Vrije Universiteit Brussel


Inschrijven voor dit studieplan is enkel mogelijk op dossier.

Overzicht inhoud van dit studieplan

Before adding to the Learning Agreement, please check the prerequisites or conditions of enrollment for each course (or ask the exchange coordinator).

Psychology English Courses

All the courses in the list below are "READING COURSES (RC)": taught in Dutch; course material and examination can be provided IN ENGLISH.

These courses are taught IN ENGLISH (= instruction language is English):
- Social psychology II: Relations
- Research Methods and Techniques II: Quantitative Methods

If you are looking for more English taught courses, feel free to check the other programmes of our department: Adult Educational Sciences and Educational Sciences:
- BA Adult Ed Sc: https://caliweb.cumulus.vub.ac.be/?page=plan&id=99997&anchor=0000001298&target=pr&year=2223&language=en&output=html
- MA Adult Ed Sc: https://caliweb.cumulus.vub.ac.be/?page=plan&id=99997&anchor=0000001299&target=pr&year=2223&language=en&output=html
- MA Ed Sc: https://caliweb.cumulus.vub.ac.be/?page=plan&id=99997&anchor=0000001300&target=pr&year=2223&language=en&output=html

The following courses are from other faculties but could be interesting for incoming students. If you would like to register for one of these courses, we first need to check with the concerning faculty:
- Psychology of Communication (BA)
- Academic English I, II and V (BA) (First language test at ACTO to decide your level)
- Management (BA)
- Multilingual Education (MA)
- Psycholinguistics (MA)
- Gender, Diversity and Politics (MA)

6ECTS credits - Ontwikkelingspsychologie
6ECTS credits - Statistiek IV: multivariate data-analyse
3ECTS credits - Cross-culturele en grootstedelijke psychologie
6ECTS credits - Algemene psychologie
3ECTS credits - Cognitieve psychologie werkcollege
6ECTS credits - Biologische psychologie II: functies
6ECTS credits - Cognitieve psychologie
6ECTS credits - Onderzoeksmethoden en -technieken II: kwantitatieve methoden
6ECTS credits - Social psychology II: Relations
6ECTS credits - Biologische psychologie I: inleiding
6ECTS credits - Arbeids- en organisatiepsychologie
6ECTS credits - Inleiding tot de orthopedagogiek
6ECTS credits - Psychopathologie van kinderen en adolescenten

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