30 ECTS credits
805 h study time

Offer 1 with catalog number 4013040FNR for all students in the 1st and 2nd semester at a (F) Master - specialised level.

1st and 2nd semester
Enrollment based on exam contract
Grading method
Grading (scale from 0 to 20)
Can retake in second session
Enrollment Requirements
Registration for Master Thesis Chemistry is allowed for students in graduation phase. This means that registration for the Master Thesis is allowed if the student, by registration, can complete the basket of 120 SP linked to the Master program.
Taught in
Partnership Agreement
Under interuniversity agreement for degree program
Faculty of Sciences and Bioengineering Sciences
Educational team
Frank De Proft
Steven Ballet
Yue Gao
Stefaan Bruylandt
Philippe Claeys
Promotor . (course titular)
Activities and contact hours

805 contact hours Independent or External Form of Study
Course Content

For the preparation of a Master Dissertation (Master thesis), novel scientific results on a relevant research topic must be obtained through own experimental or theoretical work.  This research and the preparation and submission of the Master Dissertation occurs under the direction of a promoter of a research group from the Department of Chemistry or from another research group at the university or beyond (national or international). In the latter case, at least one member of the academic staff of the Department of Chemistry will act as a jury member for the evaluation of the Master dissertation and/or act as complementary promoter or co-promoter. In case the Master Dissertation research concerns a research problem in which several people are involved, a specific individual part of the project is assigned to the student. The subject of the master thesis is decided on an individual basis with the promoter and with the person who supervises the practical guidance of the work.

The master thesis holds an important place in the master curriculum and can be viewed as a final stage in the Master of Chemistry, where the acquired knowledge, academic and field specific competences are used to independently perform and finalize a research project.  The student personally contributes to a large extent to the research conducted and takes full responsibility of the research problem, but is of course guided by other researchers of the research group who act as direct support in the research and by a promoter and in some cases also a co-promoter.  The subject of the master thesis is situated in the broad context of the research activities of the group where the work is conducted.  Important aspects and goals can be found in a document with guidelines which is available on the learning platform.

For several months, the students will work in an often international team of researchers - if applicable with own responsibilities within this team. Next to performing the actual research, they participate in other activities such as seminars and work discussions. The research activities start at the beginning of the academic year and end with the public defense of the Master Dissertation. Finally, the research work is summarized in a scientific text that is defended in public. This final document of the Master Dissertation includes the following aspects: (1) a brief description regarding the context and goal of the research (introduction), (2) a literature study on a topic of relevance to the own Master dissertation research, (3) a section where the obtained results are described and interpreted (‘Results and Discussion’), (4) an experimental part (if applicable), (5) a conclusion highlighting the most important results including an own interpretation and optionally some possibilities for further research, and (6) a reference section. The organization of these different topics in various chapters is to be agreed with the tutor and promoter. There are no page limitations, but as a rule of thumb generally about 50-80 pages is suggested.

The public defense of the Master Dissertation is scheduled at towards end of the examination periods, and includes (1) a 20 minutes powerpoint (or similar) presentation of the research that has been performed (introduction, results and conclusion section), and (2) a 15 minutes Q&A session with the jury members. 

Course material
Course text (Required) : Wetenschappelijke literatuur gerelateerd aan het onderwerp van het onderzoek.
Additional info

* As the thesis draft is proofread by the promoter/tutor before a final document can be officially submitted, it is advised to hand in this draft to the promoter well in advance of the thesis submission deadline (i.e. at the latest at the first day of the examination period).

* The Master Dissertation manuscript needs to be submitted before the deadline (see above) in minimum five (5) copies, i.e. one copy for the Chairman of the jury, one copy for the Secretary of the jury, copies for the additional jury members (mostly two), and one copy for the secretariat’s office (this copy is stored at the secretariat or promoter’s office of the Research Group where the student performed his/her Master Dissertation research). Next to these hard copy versions, also an electronic version must be submitted to the promoter. Before the submission deadline, students must upload their manuscript electronically at the Turnitin website for plagiarism detection screening (more details regarding this procedure are available on the learning platform). In case confidential information is included in the Master Dissertation thesis, an ad hoc procedure for electronic screening is worked out and agreed upon by the Chairman of the exam commission, the promoter and the author of the work. A print-out proof of uploading of the Master Dissertation at the Turnitin website must be submitted to the Department’s plagiarism detection responsible before the thesis submission deadline.


Learning Outcomes

General competences

The student can:

- Independently apply knowledge, insight and problem solving skills in the new and unknown context of the research project;
- Conduct studies of the literature and understand and interpret substantial areas of the research literature;
- Work together with other researchers in a professional and scientifically correct manner;
- Integrate new and existing knowledge and ideas by analyzing the hypotheses put forward and the techniques and methods used in other works;
- React in a professional, autonomous and independent manner when novel opportunities, insights or developments arise in the research;
- Critically judge and interpret the results of the research in a nuanced way (i.e. taking into account important conditions on the e.g. social and ethical level);
- Communicate both in written and oral form about a scientific subject and defend independently one’s own opinion in these matters.


The final grade is composed based on the following categories:
Master Thesis determines 100% of the final mark.

Within the Master Thesis category, the following assignments need to be completed:

  • Master Thesis with a relative weight of 1 which comprises 100% of the final mark.

Additional info regarding evaluation

All master theses are presented orally and are publically defended.  The evaluation of the master theses is done by a jury, which is approved in advance by the examination commission.  
The jury will evaluate the thesis on the following aspects:
1. The scientific content, with special emphasis on the personal work of the student and the discussion and interpretation of the obtained results
2. Knowledge of the field and ability to clearly define the goal, state of the art, research hypotheses and research strategy
3. The personal contribution and attitude of the student during the work in the research group
4. The written presentation of the work (language, design, figures and tables, bibliography, etc.)
5. The oral presentation (attitude, language, clearness of presentation, correct and structural answer to the questions, etc.)
For an explicit example of the grading percentages of each criteria and the weighed input of the different jury members is referred to the PointCarré website. 

Allowed unsatisfactory mark
The supplementary Teaching and Examination Regulations of your faculty stipulate whether an allowed unsatisfactory mark for this programme unit is permitted.

Academic context

This offer is part of the following study plans:
Master of Chemistry: Profile Education (only offered in Dutch)