3 ECTS credits
80 u studietijd

Aanbieding 1 met studiegidsnummer 4023632ENR voor alle studenten in het 2e semester met een verdiepend master niveau.

2e semester
Inschrijving onder examencontract
Niet mogelijk
Beoordeling (0 tot 20)
2e zittijd mogelijk
Onder samenwerkingsakkoord
Onder interuniversitair akkoord mbt. opleiding
Faculteit Ingenieurswetenschappen
Verantwoordelijke vakgroep
Mechanica van Materialen en Constructies
Externe partnerinstelling(en)
Université libre de Bruxelles
Stéphanie Staquet (titularis)
Onderdelen en contacturen
0 contacturen Exam
18 contacturen Lecture
18 contacturen Practical exercises

The valid fiche can be found at the following link: CNST - H401

Table of Contents for "Prestressed Concrete"

- Historical Introduction

- Introduction

- Loads induced by prestressing

- Prestress losses

- Analysis of sections and design of simple beams at SLS

- Bending strength (ULS) of sections and simple beams

- Shear strength (ULS) of simple beams

- Detailling of anchorage zones

- Composite construction

- Introduction to statically indeterminate PC structures

Course consists of a series of 2hours long  lecture sessions and several 4hours long exercises sessions, and a visit to a precasting yard or working place. Attendance to the exercises sessions and the vist is compulsory.


Digitaal cursusmateriaal (Vereist) : Lecture slides, Espion
Handboek (Aanbevolen) : Prestressed Concrete Design, Hurst, 2de, CRC Press, 9780367863555, 2019
Handboek (Aanbevolen) : Design of prestressed concrete, Gilbert & Mickleborough, BIB, 9780419161608, 2004
Praktisch cursusmateriaal (Aanbevolen) : Various technical literature published by specialist companies
Bijkomende info

The valid fiche can be found at the following link: CNST - H401

There will be no systematic detailled solutions of the exercises provided to the students.


Algemene competenties

Student becomes familiar with the practical applications of prestressed concrete and is able to carry out a preliminary design of a beam like prestressed concrete structure according to EC2 regulations and usual practice in Belgium.

General competences

The Master of Science in Engineering has in-depth knowledge and understanding of exact sciences with the specificity of their application to engineering.

The Master of Science in Engineering has in-depth knowledge and understanding of integrated structural design methods in the framework of a global design strategy.

The Master of Science in Engineering can develop, plan, execute and manage engineering projects at the level of a starting professional.

The Master of Science in Engineering has a critical attitude towards one’s own results and those of others.

The Master of Science in Civil Engineering can design (conceptually and quantitatively), model, realize and manage concrete, steel and composite structures in the context of buildings and civil engineering infrastructures.

The Master of Science in Civil Engineering – Option Structures can integrate advanced modelling tools for the design of complex structures in civil engineering.


De beoordeling bestaat uit volgende opdrachtcategorieën:
Examen Andere bepaalt 100% van het eindcijfer

Binnen de categorie Examen Andere dient men volgende opdrachten af te werken:

  • exam met een wegingsfactor 1 en aldus 100% van het totale eindcijfer.

    Toelichting: The valid fiche can be found at the following link: CNST - H401 (ULB)

Aanvullende info mbt evaluatie

The valid fiche can be found at the following link: CNST - H401

Evaluation will consist in a written exam aiming at solving exercises similar to those proposed in the exercise sessions. The only reference material allowed for this written exam is a printed copy of the lecture notes.

Toegestane onvoldoende
Kijk in het aanvullend OER van je faculteit na of een toegestane onvoldoende mogelijk is voor dit opleidingsonderdeel.

Academische context

Deze aanbieding maakt deel uit van de volgende studieplannen:
Master of Civil Engineering: Standaard traject (BRUFACE) (enkel aangeboden in het Engels)
Master of Architectural Engineering: Standaard traject (BRUFACE) (enkel aangeboden in het Engels)