6 ECTS credits
154 h study time

Offer 1 with catalog number 4018702FNR for all students in the 1st and 2nd semester at a (F) Master - specialised level.

1st and 2nd semester
Enrollment based on exam contract
Grading method
Grading (scale from 0 to 20)
Can retake in second session
Taught in
Faculty of Physical Education and Physiotherapy
Bewegings- en Sportwetenschappen
Educational team
Paul Wylleman
Veerle De Bosscher (course titular)
Koen De Brandt
Activities and contact hours

24 contact hours Lecture
18 contact hours Seminar, Exercises or Practicals
52 contact hours Independent or External Form of Study
Course Content

During the HPM-course, ‘performance management’ and elite sport are approached from three perspectives.
The macro-level concerns the commercial, political and social and cultural factors that have an impact on the management of elite sport.
The mesolevel is concerned with measuring performance and success, the management of elite sport policy, a comparison of elite sport policies, quality and performance management of sport organisations and the governance of elite sport.
At the microlevel the athletic and post-athletic career of athletes is approached from a holistic perspective, as well as the support services for elite athletes, coaches and the elite sport team.
Finally, attention is paid to the environment of elite sport, such as increased commercialization, globalization, risk management and drugs.

The HPM course is taught during one intensive week (and one lesson before and after) whereby 100% attendance is obliged. During this week some themes are taught, based on the latest international research, others are offered by the guided literature (see study material).

Furthermore, students make a group ‘elite sport project’, that should enable them to critically analyse one of the themes in HPM. In this project, they (either) have to analyse and interpret the organizational/governance development of elite sport, (either) the individual development of an elite athlete, by working on a case study around an agreed theme.

Course material
Handbook (Required) : Managing high performance sport, P. Sotiriaudou & V. De Bosscher, Routledge, 9780415671996, 2013
Additional info

Handbook (required)

P. Sotiriadou, V. De Bosscher (2013).Managing high Performance Sport. London and New York, UK: Routledge. ISBN: 978-0-415-67195-8 (322p)

Digital course material – slides course

Guided literature:

·         Each chapter in the book provides guided reading and key questions

  • De Bosscher, V., Shibli, S., Westerbeek, H. & van Bottenburg, M. (2015). Successful elite sport policies. An international comparison of the Sports Policy factors Leading to International Sporting Success (SPLISS 2.0) in 15 nations. Aachen: Meyer & Meyer.
  • De Bosscher, V.,De Knop, P., Van Bottenburg, M. (2008). Vlaanderen Sport. Ook aan de top. Een internationale vergelijking van het topsportbeleid en topsportklimaat in zes landen [Flanders ‘practices in sports’, also at the top level. An international comparison of the elite sport climate and policies in six nations]. Nieuwegein: Arko Sports Media. ISBN 978-90-5472-066-9 (247p)
Learning Outcomes

General competencies

Educational Learning Outcomes related to the Master MOSS

Focus on academic scientific education
1.    has a 'free' inquisitive attitude, evaluates (his/her own) research results and is able to translate these to the various actors (scientist, professional innovator)
2.    is able independently to elaborate and evaluate innovative practice examples on the basis of international scientific research information (scientist)
3.    is able to report, present and discuss, orally and in writing, research results with colleagues and (non-)colleagues in a scientifically sound manner (scientist, promoter & adviser)
4.    is able to detect, assess and communicate new trends in physical education, movement culture and movement sciences from specialist and advanced scientific knowledge and insights (scientist, promoter & adviser, professional innovator)
5.    continues to develop him/herself (professionally, both in practice and in theory) by keeping abreast of current scientific evidence and new insights into the international discipline (scientist, professional innovator, promoter & adviser)

Focus on professional practice
1.    has an insight into the market, the field of work, the relevant professional organisations and policy bodies, with a view to ensuring maximum employability in a multidisciplinary setting (professional innovator, manager) 
2.    is able to take leadership in an ethically responsible manner and to guide, manage and steer a group in an (unpredictable) professional, multidisciplinary context and divers context (educator & coach, manager)
3.    is able to develop policy preparation activities, solve policy issues and actively participate in policy in a well-informed and critical manner (manager)
4.    possesses the intercultural competencies needed to deal as a world citizen with present and future challenges in a sustainable and humane society (manager, professional innovator)
5.    is able to communicate professionally with both groups and individuals from various sectors (manager, promoter & adviser)
6.    is able to deal holistically with the effects of the pressure (to perform) on him/herself, individuals and in a team environment (manager, educator & coach) 
7.    is able to defend the interests of the profession in relation to policy and the other actors within the field of work (manager, professional innovator, promoter & adviser) 
8.    is able to participate in the strategic and/or operational management of an organisation (manager)

Specific to HPM:

the aim of the course HPM is to develop knowledge and insights in the broader meaning of HPM at the micro, meso en macro-level, and understand the role of policies and different aspects that can influence performance. 

1. Develop insights in the measurement and evaluation of performance and success

2. Develop insights in the international developments in regard to elite sport policies and understand how they can influence success

3. Hypothesize and analyze the organizational dynamics of elite sport, and the inter-relationship with sport for all, as well as the way in which sport policy organizations and others anticipate and react to general social developments

4. Being able to understand the different organizations involved in HPM from a macro-meso-micro perspective, interpret critically

5. Understand social developments in relation to elite sport (e.g. commercialisation, drugs), approach the themes critically and the consequences for elite sport development

6. Define a strategy to control and evaluate the organisatonal performance of sportorganisations (vb. federations, clubs) and be able to develop policy consequences

Elite sport project: Students should be able to apply the knowledge to an empirical case study (including literature and critical analysis of a topic)


The final grade is composed based on the following categories:
Other Exam determines 100% of the final mark.

Within the Other Exam category, the following assignments need to be completed:

  • Exam+case study+presnt with a relative weight of 1 which comprises 100% of the final mark.

    Note: (1) Tijdens de intensive week, geven studenten een presentatie aan elkaar over een thema waarin ze zich adhv het boek HPM hebben verdiept en evalueren elkaar hierover (peer assessment).

    (2) Door middel van het HPM topsportproject, moeten studenten in staat zijn om zelf een vooropgesteld thema met betrekking tot HPM in sport kritisch te benaderen, te analyseren en strategisch te plannen in functie van beleids- of begeleidingsdoeleinden. Daarbij moeten ze de verschillende perspectieven en contexten van (ofwel) bestuurlijke en organisatorische ontwikkelingen in de topsport, (ofwel) een individuele ontwikkeling van een topsporter interpreteren. Dit moet resulteren in (a) een literatuurstudie, (b) een case-study die op individuele wijze schriftelijk ingediend te worden en (c) via groepswerk mondeling moet toegelicht worden.


    Peer-assessment: 15 (niet voor T&C)

    Literatuurstudie: 30

    Schriftelijke casestudy: 30

    Groepspresentatie: 25

Additional info regarding evaluation

General: Develop knowledge and insights in the broader meaning of HPM at the micro, meso en macro-level, and understand the role of policies and different aspects that can influence performance.


Master students Sports and movement science:

  1. Develop insights in the measurement and evaluation of performance and success
  2. Develop insights in the international developments in regard to elite sport policies and understand how they can influence success
  3. Hypothesize and analyze the organizational dynamics of elite sport, and the inter-relationship with sport for all, as well as the way in which sport policy organizations and others anticipate and react to general social developments
  4. Being able to understand the different organizations involved in HPM from a macro-meso-micro perspective, interpret critically
  5. Understand social developments in relation to elite sport (e.g. commercialisation, drugs), approach the themes critically and the consequences for elite sport development
  6. Define a strategy to control and evaluate the organizational performance of sportorganisations (vb. federations, clubs) and be able to develop policy consequences
  7. Are able to apply the knowledge to an empirical case study (including literature and critical analysis of a topic)
Allowed unsatisfactory mark
The supplementary Teaching and Examination Regulations of your faculty stipulate whether an allowed unsatisfactory mark for this programme unit is permitted.

Academic context

This offer is part of the following study plans:
Master of Movement and Sports Sciences: Afstudeerrichting sportbeleid en sportmanagement - profiel onderwijs (only offered in Dutch)
Master of Movement and Sports Sciences: Afstudeerrichting sportbeleid en sportmanagement - profiel sporttraining en coaching (only offered in Dutch)
Master of Movement and Sports Sciences: Afstudeerrichting sportbeleid en sportmanagement - profiel fysieke activiteit, fitheid en gezondheid (only offered in Dutch)
Master of Movement and Sports Sciences: Sports Policy and Sports Management Profile Profile Sports Policy and Sports Management (only offered in Dutch)