3 ECTS credits
90 h study time

Offer 2 with catalog number 1006910BER for all students in the 1st semester at a (B) Bachelor - advanced level.

1st semester
Enrollment based on exam contract
Grading method
Grading (scale from 0 to 20)
Can retake in second session
Enrollment Requirements
Volgtijdelijkheid: De student is ingeschreven in de Bachelor Criminologische Wetenschappen en heeft reeds 20 studiepunten verworven binnen de Bachelor Criminologische Wetenschappen. Of de student is ingeschreven in de Master in de Rechten en heeft reeds 20 studiepunten van de opleiding Master in de Rechten verworven. Of de student is ingeschreven in het voorbereidingsprogramma Criminologische Wetenschappen. Of de student is ingeschreven in de bachelor criminologie met studieduurverkorting.
Taught in
Faculty of Law and Criminology
Educational team
Katrien De Koster (course titular)
Activities and contact hours

26 contact hours Lecture
60 contact hours Independent or External Form of Study
Course Content

In the first part, the historical and current development of the welfare state as a context in which welfare interventions take shape, is explained, as well as the most important policy options and the social map of (forensic) welfare work. The second part zooms in on knowledge about and practicing expected professionalism with regard to person-centered interventions. The third part comprises a number of specific intervention domains that are discussed as a case.

The lectures are organized interactively (case studies, zoom sessions, ...) with discussions as the methodology used.

Course material
Digital course material (Required) : Slides en Reader, Canvas
Additional info

This lecture is taught in evening classes in 6 contact hours (or digital equivalent) + self-study.

For further information, please contact katrien.de.koster@vub.be

Learning Outcomes

General competencies

Knowledge and insight

  • Graduates have insight into the (social) historical development of the welfare system in Belgium.
  • Graduates know the central theoretical concepts, basic methods and techniques of related fields of science (in casu psychology and social work).
  • Graduates have knowledge and insight into the role and operation of the various actors in the domain of welfare work.
  • Graduates master subject-specific terminology.


  • Graduates are able to place and critically evaluate contemporary welfare / criminological issues in a historical, cultural-social and political context.
  • Graduates can test theoretical insights from the study program against current affairs and the professional field.


  • Graduates have an interested, eager to learn, critical and independent attitude towards knowledge gathering and building.
  • Graduates have a keen interest in and sensitivity to social and criminological topics.
  • Graduates are respectful of the emotional and ethical aspects of the phenomena studied.
  • Graduates have a scientific, discipline-transcending attitude and openness to different problem definitions.


The final grade is composed based on the following categories:
Oral Exam determines 100% of the final mark.

Within the Oral Exam category, the following assignments need to be completed:

  • Oral Exam with a relative weight of 100 which comprises 100% of the final mark.

Additional info regarding evaluation

Not applicable.

Allowed unsatisfactory mark
The supplementary Teaching and Examination Regulations of your faculty stipulate whether an allowed unsatisfactory mark for this programme unit is permitted.

Academic context

This offer is part of the following study plans:
Bachelor of Psychology: Profile Profile Work and Organisational Psychology (only offered in Dutch)
Bachelor of Psychology: Profile Profile Clinical psychology (only offered in Dutch)
Bachelor of Criminology: Standaard traject (only offered in Dutch)
Bachelor of Criminology: Instroomplan 2 (only offered in Dutch)
Bachelor of Criminology: Instroomplan 3 (only offered in Dutch)
Bachelor of Criminology: Instroomplan 4 (only offered in Dutch)
Bachelor of Criminology: Instroomplan 5 (only offered in Dutch)
Master of Adult Education: Profile Cultural Studies (only offered in Dutch)
Master of Adult Education: Profile Social Studies (only offered in Dutch)
Master of Adult Education: Profile Education Studies (only offered in Dutch)
Master of Teaching in Behavioural Sciences: agogische wetenschappen (120 ECTS, Etterbeek) (only offered in Dutch)