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The master program is concerned with the design and engineering of workable, practical computer-based smart systems using available devices, components, electronic and photonic hardware, software technologies, sensors and actuators to meet the requirements of well-defined applications. This field of ICT engineering sciences is generally known as “end-to-end smart systems design” and associates with the field of big data. Smart systems are typically characterized by their multimodal and multi-sensory nature, resulting in large multi-dimensional, distributed datasets that need to be efficiently processed, and of which the output needs to be (visually) represented in a consumer/prosumer friendly fashion. The master program provides a broad education in generic end-to-end smart systems design complemented with elective minors in important fields such as digital health and smart cities. Nonetheless, the program will offer students the skills to operate in other application domains such as the factory of the future, smart grids, food production systems. In general the accumulated knowledge should give rise to an ICT engineer who is able to design E2E systems. 
The student will acquire both theoretical insight and practical experience into the various disciplines involved in the end-to-end chain of smart systems. This master program will allow the student to become active as a professional in the field of smart systems - both in an industrial as well as in a research context – and will enable the student to manage the associated complex multidisciplinary projects on end-to-end systems and to take educated, well-researched decisions on the technologies involved. The master program targets students with a bachelor degree in engineering with a broad background in the various engineering disciplines and with sufficient background in programming and computer science such that the students can master the above stated objectives in a two years master program. 
Learning Outcomes 
All graduates should have acquired a thorough basic, understanding of all disciplines involved in the end-to-end chain of smart systems. These disciplines include electronics, photonics, (embedded) computer systems, telecommunications, highlevel and low-level programming, algorithmic design, parallel and distributed computing, operating systems, security, machine learning, signal processing and data analytics. In addition to this, graduates have enlarged their knowledge in a specific domain by taking a coherent package of courses either in the domain of smart systems, either in the domain of digital health. Moreover, students have broadened their knowledge by taking a coherent package of elective courses. 
With a master thesis, students should demonstrate their ability to solve a concrete scientific-technological problem.

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In het kader van dit studieprogramma, zijn de volgende afstudeerplannen mogelijk:

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