Faculty of Sciences and Bioengineering Sciences

Admission Requirements

Enrolling for this study plan is possible after having obtained one of the following degrees:

Academic Bachelor's programme fysica
Academic Bachelor's programme fysica en de sterrenkunde

You may also be asked to provide additional documents so we may evaluate your application.

Aanbevelingsbrief 1 / Letter of recommendation 1
Aanbevelingsbrief 2 / Letter of recommendation 2
Motivatiebrief / Letter of motivation
Puntenlijst / Transcript of records

Enrolling for this plan is also possible having completed the Preparatory Programme Master of Science in Physics and Astronomy (only in Dutch).

Overview of the study plan

The Master of Science in Physics and Astronomy, minor Education is composed of:
- 30 ECTS-credits compulsory courses
- 30 ECTS-credits master thesis
- 30 ECTS-credits minor Education
Note: the educational specific courses are taught in Dutch.
- 30 ECTS-credits minor Research electives

In total, this academic plan comprises 120 ECTS credits.

Master of Science in Physics & Astronomy - Education - Compulsory courses

These courses are envisioned to be part of year 1 and 2 of the model trajectory.

To complete this module, students must obtain 90 ECTS credits.

First year Master Compulsory courses

These courses are envisioned to be part of year 1 of the model trajectory.

From the courses listed below, students must obtain 30 ECTS credits.

6ECTS credits - High-Energy Astrophysics
6ECTS credits - Computational Physics
6ECTS credits - Quantum Field Theory
6ECTS credits - Subatomic Physics II
6ECTS credits - General Relativity

Second year Master Compulsory course

The Master Thesis is compulsory in the second year of the model trajectory.

From the courses listed below, students must obtain 30 ECTS credits.

30ECTS credits - Master Thesis Physics and Astronomy


Volgende 5 modules dienen verplicht opgenomen te worden in de specifieke lerarenopleiding.
Het programma van de specifieke lerarenopleiding (60 ECTS-credits) wordt modulair aangeboden en bestaat uit 6 verplichte basismodules en één keuzemodule. Hiervan kan een groot deel opgenomen worden binnen de master, afstudeerrichting onderwijs. Meer informatie kan bekomen worden via de voorzitter van de examencommissie of via IDLO.

Module 1 kan je zowel aan het begin als aan het einde van je traject opnemen, de overige modules dienen één voor één afgewerkt te worden. Je dient te slagen voor een module om te starten met de volgende module.

Module 6: Brede school

Module 6 kan op verschillende manieren opgenomen worden:
Keuze A: verdieping tutoring: loopt over een langere periode en moet tegelijk met module 2 gevolgd worden;
Keuze B: projectvorm: deze module wordt gevolgd na modules 2 en 3: je kan kiezen uit verschillende onderwijsgerelateerde projecten;
Keuze C: onderzoekende school: deze module kan enkel opgenomen worden indien je instapt in het traject 'onderzoekende school'. Dit traject loopt gedurende je gehele opleiding.


De 2e vakdidactische keuze dient tegelijk opgenomen te worden met module 3: krachtige leeromgeving.
Voor sommige vakdidactische keuzes is specifieke voorkennis vereist, kijk dit goed na bij de toelatingsvoorwaarden van het studiedeel. Contacteer de studietrajectbegeleider in geval van vragen.

3ECTS credits - Teaching Methodology Physics 1
3ECTS credits - Teaching Methodology Physics 2
3ECTS credits - Teaching Methodology Computer Science 1
3ECTS credits - Teaching Methodology Computer Science 2
3ECTS credits - Teaching Methodology General Subjects for Technical and Vocational Education 1
3ECTS credits - Teaching Methodology General Subjects for Technical and Vocational Education 2
6ECTS credits - Educational Innovation and Technology

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Master of Science in Physics & Astronomy - Education - Elective courses

30 ECTS-credits to choose from the list of elective courses minor Research and exactly 6 ECTS-credits from the list of elective courses minor Education.
Electives not listed below have to be approved by the chairman of the examination committee.

To complete this module, students must obtain 30 ECTS credits.

Electives Research

30 ECTS-credits to choose from the list below.

From the courses listed below, students must obtain 30 ECTS credits.

6ECTS credits - Electroweak and Strong Interactions
6ECTS credits - Physics and Chemistry of Nanostructures
6ECTS credits - Modelling and engineering of nanoscale materials
6ECTS credits - Quantum Electrodynamics
6ECTS credits - Advanced Field Theory
6ECTS credits - Nuclear Methods in Material Research
6ECTS credits - Many-body Physics
6ECTS credits - Structural Analysis Techniques in Solid State Physics
6ECTS credits - Nuclear Instrumentation
6ECTS credits - Continuum Mechanics
6ECTS credits - Plasma Physics
6ECTS credits - Plasma Technology and Fusion Technology
6ECTS credits - Nuclear Astrophysics
6ECTS credits - Hadrons and nuclei from a theoretical perspective
6ECTS credits - Extensions of the Standard Model
6ECTS credits - Introduction to the Dynamics of Atmospheres
6ECTS credits - Capita Selecta Solid-state Physics
4ECTS credits - Optical Spectroscopy of Materials
6ECTS credits - Atomic and Molecular Physics
6ECTS credits - Observational Techniques in Astronomy
6ECTS credits - Cosmology and Galaxy Formation
6ECTS credits - Nanomagnetism
6ECTS credits - Modeling complex systems
6ECTS credits - Strongly Correlated Quantum Systems
6ECTS credits - Quantum Computing
6ECTS credits - Luminescence
6ECTS credits - Computational Materials Physics
6ECTS credits - Quantum Black Holes and Holography
6ECTS credits - Radiative Transfer Simulations in Astrophysics
6ECTS credits - History and Philosophy of Sciences: Physics and Astronomy
3ECTS credits - Capita Selecta in Particle Physics (A)
6ECTS credits - Experimental Techniques in Particle Physics
3ECTS credits - Capita Selecta in Particle Physics (B)
6ECTS credits - Particle Radiation Detection and Measurement
6ECTS credits - Medical Radiation Physics and Dosimetry
6ECTS credits - Complexity and Criticality
6ECTS credits - Object Oriented Programming (C++) for Physicists
6ECTS credits - Early Universe Cosmology
6ECTS credits - Evolution of Stars and Stellar Systems
6ECTS credits - Astroparticle Physics

Electives conditional

Electives conditional to the agreement of the educational board

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