4 ECTS credits
110 u studietijd

Aanbieding 1 met studiegidsnummer 4017225ENR voor alle studenten in het 1e semester met een verdiepend master niveau.

1e semester
Inschrijving onder examencontract
Niet mogelijk
Beoordeling (0 tot 20)
2e zittijd mogelijk
Onder samenwerkingsakkoord
Onder interuniversitair akkoord mbt. opleiding
Faculteit Ingenieurswetenschappen
Verantwoordelijke vakgroep
Architectonische ingenieurswetenschappen
Niels De Temmerman (titularis)
Onderdelen en contacturen
0 contacturen Exam
24 contacturen Lecture
24 contacturen Practical exercises

Today, virtually all designers, architects, architectural or civil engineers operating in the built environment are directly or indirectly confronted with the concept of sustainability. Sustainable design requires a holistic view, which takes all aspects into account that are of influence on the complete life cycle of constructions, their constitutive components and the materials they are made of, not neglecting the urban scale on which they operate. Taking responsibility for one’s designs and the way they behave in and interact with the built environment - now and in the future - is a key aspect.

‘Entities’ (urban fragments, constructions, components) which are required to be of use here and now, but also in a future (unknown) scenario, have to be provided with an adaptive or transformational capacity. Transformation of structures for architectural and structural engineering applications is generally accomplished by one of two means: by incorporating a kinematic mechanism into the structure or by conceiving the construction as a kit-of-parts system.

Designing a structural mechanism leads to what is commonly known as a ‘deployable structure’, allowing an instant transformation from a compact state to an expanded, deployed configuration, in which it is ready for use. Examples are exhibition pavilions, emergency tents, stage covers for festivals, or even large retractable roofs for sports stadia.

Designing a kit of parts system requires that the structure can be partly or completely dismantled into its components, after which it can be rebuilt, allowing the structure to adapt to changing circumstances. Key concepts are compatibility and re-use of components.


This course focusses on gaining knowledge and insight in some aspects of sustainable design and transformable structures: the necessary concepts, methodologies, tools and techniques are taught. Digital parametric design tools (Rhinoceros 3D + plugin Grasshopper) are taught and by means of intermediate exercises it is shown how these can be used for the design and the evaluation of a transformable concept. As a final assignment the student is expected to be able to apply this knowledge by himself in a design project, thereby demonstrating insight, creativity and critical reflection. The developed concept operates on one or several of four levels: material, component, structure or urban scale.

Bijkomende info

All presentations, lists of relevant papers and books for further reading are available at the course pages at http://pointcarre.vub.ac.be.

Students are expected to posess the necessary knowledge and skills to conceive a design project based on rational arguments and which answers to a well-defined problem statement.

All information and course material is in English, as is all formal communication. A good level of understanding and proficiency in the verbal and written use of the English language is expected.

Knowledge of digital design and analysis tools is an asset.


General competencies.

The Master of Science in Engineering has in-depth knowledge and understanding of integrated structural design methods in the framework of a global design strategy.

The Master of Science in Engineering can reformulate complex engineering problems in order to solve them (simplifying assumptions, reducing complexity).

The Master of Science in Engineering can conceive, plan and execute a research project, based on an analysis of its objectives, existing knowledge and the relevant literature, with attention to innovation and valorisation in industry and society.

The Master of Science in Engineering can present and defend results in a scientifically sound way, using contemporary communication tools, for a national as well as for an international professional or lay audience.

The Master of Science in Engineering can collaborate in a (multidisciplinary) team.

The Master of Science in Engineering has a creative, problem-solving, result-driven and evidence-based attitude, aiming at innovation and applicability in industry and society.

The Master of Science in Engineering has a critical attitude towards one’s own results and those of others.

The Master of Science in Engineering has consciousness of the ethical, social, environmental and economic context of his/her work and strives for sustainable solutions to engineering problems including safety and quality assurance aspects.

The Master of Science in Engineering has the flexibility and adaptability to work in an international and/or intercultural context.

The Master of Science in Architectural Engineering has in-depth knowledge and understanding of architectural sciences and sustainable design methods and theories with the specificity of their application to complex architectural and urban design projects.

The Master of Science in Architectural Engineering can conceive and implement design concepts by creatively integrating architectural and engineering sciences with attention to the structural, material and energy performance of buildings and structures, and their architectural value and constructability.

The Master of Science in Architectural Engineering can design innovative buildings and structures based on cutting-edge (digital) modelling and analysis methods, and a good understanding of material and structural behaviour.

The Master of Science in Architectural Engineering can communicate design concepts and projects effectively using state-of-the-art physical and digital representation techniques (drawings, images, renderings, and three-dimensional models).

The Master of Science in Architectural Engineering can expand the scale of the design problem not only in space, but also in time – a crucial dimension of sustainable design – and to comprehend the multi-scalar effects of design interventions.


De beoordeling bestaat uit volgende opdrachtcategorieën:
Examen Andere bepaalt 40% van het eindcijfer

WPO Presentatie bepaalt 15% van het eindcijfer

WPO Praktijkopdracht bepaalt 35% van het eindcijfer

Andere bepaalt 10% van het eindcijfer

Binnen de categorie Examen Andere dient men volgende opdrachten af te werken:

  • Exam met een wegingsfactor 1 en aldus 40% van het totale eindcijfer.

Binnen de categorie WPO Presentatie dient men volgende opdrachten af te werken:

  • Intermediate presentation met een wegingsfactor 1 en aldus 15% van het totale eindcijfer.

Binnen de categorie WPO Praktijkopdracht dient men volgende opdrachten af te werken:

  • Exercises met een wegingsfactor 1 en aldus 35% van het totale eindcijfer.

Binnen de categorie Andere dient men volgende opdrachten af te werken:

  • Evolution met een wegingsfactor 1 en aldus 10% van het totale eindcijfer.

Aanvullende info mbt evaluatie

The individual exercises during the course are used to evaluate the knowledge of and the insight in digital parametric design. They need to be delivered on a regular basis by means of the Pointcarré learning platform.

The students are asked to deliver a design assignment within the context of the discussed topics related to sustainable design and transformable structures. This assignment takes the form of group work, requiring a successful collaboration between the group members. For the design assignment, the individual mark of the student will be identical to the global mark awarded to the group.

Through an intermediate presentation or round table discussion the preliminary concept is evaluated and discussed. These remarks and recommendations are to be taken into account for the final presentation during the exam, at which the supervisors, as well as external jury members with appropriate expertise, are invited. The expected final deliverables are a presentation in both graphic and verbal form and a poster explaining the problem statement, design goal, project results and conclusions. The use of physical (scale) models is strongly encouraged.  The process of the student is also evaluated, reflecting aspects such as active participation in the discussions and overall evolution.

Whoever fails to participate to the presentations or fails to deliver the exercises (on time) cannot succeed.

The final score is calculated as follows:

The individual exercises are graded for 35%
The intermediate presentation is graded for 15%
The final exam presentation is graded for 40%
The evolution during the course (process) is graded for 10%

A mix of online classes and on-campus classes are possible, both for the lectures as for the exercise sessions.

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Academische context

Deze aanbieding maakt deel uit van de volgende studieplannen:
Master in de ingenieurswetenschappen: bouwkunde: Standaard traject
Master of Civil Engineering: Standaard traject (BRUFACE) (enkel aangeboden in het Engels)
Master of Architectural Engineering: Standaard traject (BRUFACE) (enkel aangeboden in het Engels)