Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Admission Requirements

Enrolling for this study plan is only possible based on your academic record.

Overview of the study plan

Exchange Master Computer Science

Exchange MA Computer Science

Incoming Master students in Computer Science can make a choice among the following courses.

Important notes:
1. Please contact the exchange coordinator, Prof. Beat Signer (beat.signer@vub.be), to discuss your course selection.
2. It is advisable to choose your courses from one of the four profiles, to avoid overlap in your timetable.
3. Several courses are taught at our French-speaking sister university Université Libre de Bruxelles. This is indicated in the course description as 'External partners: Université Libre de Bruxelles'. Exchange students can choose those as well, but some additional adminstration and a registration as guest student at ULB will be required.
4. Make sure you select courses that are offered during your stay; either semester 1 (fall semester) or semester 2 (spring semester).
5. Check the timetables on the faculty website to avoid overlap of your courses. Make sure to regularly check these timetables as they may be liable to changes: https://www.vub.be/en/studying-vub/practical-info-for-students/class-and-exam-schedules/class-schedules

General courses Master Computer Science

General courses

3ECTS credits - Methods for Scientific Research
3ECTS credits - Scientific Integrity
6ECTS credits - Declarative Programming
3ECTS credits - Theory of computation
3ECTS credits - Information Theory
6ECTS credits - Software Architectures
6ECTS credits - Data and Information Management

Profile Artificial Intelligence

Profile Artificial Intelligence

6ECTS credits - Statistical Foundations of Machine Learning
6ECTS credits - Artificial Intelligence Programming Paradigms
6ECTS credits - Natural Language Processing
5ECTS credits - Processus dynamiques
6ECTS credits - Reinforcement Learning
6ECTS credits - Evolution of speech
6ECTS credits - Discrete Modeling, Optimization, and Search
6ECTS credits - Computational Creativity
5ECTS credits - Heuristic Optimisation
6ECTS credits - Current Trends in Artificial Intelligence
6ECTS credits - Computational Game Theory
6ECTS credits - Adaptive Systems Seminar
4ECTS credits - Computer Vision
5ECTS credits - Swarm Intelligence
6ECTS credits - Advanced Methods in Bioinformatics

Profile Multimedia

Profile Multimedia

5ECTS credits - Image Processing
6ECTS credits - Voice Image Coding Media and Systems
3ECTS credits - Biomedical Signals and Images
3ECTS credits - Image and Video Technology
5ECTS credits - Virtual Reality
4ECTS credits - Computer Vision
3ECTS credits - Capita Selecta Multimedia
6ECTS credits - Physical Communication
5ECTS credits - Computational Geometry

Profile Software Languages and Software Engineering

Profile Software Languages and Software Engineering

6ECTS credits - Meta Programming and Reflection
6ECTS credits - Capita Selecta of Software Engineering
5ECTS credits - Formal Verification of Computer Systems
6ECTS credits - Capita Selecta of Programming Languages
6ECTS credits - Fundamentals of programming languages
6ECTS credits - Security in Computing
6ECTS credits - Programming Distributed and Replicated Systems
6ECTS credits - Functional Programming
6ECTS credits - Cloud Computing and Big Data Processing
6ECTS credits - Software Quality Analysis
6ECTS credits - Next Generation User Interfaces
6ECTS credits - Programming Language Engineering
6ECTS credits - Compilers
6ECTS credits - Programming Distributed and Replicated Systems
6ECTS credits - Multicore Programming

Profile Data Management and Analytics

Profile Data Management and Analytics

6ECTS credits - Scalable Data Management Systems
6ECTS credits - Scalable Analytics
6ECTS credits - Advanced Topics in Big Data
6ECTS credits - Cloud Computing and Big Data Processing
6ECTS credits - Statistical Foundations of Machine Learning
6ECTS credits - Information Visualisation
5ECTS credits - Database Systems Architecture
5ECTS credits - Advanced Databases
6ECTS credits - Next Generation User Interfaces

Other electives

Other electives

4ECTS credits - Distributed Computing and Storage Architectures
3ECTS credits - Multiprocessors and Reconfigurable Architectures
3ECTS credits - GPU Computing
4ECTS credits - Digital Signal Processing
3ECTS credits - Cryptography
3ECTS credits - Capita selecta Telecom

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