24 ECTS credits
600 h study time

Offer 1 with catalog number 4012460FNR for all students in the 1st and 2nd semester at a (F) Master - specialised level.

1st and 2nd semester
Enrollment based on exam contract
Grading method
Grading (scale from 0 to 20)
Can retake in second session
Enrollment Requirements
Om te kunnen inschrijven voor de Masterproef Bouwkunde of voor de Stage: bouwkunde moet men minimum 45 SP verplichte studiedelen uit het masterprogramma verworven hebben.
Taught in
Faculty of Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Educational team
Danny Van Hemelrijck (course titular)
Activities and contact hours

600 contact hours Independent or External Form of Study
Course Content
The content of the master thesis is decided by the promoter and the assistants together with the individual student. When it concerns a team project, a subproject is defined individually for each student. Possible research projects are presented to the students during the second semester of the year prior to the thesis year. The students can ask the academic staff in the research group for additional information on the topics, if required. The integrated version of the VUB examination rules and those of the faculty can be consulted on the faculty website (www.vub.ac.be/IR) for the rules concerning the choice of the master thesis project.
Additional info
Scientific academic and technical literature related to the topic.

We advise the student to (i) consult the guidelines and advisements on our faculty website (www.vub.ac.be/IR) and to (ii) discuss the progress of the research with the promoter and assistants on a regular basis.
Learning Outcomes

General competencies

The master thesis is the final challenge in the training, in which the student implements his gained knowledge and skills into a research project. The topic is situated in the main scientific field of a research group, but it is expected that the student makes a personal contribution to the originality of the topic. The student is also fully responsible for this project, of course under close guidance of the academic staff. There are various important facets to be addressed: a thorough examination of the scientific and related social context of the research problem, a positioning of the problem versus the current state-of-the-art in scientific literature, a clear formulation of the scope and the aim of the project, the setup and follow-up of a planning, the execution of the scientific program including theoretical, technical and experimental parts, and finally the written and oral presentations of the project’s output.

The aspired end competences of the master thesis are: the implementation of knowledge, insights and problem solving abilities in a new and unknown territory of a research field, the integration of the existing knowledge with the newly gained knowledge, close scrutiny of the project results (taking into account ethical, social, commercial and other side aspects), and the communication of the research problem, methodology and conclusions in a succinct and clear manner.

By doing this research in an autonomous way, the student gains aside from research skills also the competence required of a scientific engineer to understand advanced results and techniques in the broad field of engineering, aiming at (i) the development of new insights, processes and products, and (ii) the implementation in industry, our society and the environment.


The final grade is composed based on the following categories:
Master Thesis determines 100% of the final mark.

Within the Master Thesis category, the following assignments need to be completed:

  • masterproef with a relative weight of 1 which comprises 100% of the final mark.

    Note: De beoordeling van de masterproef gebeurt door een jury (waarvan de samenstelling goedgekeurd wordt door de opleidingsraad) op basis van vier criteria waarin, afhankelijk van het criterium, zowel de promotor, als de voorzitter, als alle overige juryleden inspraak hebben. De gewichtscoëfficiënten voor elk criterium zijn:
    1. De technisch-wetenschappelijke inhoud, met nadruk op het persoonlijk werk:
    Coëfficiënt promotor: 0.3
    Coëfficiënt andere juryleden: 0.2
    2. De persoonlijke inzet en houding van de student tijdens het werk in de onderzoeksgroep:
    Coëfficiënt promotor en begeleider: 0.2
    3. De schriftelijke presentatie van het werk (taal, vormgeving, figuren, bibliografie, e.d.):
    Coëfficiënt alle juryleden: 0.15
    4. De mondelinge presentatie tijdens de verdediging (houding, taal duidelijkheid van de uitleg, beantwoording van vragen e.d.):
    Coëfficiënt alle juryleden: 0.15

Additional info regarding evaluation
The evaluation of the master thesis is performed by a jury, which is approved by the training counsel. There are four criteria; depending on the criterion either the promoter, the president of the jury or all jury members give a quotation. The weighing of the criteria is as follows:

1. Technical-scientific content, with emphasis on the individual contribution of the student:

Coefficient promoter: 0.3

Coefficient other jury members: 0.2

2. Personal motivation and attitude towards to work in the research group: Coefficient promoter and assistants: 0.2

3. Text (language, form, figures, bibliography etc):

Coefficient all jury members: 0.15

4. Oral presentation during the thesis defence (attitude, language clarity during the presentation, response to questions etc):

Coefficient all jury members: 0.15
Allowed unsatisfactory mark
The supplementary Teaching and Examination Regulations of your faculty stipulate whether an allowed unsatisfactory mark for this programme unit is permitted.

Academic context

This offer is part of the following study plans:
Master of Civil Engineering: Standaard traject (only offered in Dutch)