Faculteit Ingenieurswetenschappen

Admission Requirements

Enrolling for this study plan is possible after having obtained one of the following degrees:

Academic Bachelor's programme bio-ingenieurswetenschappen
Academic Bachelor's programme biologie
Academic Bachelor's programme chemie
Academic Bachelor's programme geografie
Academic Bachelor's programme geografie en de geomatica
Academic Bachelor's programme geologie
Academic Bachelor's programme ingenieurswetenschappen
Academic Bachelor's programme ingenieurswetenschappen: architectuur
Academic Bachelor's programme ingenieurswetenschappen: bouwkunde
Academic Bachelor's programme ingenieurswetenschappen: chemische technologie
Academic Bachelor's programme ingenieurswetenschappen: chemische technologie en materiaalkunde
Academic Bachelor's programme ingenieurswetenschappen: computerwetenschappen
Academic Bachelor's programme ingenieurswetenschappen: elektrotechniek
Academic Bachelor's programme ingenieurswetenschappen: materiaalkunde
Academic Bachelor's programme ingenieurswetenschappen: toegepaste natuurkunde
Academic Bachelor's programme ingenieurswetenschappen: werktuigkunde
Academic Bachelor's programme ingenieurswetenschappen: werktuigkunde-elektrotechniek

You may also be asked to provide additional documents so we may evaluate your application.

Aanbevelingsbrief 1 / Letter of recommendation 1
Aanbevelingsbrief 2 / Letter of recommendation 2
Motivatiebrief / Letter of motivation
Puntenlijst / Transcript of records

Enrolling for this plan is also possible having completed the Preparatory Programme Master of Science in Sustainable Land Management.

Overview of the study plan

The model learning track in the interuniversity Master of Science in Sustainable Land Management, track 'Urban Land Engineering' includes:
- Compulsory Courses (80 ECTS - 60 ECTS in MA1 and 20 ECTS in MA2)
- Electives Courses (10 ECTS)
- Master's Thesis (30 ECTS)

Each of the modules has to be successfully completed by the student to obtain the diploma. The student has to respect all registration requirements. For each (sub)module is shown to which year of the full-time model learning track (year 1 or year 2) the courses belong. It is strongly recommended to follow the model learning track (first year 1, then year 2) and to add the courses to the study plan taking into account the level of the course: first introducing courses, then advanced and finally specialised courses.

The course curriculum of the first year of the model learning track in Urban Land Engineering is organised at the Ghent University, whereas all courses of the main subject in Urban Land Engineering of the second year of this track are organised at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel.

General Courses

This module includes 65 ECTS of common compulsory general courses.

Common Compulsory General Courses 1st year

These common compulsory courses (60 ECTS) have to be successfully accomplished in the 1ste year of the model learning track (MA1). These common courses are taught at Ghent University.

From the courses listed below, students must obtain 60 ECTS credits.

5ECTS credits - Applied Statistics
4ECTS credits - Water Quality Assessment
5ECTS credits - Remote Sensing
5ECTS credits - Sustainable Development
3ECTS credits - Introduction to Geotechnics
5ECTS credits - Soil Physics
5ECTS credits - Land Information Systems
6ECTS credits - Environmental Impact Assessment
4ECTS credits - Hydrogeology
5ECTS credits - Engineering Applications in Hydrology
4ECTS credits - Communication on Sustainable Land Management
5ECTS credits - Applied Geophysics
4ECTS credits - Climate Change

Common Compulsory General Courses 2nd year

This compulsory course (5ECTS) has to be successfully accomplished in the 2nd year of the model learning track (MA2).

From the courses listed below, students must obtain 5 ECTS credits.

5ECTS credits - Integrated Project

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Specific course units specialisation Urban Land Engineering

This modules includes 45 ECTS of compulsory course units for the Urban Land Engineering track (15 ECTS of specific courses and a Master's Thesis of 30 ECTS).

Specific courses Urban Land Engineering

These specific compulsory courses have to be successfully accomplished in the 2nd year of the model learning track.

From the courses listed below, students must obtain 15 ECTS credits.

5ECTS credits - Urban hydrology and hydraulics
5ECTS credits - Water Resources Management 2: EU and international framework
5ECTS credits - Surface water modelling

Master's Thesis

The Master Thesis (30 ECTS) has to be successfully achieved in the 2nd year of the model learning track (MA2).
The Master's Thesis subject must be related to the field of Urban Land Management.
Registration for the Master Thesis is allowed provided that:
1. the student doesn't have a combined bachelor-master enrollment
2. the student has already successfully accomplished 45 ECTS of compulsory courses of the master programme (exemptions included).

From the courses listed below, students must obtain 30 ECTS credits.

30ECTS credits - Master Thesis Sustainable Land Management

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Elective courses

This module includes the elective courses.
Students must successfully accomplish at least 10 ECTS of elective courses in the 2nd year of the model learning track (MA2).

From the courses listed below, students must obtain 10 ECTS credits.

5ECTS credits - Internship
5ECTS credits - Soil Erosion Control: Principles and Practice
5ECTS credits - Clay Mineralogy
5ECTS credits - Geostatistics
5ECTS credits - Land Evaluation
5ECTS credits - Landscape Ecology
5ECTS credits - Soil Degradation
4ECTS credits - Environmental Programming
5ECTS credits - Groundwater modelling
5ECTS credits - Land-Climate Dynamics
5ECTS credits - Water and Land Interaction and Transformation
6ECTS credits - Decision Support for Sustainability
6ECTS credits - Sustainable Mobility and Logistics - EUTOPIA Learning Unit
4ECTS credits - Civil Engineering Hydraulics
3ECTS credits - Natural Risk Management
5ECTS credits - Irrigation and Drainage
6ECTS credits - Mineral Resources, Economy and Environment

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