7 ECTS credits
190 h study time

Offer 1 with catalog number 1008320BNR for all students in the 2nd semester at a (B) Bachelor - advanced level.

2nd semester
Enrollment based on exam contract
Grading method
Grading (scale from 0 to 20)
Can retake in second session
Enrollment Requirements
Inschrijvingsvereiste:ingeschreven of geslaagd zijn voor 'Fysica:elektromagnetisme'
Taught in
Faculteit Ingenieurswetenschappen
Electrical Engineering and Power Electronics
Educational team
Gertjan Scheir
Valéry Ann Jacobs (course titular)
Soukaïna Brarou
Activities and contact hours

28 contact hours Lecture
12 contact hours Seminar, Exercises or Practicals
75 contact hours Independent or External Form of Study
Course Content

Part A. Light and Lighting

A.1. Theoretial description of lighting:

- Introduction to radiometry, photometry and colorimetry.
- Light sources, lamptechnology and efficiency.
- Techniques to shape the luminous intensity distribution and to characterize it.
- Appearance of materials and objects.
- Introduction to daylighting.

A.2 Lighting in practice:

- Introduction to the lighting simulation software DIALux Evo.
- Using lighting equipment as a luxmeter and distance meter.
- Introduction to lighting educational buildings.
- Introduction to public lighting.


Part B. Electrotechnics

- Repetition of mathematical methods as complex algebra to describe electrical systems, the Maxwell equations, and the fundamental quantities in electricity: current, voltage, power, resistance, capacity
- Study of alternating current: active power, reactive power, power factor
- Three-phase systems in Wye and Delta
- Transformers
- Generation, transport and distribution of energy.
- Introduction to elektrical machines

Course material
Practical course material (Required) : "Openbare verlichting", BIV, IBE, 2015
Practical course material (Required) : "Licht in schodelen", KU Leuven, WTCB, Pixii, 2016
Digital course material (Required) : “Inleiding tot de elektrotechniek”, VA Jacobs, J Deconinck, P Rombauts, G Maggetto, 2017
Additional info



Learning Outcomes

General competencies

It concerns a specialised course in electrical energy, light and lighting oriented towards the transfer of knowledge and the learning and developing of skills. This course is tuned to the degree of academic architectural engineer. The objective is to acquire insight in electrical energy technology and lighting applications within the architectural design and to be able to reflect on the matter.

A good knowledge of the basic concepts and the basic laws of electrical energy technology and illuminating engineering is indispensable. Apart from electrical energy and lighting theory and applications, the student should show distinct ability to relate theory to practical architectural examples. Insight into the subject as well as thinking and reflecting upon the matter is of extreme importance !

The link with the research in light and lighting is explicitely present. 
The content is contributing to the realisation of the objectives and competences of the Bachelor of Science in Architectonical Engineering.

-The programme enables students to efficiently practise architecture and technology.  This includes a wide range of career profiles in architectural practise; i.e. architectonic and constructive design, construction management, project supervisor, consultant, staff member or executive roles in consultancy agencies. 
-Specifically, the programme endeavours to offer students an advanced level of knowledge and competence that is particular to the range of professional and scientific duties involved in the domain of engineering and architectural science.
-The programme also sets out to develop general skills in the areas of communication (including graphics and language skills), social skills (group work and social awareness), scientific skills (reasoning skills, critical reflection and logical thinking) and professional skills (organisation and management, people management skills, problem-solving skills, delegating …).

- The final objectives include due reasoning, assessment and communication skills and in addition, a capability of synthesis, i.e. imaginative power.  Here, the project serves as a reference point in the use of specific know how in order to provide architectural solutions in terms of architectonic designs, constructive design or urban planning.
- With regard to the engineering sciences, this covers a due understanding of the building methods and technologies, as well as an advanced know how of certain methods and tools for the operational deployment of technical engineering aspects, in particular light, lighting and visual environment.
- Learning based on reasoning skills (logical thinking and spatial insight).
- Social skills; due awareness of teamwork and basic communication skills (graphical semiotics, language skills).
- Bachelor of Applied Sciences and Engineering : Architecture' graduates are expected to develop some level of research oriented attitude in order to embark on the 'Master in Engineering Science: Architecture' training programme.

-The student has evident knowledge and insight in lighting and electrical energy techniques, based on the undergraduate level that is obviously surpassed.  The level needs support from specialised bibliographical works.
-The student is able to apply knowledge and insight in lighting and electrical installations professionally and has the competences of problem solving within the domain of lighting.
-The student is able to gather and to interpret relevant information and to form an opinion on basis of social, scientifical and ethical grounds.
-The student is able to communicate clearly information, ideas and knowledge towards a specialised and a non-specialised audience.
-The student has the competences to start a follow-up study with strong autonomous character.

The competences are congruent with the so-called 'Dublin' decriptors :

x Acquired Knowledge and Insight [K&I] :
-Acquiring basic knowledge in the field of sciences [baK&I-BASIC SCIENCES];
-Acquired insight into the basic technology of electrical energy and interior lighting and visual environment [baK&I-TECHNICAL DEVELOPMENT];
-Having basic knowledge and insight in building physics and installation techniques [baK&I-BUILDING PHYSICS];
-Being able to acquire practically-oriented knowledge in a guided manner (e.g. EPB, norms on interior lighting, etc.) [baK&I-NORMS AND LEGISLATION];
-Knowing the criteria that lead to sustainable solutions (material and energy usage, etc. ) [baK&I-SUSTAINABLE].

x The ability to Apply Knowledge and Insight [AK&I] :
-Analysing a problem in a certain context or design task [baAK&I-ANALYSIS];
-Understanding and implementing basic knowledge in such a way that an integrated solution for a design problem can be obtained [baAK&I-PROBLEM SOLVING];
-Performing simple calculations with the aim to dimension installations for interior lighting [baAK&I-CONSTRUCTIONS];
-Implementing insights and principles with regard to energy performance and sustainability [baAK&I-SUSTAINABLE].

x The Elaboration of founded Judgements [EJ] :
-Formulating a point of view and developing an argumentation based on analysis and/or own research [baEJ-EVALUATION, baEJ-ANALYSIS];
-Making choices and to elaborate a vision [baEJ-ANALYSIS];
-Thinking and acting critically and creatively with respect to engineering tasks; reflecting critically on one’s own work and that of colleagues (with argumentation) [baEJ-REFLECTION].

x Clear COMmunication [COM] :
-Formulating concepts and studies clearly : as well in a visual way as in an oral way and written presentation; communicating to a broad as well as to a specialized public [baCOM-GRAPHIC, baCOM-ORAL, baCOM-WRITTEN];
-Taking into account the situation of Brussels: speaking several languages; reading professional literature and to communicate in French and English [baCOM-LANGUAGES];
-Mastering (digital) drawing and simulation techniques for the analysis and presentation of projects [baCOM-PRESENTATION].

x Specific Learning Skills [LS] :
-Functioning both in team and independently [baLS-TEAMWORK];
-Looking up knowledge and data independently, work on a critical research attitude [baLS-RESEARCH];
-Developing interest, enthusiasm and involvement, being prepared for `life long learning’ [baLS-LIFE LONG LEARNING].

General competences

The Bachelor can model a structural, technical or physical system and analyse it through simulations and calculations.

The Bachelor can communicate through text, speech, graphics, visuals and scale models by making use of the appropriate vocabulary

The Bachelor can reflect in a rational, abstract and critical way on the own work and that of others.

The Bachelor can work independently and in team.


The final grade is composed based on the following categories:
Other Exam determines 100% of the final mark.

Within the Other Exam category, the following assignments need to be completed:

  • Examen & Project with a relative weight of 1 which comprises 100% of the final mark.

Additional info regarding evaluation

The exam includes project work (40%), a written exam (50%) and simultaneously a brief oral exam (10%)

Allowed unsatisfactory mark
The supplementary Teaching and Examination Regulations of your faculty stipulate whether an allowed unsatisfactory mark for this programme unit is permitted.

Academic context

This offer is part of the following study plans:
Bachelor of Architectural Engineering: Standaard traject (only offered in Dutch)
Bachelor of Architectural Engineering: Verkort traject (only offered in Dutch)