Faculteit Ingenieurswetenschappen

Admission Requirements

Enrolling for this study plan is possible after having obtained one of the following degrees:

Academic Bachelor's programme ingenieurswetenschappen
Academic Bachelor's programme ingenieurswetenschappen: bouwkunde
Academic Bachelor's programme ingenieurswetenschappen: geotechniek en mijnbouwkunde

You may also be asked to provide additional documents so we may evaluate your application.

Aanbevelingsbrief 1 / Letter of recommendation 1
Aanbevelingsbrief 2 / Letter of recommendation 2
Motivatiebrief / Letter of motivation
Puntenlijst / Transcript of records

Overview of the study plan

The model track in Master of Science in Civil Engineering (BRUFACE) (120 ECTS) is composed of:
1) MA1: Compulsory common courses: Fundamentals in Civil Engineering (18 ECTS)
2) MA1: Compulsory common courses: Challenges in large Civil Engineering Structures (17 ECTS)
3) MA1: Compulsory common courses: Transversal Skills and Industrial Applications (20 ECTS)
4) MA1: Project Management (1 project to choose out of 3 that are provided) (5 ECTS)
5) MA2: the Master Thesis (24 ECTS)
6) MA2: Semi-elective modules (3 modules are offered: Innovative Design of Civil Engineering Structures, Geotechnologies for Sustainable Developments, Reliability and Monitoring in Civil Engineering, in 3 combinations) (1 combination of 2 modules to choose out of 3 combinations)(18 or 20 ECTS)
7) MA2: Electives (thematic lists)(18 or 16 ECTS to choose depending on the number of semi-electives that has been selected sub (6))

Each of the modules should be successfully completed to obtain the master degree. The student must respect the specified registration requirements. The Curriculum Board strongly suggests the student to follow the model learning track. Only this model track can guarantee a time schedule without overlaps of the compulsory course units.

In total, this academic plan comprises 120 ECTS credits.

Compulsory Common Courses MA1

This module includes all compulsory common courses, to be completed in the 1st year of the model learning track (55 ECTS).

Fundamentals in Civil Engineering

This module is compulsory and must be successfully completed in the 1st year of the model learning track.

From the courses listed below, students must obtain 18 ECTS credits.

5ECTS credits - Design of Steel Structures
5ECTS credits - Design of Concrete Structures
3ECTS credits - Prestressed Concrete
5ECTS credits - Geotechnical Engineering

Challenges in large Civil Engineering Structures

This module is compulsory and must be successfully completed in the 1st year of the model learning track.

From the courses listed below, students must obtain 17 ECTS credits.

5ECTS credits - Structural Analysis and Finite Elements
4ECTS credits - Non-linear Modeling of Materials and Structures
4ECTS credits - Dynamics of Structures
4ECTS credits - Experimental techniques for characterization of construction materials

Transversal Skills and Industrial Applications

This module is compulsory and must be successfully completed in the 1st year of the model learning track.

From the courses listed below, students must obtain 20 ECTS credits.

9ECTS credits - Design Project in Civil Engineering
4ECTS credits - Sustainability in construction
4ECTS credits - Digitalization in construction
3ECTS credits - Research Methods in Civil Engineering

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Project Management MA1

This module includes project management courses.

From the courses listed below, students must obtain 5 ECTS credits.

5ECTS credits - Hands-on learning: project manager (chef de projet)
5ECTS credits - Development Cooperation Project
5ECTS credits - Architecture, Engineering and Construction Project Management

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Master Thesis

The Master Thesis (24 ECTS) is compulsory. Registration for the Master Thesis is allowed provided that
1. the student doesn't have a combined bachelor-master enrollment
2. the student has already successfully accomplished 45 ECTS of compulsory courses of the master program (exemptions included).

From the courses listed below, students must obtain 24 ECTS credits.

24ECTS credits - Master Thesis Civil Engineering

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Semi-elective Modules MA2

In the 2nd year of the model learning track, 3 semi-elective submodules are offered:

- Innovative Design of Civil Engineering Structures (10 ECTS)
- Geotechnologies for Sustainable Developments (10 ECTS)
- Reliability and Monitoring in Civil Engineering (8 ECTS)

Students have to choose a combination of 2 out of the 3 above listed modules:

A. Innovative Design of Civil Engineering Structures + Geotechnologies for Sustainable Developments (20 ECTS); or
B; Innovative Design of Civil Engineering Structures + Reliability and Monitoring in Civil Engineering (18 ECTS); or
C. Geotechnologies for Sustainable Developments + Reliability and Monitoring in Civil Engineering (18 ECTS).

Students having selected combination B (18 ECTS) or C (18 ECTS), will have to select 2 ECTS extra elective courses compared to students having selected combination A (20 ECTS).

Innovative Design of Civil Engineering Structures


From the courses listed below, students must obtain 10 ECTS credits.

6ECTS credits - Integrated Structural Design
4ECTS credits - Lightweight Composite Structures

Geotechnologies for Sustainable Developments


From the courses listed below, students must obtain 10 ECTS credits.

5ECTS credits - Advanced Geomechanics
5ECTS credits - Groundwater modelling

Innovative Design of Civil EngIneering


From the courses listed below, students must obtain 10 ECTS credits.

6ECTS credits - Integrated Structural Design
4ECTS credits - Lightweight Composite Structures

Reliability and Monitoring in Civil Engineering


From the courses listed below, students must obtain 8 ECTS credits.

4ECTS credits - Structural health monitoring, maintenance and repair
4ECTS credits - Robustness of structures and reliability of materials

Geotechnologies for Sustainable Developments


From the courses listed below, students must obtain 10 ECTS credits.

5ECTS credits - Advanced Geomechanics
5ECTS credits - Groundwater modelling

Reliability and Monitoring in Civil Engineering


From the courses listed below, students must obtain 8 ECTS credits.

4ECTS credits - Structural health monitoring, maintenance and repair
4ECTS credits - Robustness of structures and reliability of materials

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Elective Courses MA Civil Engineering

In the 2nd year of the model learning track, students must select a number of credits of electives necessary to complete the 120 ECTS of the master programme, from one or more of the packages listed hereunder.

Students who have chosen a combination of mandatory semi-elective courses of 20 ECTS (A), must select 16 ECTS of electives. Students who have chosen a combination of 18 ECTS (B or C) must select 18 ECTS of electives.

The individual courses of the semi-elective module not selected by the student, can be included in the choice of electives and are considered on equal footing with the courses in the list below.

Up to 6 ECTS can be selected in the transversal module (see module 'Free elective courses' on the ULB webpage: https://www.ulb.be/en/programme/2023-ma-ircn#programme) or in other Master programmes at ULB or VUB (after academic validation).

To complete this module, students must obtain 36 ECTS credits.

Electives: Internships

This list of electives includes the optional Internships. Students have to choose either the 6 ECTS Internship or the extended Internship of 10 ECTS.

10ECTS credits - Internship (60 days)
6ECTS credits - Internship (40 days)

Electives: Structures


3ECTS credits - Steel Bridge Construction
5ECTS credits - Spatial Structures: Design and Analysis
5ECTS credits - Transformable Structures for Circularity

Electives: Building Physics and Architecture


5ECTS credits - Bioclimatic Design
5ECTS credits - Energy Performance of Buildings
3ECTS credits - Room Acoustics

Electives: Water Resources


5ECTS credits - Water Resources Management 2: EU and international framework
5ECTS credits - Land-Climate Dynamics
5ECTS credits - Surface water hydrology
5ECTS credits - Urban hydrology and hydraulics
5ECTS credits - Surface water modelling

Electives: Management, Economics and Law


6ECTS credits - Human Resource Management
3ECTS credits - Business Aspects of Technology: Factory of the Future
3ECTS credits - Business Management and Entrepreneurship
3ECTS credits - Urban and Construction Law

Electives: Miscellanea


4ECTS credits - Design Project Competition
5ECTS credits - Infrastructure and mobility
5ECTS credits - English for Professional Purposes

Electives: Courses from other semi-elective module

This list includes all courses of the 3 semi-elective modules (Innovative Design of Civil Engineering Structures, Geotechnologies for Sustainable Developments, Reliability and Monitoring in Civil Engineering). Courses of the semi-elective modules that were not selected by the student, are also eligible as elective. Courses already selected, are obviously not counted as electives.

From the courses listed below, students must obtain 18 ECTS credits.

6ECTS credits - Integrated Structural Design
5ECTS credits - Groundwater modelling
4ECTS credits - Robustness of structures and reliability of materials
5ECTS credits - Advanced Geomechanics
4ECTS credits - Structural health monitoring, maintenance and repair
4ECTS credits - Lightweight Composite Structures

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