Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Admission Requirements

Enrolling for this study plan is only possible based on your academic record.

Overview of the study plan

Exchange Master Mathematics

Exchange MA Mathematics

Incoming Master students in Mathematics can make a choice among the following courses.

Important notes:
1. Courses from our Master of Science in de wiskunde (Master of Science in Mathematics) can only be selected by students who have successfully obtained a Bachelor degree in Mathematics. Check the course offer: https://www.vub.be/nl/studeren-aan-de-vub/alle-opleidingen/bachelor-en-masteropleidingen-aan-de-vub/wiskunde-en-data-science/programma
2. Most courses listed are taught in Dutch, but on request the course may be taught in English. Otherwise a personal assignment or an examination in English can be organised. Contact the VUB exchange coordinator, Prof. Leandro Vendramin (leandro.vendramin@vub.be) to discuss this.
3. Please take note that some of the courses listed are taught at the University of Antwerp or the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB).
4. Make sure you select courses that are offered during your stay; either semester 1 (fall semester) or semester 2 (spring semester).

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