Faculteit Ingenieurswetenschappen


Inschrijven voor dit studieplan is enkel mogelijk op dossier.

Het is mogelijk dat we je ook een van de volgende documenten opvragen om je dossier te kunnen evalueren.

Aanbevelingsbrief 1 / Letter of recommendation 1
Aanbevelingsbrief 2 / Letter of recommendation 2
Motivatiebrief / Letter of motivation
Puntenlijst / Transcript of records

U kan eveneens inschrijven voor dit studieplan na het volgen van het Voorbereidingsprogramma Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering (enkel in het Engels).

Overzicht inhoud van dit studieplan

The multidisciplinary programme Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering enhances the scientific background and bridges the gap between medical knowledge and technology. The global programme is worth 120 ECTS. Students can choose between 6 different specialisations ('profiles').
- Radiation Physics
- Biomechanics and Biomaterials
- Sensors and Medical Devices
- Neuro-engineering
- Artificial Intelligence and Digital Health
- Generic profile

The 1st year of the master programme (= the 'starting plan') is worth 60 ECTS and consists of:
39 ECTS compulsory courses
5 ECTS compulsory elective
6 ECTS a compulsory computational course (to select 1 out of 4)
10 ECTS of elective courses from clusters

The 2nd year of the master programme is worth 60 ECTS and consists of:
9 ECTS of common compulsory courses
5 ECTS compulsory elective
22 ECTS of elective courses from clusters (19 ECTS electives + min.3 ECTS SDG elective)
24 ECTS master's thesis

In the 1st year of the master programme, all students have to suscribe to the 'starting plan' of 60 ECTS.

In the 2nd year students have to suscribe to 1 of the 6 'profiles' (by a 'plan change')

Compulsory Courses MA Biomedical Engineering

This module includes 50 ECTS compulsory courses in MA1 (39 ECTS + 6 ECTS + 5 ECTS) and 14 ECTS compulsory courses in MA2 (9 ECTS + 5 ECTS)

Compulsory Courses 1st year of the model learning track

These compulsory courses must be successfully completed in the 1st year of the model learning track. Students need to select one of the following courses in MA1 and follow the other course in MA2: "Biomedical Robotics and Assistive Technologies" and "Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering"

Uit de hieronder genoemde cursussen, moet voor ten minste 39 ECTS credits worden geselecteerd.

6ECTS credits - Medical Imaging
3ECTS credits - Neuro-engineering Science
7ECTS credits - Hospital Technology
3ECTS credits - Leadership in Health Care
3ECTS credits - Hospital project
5ECTS credits - Micro- and Nanotechnologies for Medical Device Design and Fabrication
6ECTS credits - Data Analytics in Health Care and Connected Care
6ECTS credits - Biomedical Product Development

Compulsory Computational Course 1st year of the model learning track

Students must select and successfully complete one of these computational course units in the 1st year of the model learning track.

Uit de hieronder genoemde cursussen, moet voor ten minste 6 ECTS credits worden geselecteerd.

6ECTS credits - Computational Neurophysiology
6ECTS credits - Computational Tissue and Structure Mechanics
6ECTS credits - Computational Bio-fluid Mechanics
6ECTS credits - Computational Methods in Radiation Physics

Compulsory Elective courses 1st year and 2nd year of the model learning track

Students must select and successfully complete one of these elective course units in the 1st year and 2nd year of the model learning track.

Uit de hieronder genoemde cursussen, moet voor ten minste 10 ECTS credits worden geselecteerd.

5ECTS credits - Biomedical Robotics and Assistive Technologies
5ECTS credits - Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering

Compulsory Courses 2nd year of the model learning track

These compulsory courses must be successfully completed in the 2nd year of the model learning track.

Uit de hieronder genoemde cursussen, moet voor ten minste 9 ECTS credits worden geselecteerd.

3ECTS credits - Clinical Study Design and Biostatistics
3ECTS credits - Health Information and Decision Support
3ECTS credits - Introduction to Medical Device Legislation

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Elective Courses MA Biomedical Engineering

Students must subscribe to at least 32 ECTS of electives from no less than one cluster from the following list and different from the computational course already subscribed to as compulsory course. Subject to approval by the Curriculum Council.
- 10 ECTS in year 1
- 19 ECTS in year 2 and min. 3 ECTS SDG course (can be increased to a maximum of 6 ECTS SDG course (2x3 ECTS or 1x6 ECTS))
In this plan, students do not select one specific cluster, but select electives from the different clusters and/or the cluster with general electives.

Om deze module af te werken, moet de student 32 ECTS credits behalen.

Cluster Radiation Physics

Students aiming at the acquisition of the certificate of ‘Expert in Medical Radiation Physics’ must have successfully completed at least these electives at the end of the master's programme:
- Measurement Techniques in Nuclear Science (3 ECTS)
- Nuclear Physics (3 ECTS)
- Stralingsbescherming en wetgeving (3 ECTS)
- Technology of Radiotherapy (3 ECTS)
- Medical Dosimetry (3 ECTS)
- Radiologic Techniques (3 ECTS)
- Radiochemie (3 ECTS)
- Radiobiology and Radiopathology (3 ECTS)

'Computational Methods in Radiation Physics' can only be selected as elective if not yet selected as compulsory computational course.

3ECTS credits - Measurement Techniques in Nuclear Science
6ECTS credits - Computational Methods in Radiation Physics
3ECTS credits - Nuclear Physics
3ECTS credits - Technology of Radiotherapy
3ECTS credits - Medical Dosimetry
3ECTS credits - Radiologic Techniques
3ECTS credits - Stralingsbescherming en wetgeving
3ECTS credits - Radiochemie
3ECTS credits - Radiobiology and Radiopathology
3ECTS credits - Nuclear Reactors and Cyclotrons

Cluster Biomechanics and Biomaterials

'Computational Tissue and Structure Mechanics' and 'Computational Bio-fluid Mechanics' can only be selected as elective if not yet selected as compulsory computational course.

6ECTS credits - Computational Tissue and Structure Mechanics
6ECTS credits - Computational Bio-fluid Mechanics
6ECTS credits - Physics and Chemistry of Nanostructures
6ECTS credits - Tissue Engineering
6ECTS credits - Plasma Technology for Biomedical Applications

Cluster Sensors and Medical Devices


6ECTS credits - Sensors, Actuators and Electronic Microsystems
6ECTS credits - Microphotonics
3ECTS credits - Micro- and Nanobiotechnology
4ECTS credits - Biophotonics
6ECTS credits - Photonics
4ECTS credits - Control of Drug-delivery Systems
4ECTS credits - Biomedical Devices: Sensors, Stimulators and Drug Delivery Systems

Cluster Neuro-Engineering

'Computational Neurophysiology' can only be selected as elective if not yet selected as Compulsory computational course.

3ECTS credits - Advanced Image and Signal Processing
3ECTS credits - Contrast Agents and Biomarkers for Imaging and Therapy
3ECTS credits - Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging Technology
4ECTS credits - Neurophysiological signal processing and network analysis
3ECTS credits - Auditory Computation, Modelling and Technology
3ECTS credits - Translational Neuroscience
3ECTS credits - Neural interfaces, neuromodulation and minimally invasive neurotechnology
6ECTS credits - Computational Neurophysiology

Artificial Intelligence and Digital Health

The following courses cannot be chosen together:
'Statistical Foundation of Machine Learning' (VUB course) and 'Machine Learning' (UGhent course)

6ECTS credits - Techniques of Artificial Intelligence
5ECTS credits - Virtual Reality
6ECTS credits - Deep Learning
6ECTS credits - Reinforcement Learning
6ECTS credits - Statistical Foundations of Machine Learning
3ECTS credits - Advanced Image and Signal Processing
6ECTS credits - Machine Learning
6ECTS credits - Advanced Methods in Bioinformatics
3ECTS credits - Introduction to Bioinformatics

General Electives

This module includes general electives. Students must respect the specified registration requirements.

4ECTS credits - Electrochemistry
6ECTS credits - Techniques of Artificial Intelligence
6ECTS credits - Wave Physics in Living Matter
4ECTS credits - Surface treatment: Processing and Analysis
5ECTS credits - Project: Multifunctional Materials
3ECTS credits - Micro- and Nanobiotechnology
3ECTS credits - Bioelectromagnetism
6ECTS credits - Internship Biomedical Engineering
5ECTS credits - Virtual Reality
3ECTS credits - Modeling in Medicine and Biomedical Engineering: Case Studies
6ECTS credits - Biomedical Acoustics

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