Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Admission Requirements

Enrolling for this study plan is only possible based on your academic record.

Overview of the study plan

Incoming Exchange Students can make a choice among the following courses.

General Courses Bachelor Linguistics and Literary Studies

General Courses Exchange Programme Linguistics and Literary Studies

3ECTS credits - Foundations of language
3ECTS credits - Language in multilingual contexts
3ECTS credits - Foundations of literary analysis
3ECTS credits - European Literary History
3ECTS credits - Internationalisation and Society Linguistics and Literary Studies 1

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Bachelor Taal- en Letterkunde aanbod incoming Erasmus Nederlands

Exchange students

6ECTS credits - Bouwstenen van het Nederlands: klank, woord, zin
3ECTS credits - Dutch through the ages
3ECTS credits - Dutch literature and intermediality
6ECTS credits - Academic Proficiency Dutch
6ECTS credits - History of Dutch Literature up to 1850
3ECTS credits - Inleiding tot de Nederlandse letterkunde
3ECTS credits - Nederlands in contact
6ECTS credits - Nederlands: taalsysteem
6ECTS credits - Grondige studie van de Nederlandse literatuur en haar culturele context

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Bachelor Taal- en Letterkunde incoming Erasmus Duits

Exchange students

6ECTS credits - Deutsche Sprache II
6ECTS credits - Geschichte des deutschen Sprachraums im Spiegel der Literatur
6ECTS credits - Metropolen der Modernität
3ECTS credits - Norm und Variation
3ECTS credits - Intermedialität und Gattungswandel in der Literatur um 1800
6ECTS credits - German Grammar and Linguistics: Introduction
6ECTS credits - Morphosyntax: Speaking and writing
3ECTS credits - Deutsche Grammatik im Kontext
3ECTS credits - Einführung in die Analyse der Gegenwartsliteratur

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Bachelor Taal- en Letterkunde incoming Erasmus Italiaans

Exchange students

6ECTS credits - Italian Proficiency II
6ECTS credits - Letteratura italiana e storia
6ECTS credits - Morfosintassi dell’italiano
6ECTS credits - Città e spazio nella letteratura italiana

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Bachelor Taal- en Letterkunde incoming Erasmus Spaans

Exchange students

3ECTS credits - Intermedialidad en la literatura hispánica
6ECTS credits - Morphosyntax of Spanish
3ECTS credits - Español en contexto
3ECTS credits - Introducción a la literatura hispánica
6ECTS credits - Cultura hispánica e historia
3ECTS credits - Variedades del español
6ECTS credits - Lengua española II
6ECTS credits - Ciudad y espacio en la literatura hispánica

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Bachelor Taal- en Letterkunde incoming Erasmus Frans

Exchange students

3ECTS credits - Linguistic dynamics in French: variation, contact, change
6ECTS credits - Histoire de la littérature française
3ECTS credits - Introduction à l'analyse littéraire
6ECTS credits - Grammaire et linguistique du français: introduction
6ECTS credits - French Proficiency 2
6ECTS credits - Littérature française: entre urbanité et nature
3ECTS credits - Le français en contexte multilingue
6ECTS credits - Morphosyntaxe du français

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Bachelor Taal- en Letterkunde incoming Erasmus Engels

Exchange students

6ECTS credits - Introduction to English linguistics and grammar
3ECTS credits - Genre and Media Innovation in Literature in English
6ECTS credits - English Proficiency I
6ECTS credits - Literature in English: From the Middle Ages to the Present
6ECTS credits - The Morphosyntax of English
6ECTS credits - English Proficiency II
6ECTS credits - Identities in Literature in English
3ECTS credits - The English language in multilingual contexts

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