3 ECTS credits
90 h study time

Offer 1 with catalog number 1021634BNR for all students in the 2nd semester at a (B) Bachelor - advanced level.

2nd semester
Enrollment based on exam contract
Grading method
Grading (scale from 0 to 20)
Can retake in second session
Enrollment Requirements
Alvorens men zich kan inschrijven voor dit studiedeel dient men geslaagd te zijn voor "Thermodynamica" en ingeschreven of geslaagd te zijn voor "Milieutechnologie ", "Wiskundige en fysische modellen: data-analyse in de biotechnologie", "Warmte- en Stromingsleer: basisbegrippen", "Economie en bedrijfsleven", "Mechanische en Thermische Bewerkingen" en "Warmte- en Stromingsleer: modelleren".
Taught in
Faculty of Sciences and Bioengineering Sciences
Bio-Engineering Sciences
Educational team
Joeri Denayer (course titular)
Wim De Malsche
Activities and contact hours

72 contact hours Seminar, Exercises or Practicals
Course Content

This 'Integrated Project - Process and Environmental Technology' is in line with the 'Integrated Project Biotechnology', in that it further builds on skills introduced in this first integrated project. In addition, certain aspects will be further elaborated, with emphasis on process technology, environmental and energetic aspects.

In the 'Integrated Project Process and Environmental Technology', students are confronted with a challenging problem. In the first year in which this 'Integrated Project Process and Environmental Technology' is organized, the project will be centred around the question 'How should one produce biofuels during space missions?'.

In this first project, the recovery of chemicals produced by microorganisms forms the central theme. Common problems and questions from classical process technology are to be dealt with: mass and heat transfer (how can we grow micro-organisms at low gravity? How do we ensure efficient supply and mixing of oxygen and nutrients?); deparation of solid and liquid (sedimentation, filtration, centrifugation); concentration, purification and recovery of chemicals from solutions (distillation, crystallization, membrane separations, adsorption, extraction, etc.). Environmental aspects are evenly important: energy efficiency of the various possible processes / unit operations; recycling of raw materials; processing and valorisation of waste streams and by-products, safety ...

After presentation of the problem, each team should present a number of possible technologies based on the theoretical knowledge provided in other courses and after carrying out a literature study (under supervision). Calculations should be performed to determine the best possible technology is. Both technical aspects and sustainability should be considered. Since processes and systems should be devised for operation under low gravity conditions, the classical methods should be approached differently. At the end of this analysis, the team presents their intermediate conclusions.

In a next phase, a design must be made for one of the steps throughout the entire process. This design should then be built and tested. The students will be faced with a number of challenges and find innovative solutions. Creative and out of the box thinking will be stimulated. Nevertheless, this entire process will be conducted under supervision, which will ensure that a number of essential steps are pursued by each team.

The students will carry out this assignment in teams of up to 6 people. At the start of the project, a specific role will be assigned to all members of the team. Teamwork, planning, follow-up of planning, internal and external communication are important aspects of the project. At the end of the project, a written report must be handed over.

Specific activities in the project are:

  • Analysis of the problem
  • Searching for information and reporting on it
  • Planning of project tasks
  • Project management
  • Performing calculations for different unit operations (mass and energy balances, kinetics, efficiency, power consumption, etc.)
  • Comparing the various unit operations in terms of efficiency, energy consumption, sustainability - taking into account the boundary conditions. Selection of an 'optimal' process.
  • Design and drawing of flow modules.
  • Manufacturing and assembly of devices (pumps, flow modules, detectors, membranes ...)
  • Experimental characterization and testing of the experimental device
  • Developing analytical methods for determining the composition of the mixture
  • Performing experiments with the device
  • Processing and analysis of the obtained experimental results
  • Extrapolation to a number of conditions specified by the teacher (e.g. microgravity, specific fermentation medium from which a fuel is extracted)
  • Estimate the environmental impact under given conditions
  • Reporting
Additional info


Learning Outcomes

General competences

The learning outcomes of this course include:

- Students can select the most appropriate unit operations in a process technology project to answer a problem statement, taking into account the boundary conditions.

- The students can perform calculations to justify the choice of a particular process or particular unit operation, in terms of efficiency, energy consumption, sustainability and other relevant parameters.

- The students have insight, modeling and design skills in thermodynamic and transport processes and in unit operations in the biotechnology & chemical industry.

- Students can independently find new information and refer correctly to it. They can critically approach and process this information.

- Students can work independently. They can take responsibility to independently perform certain tasks (such as planning of experiments).

- Students can work efficiently in a group and create a team spirit.

- Students can design and manage a project according to the rules of project management. They can adapt their project approach or reschedule to unexpected issues.

- Students can analyse, process and interpret the results of their experiments.

- Students can communicate verbally and in writing in a clear and structured way about information, ideas, problems and results in their project. They can synthesize clearly. They can use discipline-based terminology.

- Students can develop innovative and creative ideas.


This course contributes to the achievement of the training-specific learning outcomes:

- OLR5 have basic knowledge, insight, modelling- and design skills in thermodynamic & transport processes and in unit operations and global production processes in the biotechnology & chemical industry.

- OLR6 have an engineering attitude: formulate (approximate) models, be results-oriented, assess feasibility and take into account technical boundary conditions.

- OLR7 can accurately and safely conduct experiments and independently analyse, process and interpret results and data.

- OLR8 can independently search for new information, correctly refer to it, critically assess and process it. They can also select and apply thought-through experimental methods and formulate a problem statement or hypothesis.

- OLR9 can work independently and purposefully, take responsibility and work in a team.

- OLR10 can communicate in a clear and written manner about information, ideas, problems and results in the field. They are familiar with discipline-based terminology, both in Dutch and in English.

- OLR11 can reason in a problem-solving and project-oriented way and are curious, creative and innovative.

- OLR13 can reflect on social and ethical issues and are concerned with for sustainability and safety.


The final grade is composed based on the following categories:
Other Exam determines 100% of the final mark.

Within the Other Exam category, the following assignments need to be completed:

  • Examen andere with a relative weight of 1 which comprises 100% of the final mark.

Additional info regarding evaluation

- permanent evaluation during project execution, taking into account the following aspects: team work, project management, commitment, creativity, calculations, design, experimental work, processing and interpretation of results, intermediate communication of progress

- written report

Allowed unsatisfactory mark
The supplementary Teaching and Examination Regulations of your faculty stipulate whether an allowed unsatisfactory mark for this programme unit is permitted.

Academic context

This offer is part of the following study plans:
Bachelor of Bioengineering Sciences: Profile Cell and Gene Biotechnology (only offered in Dutch)
Bachelor of Bioengineering Sciences: Profile Chemistry and Bioprocess Technology (only offered in Dutch)
Bachelor of Bioengineering Sciences: Initial track (only offered in Dutch)