Faculteit Ingenieurswetenschappen
Enrolling for this study plan is possible after having obtained one of the following degrees:
Academic Bachelor's programme ingenieurswetenschappen: architectuur
You may also be asked to provide additional documents so we may evaluate your application.
Aanbevelingsbrief 1 / Letter of recommendation 1
Aanbevelingsbrief 2 / Letter of recommendation 2
Motivatiebrief / Letter of motivation
Puntenlijst / Transcript of records
The standard track in the Master of Science in Architectural Engineering (BRUFACE) (120 ECTS) is built up modularly:
Compulsory courses (55 ECTS) + Elective courses (5 ECTS)
Compulsory courses (32 ECTS) + Elective courses (28 ECTS)
Each of the modules should be successfully completed to obtain the master degree. The student must respect the specified registration requirements. The educational board strongly suggests the student to follow the standard learning track. Only this model track can guarantee a time schedule without overlap of the compulsory course units.
This module includes 87 ECTS of compulsory courses, 55 ECTS in the 1st year (MA1) and 32 ECTS in the 2nd year of the standard learning track (MA2).
Compulsory Courses year 1 of the standard learning track in arch. engineering
These courses must be successfully completed in the 1st year of the standard learning track (MA1)..
From the courses listed below, students must obtain 55 ECTS credits.
Pre-defined Courses year 2 of the standard learning track in arch. engineering
The student must select and successfully complete three courses from the list mentioned below, in the 2nd year of the standard learning track (MA2).
From the courses listed below, students must obtain 5 ECTS credits.
5ECTS credits - Structural Analysis and Finite Elements |
5ECTS credits - Architecture, Engineering and Construction Project Management |
5ECTS credits - Theoretical Reflections on Architectural Heritage |
This year includes 32 ECTS of compulsory courses and 28 ECTS of elective courses
Elective Courses year 1 of the standard learning track Architectural Engineering
This module includes the elective courses of the 1st year. Students must successfully complete at least 9 ECTS of these electives, among this list exclusively, in the 1st year of the standard learning track (MA1).
Courses that have been already taken during the Bachelor curriculum cannot be selected anymore.
From the courses listed below, students must obtain 32 ECTS credits.
24ECTS credits - Master Thesis Architectural Engineering |
4ECTS credits - Advanced Design Studio - Part 1 |
4ECTS credits - Advanced Design Studio - Part 2 |
Elective Courses year 2 of the standard learning track Architectural Engineering
This module includes the elective courses of the 2nd year. Students have to successfully complete 12 ECTS among the following list, among the MA1 elective courses not chosen before and among the 1 remaining course from the pre-defined courses list not taken by the student. Up to 6 ECTS can be selected in the transversal module (see website ULB: https://www.ulb.be/en/programme/2023-ma-irar#programme) or in the Master programmes at ULB or VUB (after academic validation).
Students who want to choose an internship have to select either the Internship worth 6 ECTS, either the Internship worth 10 ECTS.
From the courses listed below, students must obtain 28 ECTS credits.