Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Inschrijven voor dit studieplan is enkel mogelijk op dossier.
Master of Science in Biomedical Medicine - Exchange students
Master of Science in Biomedical Medicine - Exchange students
Master BMW - Erasmus 1
Master BMW - Erasmus 1
Master BMW - Erasmus 2
Master BMW - Erasmus 2
Participation in this course requires prvious knowledge. Inscription is only possible after approval of the titularis of the course, based on students' previous course topics and results.
Master BMW - Erasmus 3
Master BMW - Erasmus 3
The two courses need to be inscribed together.
Participation in this course requires prvious knowledge. Inscription is only possible after approval of the titularis of the course, based on students' previous course topics and results.
20ECTS credits - Researchstage / Journal & data clubs |
25ECTS credits - Masterproef Biomedisch Onderzoek |