global Change

Track Global Change

6ECTS credits - Social-Ecological Systems
6ECTS credits - Sustainability: an Interdisciplinary Approach
6ECTS credits - Decision Support for Sustainability
6ECTS credits - Terrestrial ecology
5ECTS credits - Marine Ecology
5ECTS credits - Freshwater Ecology
3ECTS credits - Conservation Genetics
3ECTS credits - Agroecology
6ECTS credits - Global Change Biology
3ECTS credits - Natural Risk Management
3ECTS credits - Chemical Risk Assesment
6ECTS credits - Social Demography

Track Herpetology

Track Herpetology

3ECTS credits - Biogeography
6ECTS credits - Natural History of Reptiles
3ECTS credits - Toxins in Amphibians and Reptiles
6ECTS credits - Fieldtrip Ecology
6ECTS credits - Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution
3ECTS credits - Origin of Life and Paleontological Evolution
3ECTS credits - Conservation Genetics
3ECTS credits - Advanced Developmental Biology
6ECTS credits - Animal Behaviour
3ECTS credits - Current Topics in Herpetology
6ECTS credits - Natural History of Amphibians

General Electives

General Electives
"Professional Internship" can only be chosen once during the master programme, either as 6 or as 12 ECTS-credits.

3ECTS credits - Biogeochemistry
3ECTS credits - Field Sampling and Analysis
3ECTS credits - Molecular Microbiology
3ECTS credits - Marine fisheries management
6ECTS credits - Professional Internship
12ECTS credits - Professional Internship
3ECTS credits - Tutoring

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