3 ECTS credits
75 h study time

Offer 1 with catalog number 4016339FNR for all students in the 2nd semester at a (F) Master - specialised level.

2nd semester
Enrollment based on exam contract
Grading method
Grading (scale from 0 to 20)
Can retake in second session
Taught in
Partnership Agreement
Under interuniversity agreement for degree program
Faculteit Ingenieurswetenschappen
Applied Mechanics
Educational team
Jean-Jacques Speyer (course titular)
Activities and contact hours

18 contact hours Lecture
18 contact hours Independent or External Form of Study
Course Content


1 The State of the Aerospace Industry : civil/military aircraft, airlines, ATC/ATM, UAV

Past, present and future as a function of specific needs (demographic, networks, social, economic, ecological, technological, industrial, regulatory) that continuously evolve and

  • Drive either regeneration or revitalization of this industry
  • Drive evolution of regulatory rules & certification standards

2Aircraft Design :

   Conceptual, Preliminary, Detailed in the context of the course purpose & overall program
   Top Level Requirements : Technical, Regulatory, Operational, Economical, Environmental

  • Technology drivers: fuel efficiency, weight & drag reduction, maintenance, engines, carbon footprint, emissions, bio- & alternative fuels, noise, vibration,
  • Environmental Certification with CS25 Noise Footprint & Pollution Regulations

   Aircraft Development Cycles : Civil / Military, Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
   Mission Specification and Mission Profile : Turbo-Props & - Jets, Mil Fighters/Interceptors

   Market Forecasting and Industry Outlook : Methods and State of Affairs

3  Aircraft Certification, Regulations & Standards:ICAO/FAA/JAA/EASA/EUROCAE,RTCA,SAE

   Certification Specifications : Book1: - Airworthiness Codes CS23, CS25, FAA25, MIL Std / Spec

 - Applicability: products, parts, appliances

   Certification Application:       Book2: - Applicable Methods of Compliance, Advisory Circulars

  Establishing a Certification Basis to prepare the Flight Test Program for Compliance:

                -Special Conditions (SC), Certification Review Item (CRI),  
                -Equivalent Level of Safety (ELOS), Safety Info Bulletin (SIB)
Product Certification Compliance: Establishing an Aircraft’s Type Design Data Sheet (TDCS)
                 - Changed Product Rule(Major/Minor) / Identifying the TC Basis / Preparing a Test Program

Equipment Certification Compliance: (EU) Technical Standard Order (E-TSO),

- Application of DO-160, ISO,NAS, MIL, MS, SAE Stand’s

Operational Requirements


  • Spirit of CS-25 (large A/C) vs CS23 (light & commuters) with Book 1 & 2 issues per Subpart A TO J and Appendices A TO N as treated topic by topic (flight, structure, construction, powerplant, equipment, operation limits/conditions,power sources)

4 Preliminary Weight Estimation : quick sizing technique for mission profiles, fuel fractions,
                                                             historical mission profiles, cruise weight fraction, loiter    
                                                             weight weight fraction, empty weight fraction, spec fuel
                                                             consumption trends, quick L/D estimates, wetted area
                                                             ratio, cruise & loiter estimates, cruise requirements, quick
                                                             design & sizing, range trade, payload trade, composite
                                                             material trade, weights, cg travel, payload-range trades,
                                                             small aircraft range estimation, turbo-jets & prop cases,

  • CS25 Subpart B Flight Regulations on Weight Compliance 25.20 to 25.29
  • CS25 Subpart B Flight Performance Regulations: 25.101 to 25.125


5 Preliminary Fuselage Design : cross section, passenger compartment length, nose, aft
                                                         crew station & passenger compartment, outside vision,
                                                         emergency evacuation provisions, civil & military cargo,
                                                         weapons loading, fuselage location on wing, wetted area  
                                                         estimations, volume plots,

  • CS25 Subpart D Design & Construction Regs: 25.771 (Pilot Compartment); 25.772 (Pilot Compartment doors); 25.773(Pilot Compartment view)25.785 Seats, berths, safety belts, harnesses, 25.787 Stowage, 25.795 Security  
  • CS25 Subpart D Design & Construction Regs: 25.803 to 25.843 (Emergency Evacuation & Lighting, Aisle Withs, Seats Abreast, Ventilation, Pressurisation)
  • CS25 Subpart D Design & Construction Regs: 25.851 to 25.869 Fire Protection Extinguishers Cabin, Lavatory, Cargo Compartments

6 Engine Sizing and Arrangement : Landing Requirements, Wing Loading in L/D, L/D DIST,
                                                                                 Wing Loading in T/O, TOD, Cruise Requirements, Engine
                                                                                 Selection Chart, Engine size & Wing area, Initial sizing

                                                                                  Turbojet & Turbofan eng’s, T/O Thrust, Power to Weight Ratios,  
                                                                                  thrust matching / lapse, eng ratings, Net Thrust in
                                                                                  T/O & CR, SFC, Turboprops, E/O, Balanced Field Length,

  • CS25 Subpart B Flight Performance Regulations: 25.101 - 25.125 (Performance)

7 Preliminary Wing Design : profiles, geometry, polars, trends, effects, high lift devices, wing
                                                  tips, stall speeds, spin, max lift coeff’s for T/O-LDG conf, layout

  • CS25 Subpart B Flight Regulations: Controllability, Trim, Stability, Stalls
                                                                    25.143 to 25.207, 25.231 to 25.255
  • CS25 Subpart D Design & Construction Regs on Lift-Drag Devices: 25.697-25.701


8 Preliminary Horizontal & Vertical Tail Design : Tail Sizing, effects, trim & longitudinal
                                                static stability, stick-fixed neutral point, stick-fixed static margin,
                                                horiz tail area for stability requirement, trim & lateral static
                                                stability, horizontal & vertical tail placement, stability derivative,

  • CS25 Subpart B Flight Regulations & Guidelines: Controllability, Trim, Stability
                                                                    25.143 to 25.207, 25.231 to 25.255
  • CS25 Subpart D Design & Construction Regs on Control Systems: 25.671 - 25.677


9 Landing Gear Design: basic arrangements, tip-over criteria, tire pressures & sizing,
                                                            location,length, Load Classification Number, brakes, mechanical
                                                            design, retraction geometry,

  • CS25 Subpart C Structure Regulations: 25.471 to 25.519, 25.561 to 25.562
  • CS25 Subpart D Design & Construction Regs: 25.721 to 25.745 (Landing Gear)

10 Structural Design: load paths for fuselage & wings, design principles, producability,
                                                  crashworthiness, maintainability, design airspeeds
                                                  & airload requirements, windshear, maneuver & gust envelope,
                                                  static & dynamic testing, composites, fatigue evaluation,  
                                                  lightning protection, justification principles,

  • CS25 Subpart C : 25.301 - 25.351 (Loads, Safety, Maneuvers & Gusts Envelope)  
  • CS25 Subpart C Structure Regulations: 25.561/562 (Emerg Landing Provisions)
  • CS25 Subpart C Structure Regulations on Fatigue Evaluation: 25.571
    (Damage Tolerance Fail Safe Evaluation - Fatigue Safe Life Evaluation)
  • CS25 Subpart C Structure Regulations on Lightning Protection: 25.581


11 Refined Weight & Balance Estimates : Process, limit load factor, design diving speed,
                                                                          group weights & center of gravity ( wing, fuselage,
                                                                          gear, tail, propulsion, nacelle, flight controls, APU,
                                                                          Instruments, Hydraulic and Pneumatics, Electrics,
                                                                          Avionics, Equipments, Air Conditioning & Anti-icing


  • CS25 Subpart C Structure Regulations : More on Maneuvers and Gusts Envelope 
  • CS25 Subpart D Design & Construction Regs: 25.601 (Flutter); 25.603 (Materials); 25.605 (Fabrication Methods); 25.609 (Protection of Structures); 25.613 (Material Strength properties and design values); 25.629 (Aeroelastic Stability Requirements with MD/VD); 25.631 Bird Strike Damage


12 Drag for Cruise, T/O, LDG Estimation : skin friction (laminar & turbulent), form drag, wing
                                                                          and tail drag, fuselag drag, nacelle and pylon drag,
                                                                          landing gear drag flaps & slats drag, zero-lift drag,
                                                                          compressibility drag, area ruling, wave drag,
                                                                          sweepback effects, aircraft drag coefficient,

  • Aircraft drag coefficient to determine thrust available & thrust required

13 Operational Evaluation :  


  • CS25 Subpart G Operating Limitations and Information: 25.1501 to 25.1517 CS CS 25.1503 Airspeed Limitations (with review of EAS-IAS-TAS);
    CS 25.1519 Weights, Center of Gravity & Weight Distribution

    CS 25.1523 (Mini Crew) and Appendix D;  CS 25.1525 (Kinds of Operation);
    CS 25.1527 (Ambiant Air Temp & Operating Altitude-Standard Atmosphere)
  • CS 25.1529 Instructions for Continued Airworthiness; Appendix H Instructions for repairs, maintenance organisation on establishing MPD from MSG to MRB
  • CS25 Subpart G Operating Limitations and Information: 25.1581 Flight Manual; CS 25.1585 Operating Procedures; 25.1591 Performance Information for Operations with Contaminated Runway Surface Conditions; ETOPS


14 System Safety & Overall Integration :

Safety Objectives, Types of Failures, Multi-layered Certification requirements Analytical Techniques ( FTA, FMEA, SSA, HZA), Zonal Analyses, Common Cause Analysis, Particular Risk Analysis ( e.g. for Uncontained Engine Failure) with AMC’s specifying methods to comply with CS requirements (FAA-harmonized),Impact of Safety Analyses (Flight Ops, Maintenance, MMEL, CDL, DDL), Digital Equipment (RTCA DO 178 – EUROCAEED12),

Cockpit, Ergonomy and Human Factors Certification issues, thematics and solutions,

  • CS25 Subpart D Design & Construction Regs: Fire protection 25.851 to 25.869
  • CS25 Subpart D Design & Construction Regs: Static Electricity protection 25.899
  • CS25 Subpart E Powerplant Regulations: 25.901 to 25.945 (Installation & varia)
  • CS25 Subpart E Powerplant Regulations: 25.951 to 25.981 (Fuel Tank Safety)
  • CS25 Subpart E Powerplant Regulations: 25.1181 to 25.1203 (Fire Protection)
  • CS25 Subpart F Equipment Regulations: 25.1301 to 25.1317 and specifically

CS 25.1302 on Installed Systems and Equipment for use by the Flight Crew
CS 25.1309with Failure Classifications (Equipment, Systems Installations,

CS 25.1310 Electrical System and Equipment Protection and Segregation,

CS 25.1316 - 25.1317 Electromagnetic Interference and Lightning

  • CS25 Subpart F Equipment Reg’s: 25.1321 - 25.1337 on Instruments Installation
  • CS25 Subpart F Equipment Regulations on Electrical Systems & Equipment
    25.1351 to 25.1365; on Hydraulic Systems 25.1435 ; Pneumatic Systems 25.1436; Pressurisation systems 25.1438 ; Oxygen System 25.1441 to 25.1453; Cockpit Voice Recorders 25.1457; Flight Recorders 25.1459
  • CS25 and FAR 25 Evolutions, CS25 and FAR 25 Harmonisations, other AA’s,


15 Resulting Payload-Range Specification :

  • Aircraft Payload-Range Analysis for Financiers


16 Aircraft Pricing & Economic Analysis :

  • Aircraft Development Cost Estimations: non-recurring and recurring costs
  • Aircraft Operating Cost Estimations: direct and indirect operating costs
  • Fleet Planning for Airlines

17 Parametric Studies :  

  • Trade Studies
  • Spreadsheet methods, Carpet Plots, Multidisciplinary Design Optimisation

18 Aircraft Specification :

                                                      Type Specification Criteria, Analysis of Existing Aircraft, 
                                                      Innovative/Unconventional Design Concepts, Derivative
                                                      Designs, Lessons Learned in A/C Design,
                                                      Computer-Aided Designs,

  • CS25 and FAR 25 Evolutions, CS25 and FAR 25 Harmonisations, other AA’s,



Additional info

Proficiency with Matlab is a prerequisite as well as methematical-numerical skills, not unusual at this stage of the engineering education as well as a genuine interest for innovations in the aeronautical industry.

  • Specification engineering can as from now be performed by means of the “RDS Student Software” emanating from a top US Designer Daniel Raymer whose course was attended by JJ Speyer and with whom contact is kept.  If RDS is not amenable to new types of design (e.g. LH2 designs or Flying Wings for thesis work) RDS still offers the possibility to perform side-loop calculations that can be reinjected for further studies all the way down to operating economics. One of the advantages of RDS is that it can be coupled with industry databases (Boeing Wind Model, Eurocontrol BADA-database etc etc) or ancillary design programmes (relative to MDO). By means of this software RDS we have now the practical  possibility to apply all the course basics with a free of charge means after years of attempts with a host of other products not to be mentionned here not to prejudice their owners.

Books followed for this course are the following:

  • My coursenotes on a dedicated dropbox updates each and every year
  • Commercial Airplane Design Principles by Pasquale M. Sforza, Elsevier ISBN 978-0-012-419953-8
  • Civil Jet Aircraft Design by Lloyd R. Jenkinson, Paul Simpkin, Darren Rhodes, AIAA Education Series, ISBN 0-340-74152-X
  • Aircraft Design Projects for Engineering Students by Lloyd R. Jenkinson, J.F. Marchman AIAA Education Series, ISBN 1-56347-619-3
  • Aircraft Design: a conceptual approach by Daniel Raymer AIAA Education Series ISBN 0-930403-517

Ample use is made of current professional Aerospace media such as:

  • Aviation Week & Space Technology (Mc. Graw Hill) and of Flight International (Reed)


  • EASA CS 25 and FAA FAR 25 can be downloaded and are followed to understand rules & regulations presiding over the setup & organization of aircraft specifications from preliminary design to type certification.
Learning Outcomes

Algemene competenties

The major objective is hereby to provide a thorough insight into contemporary as well as into vintage aircraft designs and their associated specification, engineering, testing / fine-tuning and certification transforming theory into practice to adapt to industrial, airworthiness, safety, environmental and economic necessities. New designs from major manufacturers are now being engineered in case studies or thesis projects using RDS like those Airbus is envisioning for entry into service by 2035-2040 propulsed using fuel cells with cryogenic liquid hydrogen tanks or for smaller aircraft with hybrid electric propulsion. 
The course aims to provide a sufficient introduction and insight into  every aspect of an aircraft’s design so that the student would have developed necessary knowledge and aptitudes to evaluate it. 

The following aspects are hereby examined:

·Specification Requirements & Functionional  Objectives

.Certification Requirements and Regulatory Overview

·Weight, Performance, Cost, Reliability, Noise, Eco-Efficiency

·Design-principles (Iteration-cycles, Optimisation, Trade-offs)

·Design-decisions ( Market studies, Maturity, Production)

·Design Background, Evolution, State of the Art A/C Examples

·Subsystem Architecture and Schematics

·Technical Utilisation Principles & Philosophy

·Verification & Validation principles (V&V cycle, Safety, Testing)


The final grade is composed based on the following categories:
Other Exam determines 100% of the final mark.

Within the Other Exam category, the following assignments need to be completed:

  • case study with a relative weight of 1 which comprises 100% of the final mark.

Additional info regarding evaluation
Students have to collectivelly (small groups of ideally 3 to 4 students) present an aircraft case study which consists in the development of an existing aircraft that is made more efficient or is a derivative that is modified for another passenger configuration or with new engines.
Alternatively, since last year new designs from major manufacturers are now being engineered in case studies or thesis projects using RDS like those Airbus is envisioning for entry into service by 2035-2040 propulsed using fuel cells with cryogenic liquid hydrogen tanks or for smaller aircraft with hybrid electric propulsion. The availability of RDS greatly facilitates progress and learning and avoids losing valuable amounts of time in computations.
Overall the course is applied with due consideration of all airworthiness regulations, weight calculations, performance derivations, structural results, stability & control requirements, handling qualities, system architectures, mission requirements, route studies and cost evaluations.
Allowed unsatisfactory mark
The supplementary Teaching and Examination Regulations of your faculty stipulate whether an allowed unsatisfactory mark for this programme unit is permitted.

Academic context

This offer is part of the following study plans:
Master of Electromechanical Engineering: Aeronautics and Aerospace (only offered in Dutch)
Master of Electromechanical Engineering: Aeronautics