Faculteit Ingenieurswetenschappen

Admission Requirements

Enrolling for this study plan is possible after having obtained one of the following degrees:

Academic Bachelor's programme ingenieurswetenschappen
Academic Bachelor's programme ingenieurswetenschappen: werktuigkunde-elektrotechniek

Enrolling for this plan is also possible having completed the Preparatory Programme Master of Science in Electromechanical Engineering.

Overview of the study plan

The Mechatronics-Construction track of the Master of Science in Electromechanical Engineering (BRUFACE) (120 ECTS) is built up modularly: 1) Common Core Courses (22 ECTS)
2) Partially Common Courses (16 ECTS)
3) Master Project (5 ECTS)(to select 1 out of 4) 4) Specific Courses (36 ECTS) 5) Master Thesis (24 ECTS)
6) Electives (17 ECTS)
Each of the modules should be successfully completed to obtain the master degree. The student must respect the specified registration requirements. The educational board strongly suggests the student to follow the model learning track. Only this model track can guarantee a time schedule without overlaps of the compulsory course units.

Remark: the name of the 'Mechatronics-Construction' track will change to 'Robotics and Mechanical Construction' as from 2022-23. All students graduating in 2022-23, regardless the academic year in which they enrolled for the first time in the Master in Electromechanical Engineering, will graduate with the new name of this specialization.

Common Core MA1 & MA2

These common core courses must be successfully completed in the 1st and 2nd year of the model learning track in Mechatronics-Construction.

Common Core MA1

These common courses must be successfully completed in the 1st year of the model learning track in Mechatronics-Construction.

From the courses listed below, students must obtain 14 ECTS credits.

5ECTS credits - Control System Design
5ECTS credits - Design Methodology
4ECTS credits - Data-Driven Engineering

Common Core MA1

This common course must be successfully completed in the 1st year of the model learning track in Mechatronics-Construction.

Remark: for the 'Aeronautics' and the 'Energy' track, 'Turbomachinery' is a 5 ECTS course.

From the courses listed below, students must obtain 3 ECTS credits.

3ECTS credits - Turbomachinery

Common Core MA1

This common course must be successfully completed in the 1st year of the model learning track in Mechatronics-Construction.

From the courses listed below, students must obtain 5 ECTS credits.

5ECTS credits - Electrical Drives

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Partially Common Courses

These partially common courses must be successfully completed in the 1st and 2nd year of the model learning track in Mechatronics-Construction.

Partially Common Courses MA1

These partially common courses must be successfully completed in the 1st year of the model learning track in Mechatronics-Construction.

From the courses listed below, students must obtain 10 ECTS credits.

5ECTS credits - Structural Analysis and Finite Elements
5ECTS credits - Vibrations and Acoustics

Partially Common Courses MA2

These partially common courses must be successfully completed in the 2nd year of the model learning track in Mechatronics-Construction.

From the courses listed below, students must obtain 6 ECTS credits.

3ECTS credits - Reliability and Safety
3ECTS credits - Composite Structures

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Master 1 Projects

This module contains 4 projects from which students can choose.

From the courses listed below, students must obtain 5 ECTS credits.

5ECTS credits - Project in Electromechanical Engineering
5ECTS credits - Development Cooperation Project
5ECTS credits - Hands-on learning: project manager (chef de projet)
5ECTS credits - Eco-Marathon Project

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Specific Courses

All modules of specific courses mentioned below must be successfully completed. Registration for these specific courses is allowed provided that the student has already successfully accomplished or is registered for at least 30 ECTS of common and/or partially common compulsory courses.

Specific courses MA1 - Mechatronics-Construction

These specific courses must be successfully completed in the 1st year of the model learning track in Mechatronics-Construction.

From the courses listed below, students must obtain 23 ECTS credits.

5ECTS credits - Mechatronics 1
5ECTS credits - Machine Elements
5ECTS credits - Real Time Computer Systems
5ECTS credits - Robotics I
3ECTS credits - Industrial Automation

Specific courses MA2 - Mechatronics-Construction

These specific courses must be successfully completed in the 2nd year of the model learning track in Mechatronics-Construction.

From the courses listed below, students must obtain 13 ECTS credits.

3ECTS credits - Mechatronics 2
4ECTS credits - Robotics II
3ECTS credits - Manufacturing Technology I
3ECTS credits - Manufacturing Technology II

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Master Thesis

The Master Thesis (24 ECTS) is compulsory. Registration for the Master Thesis is allowed provided that
1. the student doesn't have a combined bachelor-master enrollment
2. the student has already successfully accomplished 45 ECTS of compulsory courses of the master program (exemptions included).

From the courses listed below, students must obtain 24 ECTS credits.

24ECTS credits - Master Thesis Electromechanical Engineering

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Elective Courses

In the 2nd year of the model learning track in Mechatronics-Construction, students must successfully complete 17 ECTS of elective courses. Registration for the electives is allowed on condition the student has already successfully accomplished at least 30 ECTS of compulsory courses of the Master in Electromechanical Engineering.
Students have to give priority to the master specific electives. Provided preliminary approval by the Curriculum Board of Electromechanical Engineering, students are allowed to select a limited! number of courses outside the list of specific electives:
- from the other Electromechanical Engineering tracks
- not more than 5 ECTS (1 course) of the required 17 ECTS from the entire VUB master curriculum or the master curriculum of another university.

From the courses listed below, students must obtain 17 ECTS credits.

10ECTS credits - Internship (60 days)
5ECTS credits - Soft microrobotics
5ECTS credits - Active medical devices
3ECTS credits - Design and Control of Electrical Machines
6ECTS credits - Internship (40 days)
3ECTS credits - Multibody Mechanics
3ECTS credits - Business Management and Entrepreneurship
4ECTS credits - Theory and Practice of Advanced Control
3ECTS credits - Case Studies with Composite Materials
3ECTS credits - EUTOPIA Learning Unit - Technological Business Development Project
4ECTS credits - Optimization-based Control Design

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