Vrije Universiteit Brussel


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Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering (interuniversitair) GUEST

Compulsory cours full-time standard learn. track MA in Biomedical Engineering

This module includes the compulsory courses that belong to the full-time standard learning track of the MA in Biomedical Engineering, that are taught at the VUB.

Compulsory courses 1st year full-time standard learning track MA Bio Engineering

In the 1st year of the full-time standard learning track (MA1) students enrolled at UGent must also register for these 3 compulsory courses at the VUB.

3ECTS credits - Biomedical Imaging
3ECTS credits - Medical Physics

Compulsory courses 2nd year full-time standard learning track MA Bio Engineering

In the 2nd year of the full-time standard learning track (MA2) students enrolled at UGent must also register for this compulsory course at the VUB.

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Elective courses full-time standard learning track MA Biomedical Engineering.

Degree seeking students enrolled for the MA in Biomedical Engineering must successfully accomplish at least 12 ECTS of electives in the 1st year and another 12 ECTS in the 2nd year of the standard learning track. This module includes the elective courses of the full-time standard learning track of the MA in Biomedical Engineering, that are taught at the VUB. Student enrolled at UGent who have selected one or more electives from the modules listed hereunder, must also register for these elective courses at the VUB. The electives of the 'Expert in Medical Radiation Physics' module are compulsory to students aiming at the acquisition of the certificate of 'Expert in Medical Radiation Physics'.

Elect.: 'Expert in Medical Radiation Physics' 1st Y full-time stand learn. track

This module includes the electives for 'Expert in Medical Radiation Physics' of the 1st year of the standard learning track (MA1) that are taught at the VUB. Students aiming at the acquisition of the certificate of Expert in Medical Radiation Physics must succesfully accomplish these electives.

3ECTS credits - Nuclear Physics
3ECTS credits - Measurement Techniques in Nuclear Science
3ECTS credits - Radiochemie

Electives: 'Exp.in Med. Radiation Physics' 2nd Y full-time standard learn. track

This module includes the electives for 'Expert in Medical Radiation Physics' of the 2nd year of the standard learning track that are taught at the VUB. Students aiming at the acquisition of the certificate of Expert in Medical Radiation Physics must succesfully accomplish these electives.

3ECTS credits - Stralingsbescherming en wetgeving
3ECTS credits - Medical Dosimetry

Recommended Electives taught at VUB.

This module includes the recommended electives that are taught at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. The size of the optional Internship Electronics and Information Technology Engineering (6 ECTS) is 40 working days. Students can choose courses from this module in the 1st and in the 2nd year of the standard learning track.

4ECTS credits - Biophotonics
4ECTS credits - Electrochemistry
4ECTS credits - Surface treatment: Processing and Analysis
5ECTS credits - Project: Multifunctional Materials
6ECTS credits - Sensors and Microsystem Electronics

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